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The brand-new Harry Potter adventure Hogwarts Legacy will very easily go down as one of 2023's best-sellers, a testament to its high quality and faithful treatment of the so-called Wizarding World. But its success is also a triumph for reason and truth, and a major defeat for the outrage machine that tried to destroy it via a distorted game of telephone. Nestled within the maelstrom is nonetheless a heck of a game, and we're eager to talk about Avalanche Software's release in-depth. Plus: BioWare's continuing troubles, PixelJunk's triumphant return to PlayStation, and much more news. Then: Listener inquiries! Should we be more mindful of old game spoilers to help the younger generations 'go in fresh'? Was the Nier: Automata Platinum Trophy a step too far? Did Take Two announce Ken Levine's Judas too early? Will Colin ever recover from the precipitous decline in almond volume in his Honey Bunches of Oats... With Almonds?


0:00:00 - Intro

0:06:43 - Will we cover other PlayStation production shows?

0:18:23 - How are things with the Keebler Elves?

0:25:15 - Where should we go in Richmond?

0:28:04 - Old men yell at clouds

0:30:11 - Should you get high with co-workers?

0:33:56 - What would our Rowling names be?

0:35:38 - The Last of Us: Part 1 gets delayed on PC

0:37:40 - Horizon: Call of the Mountain has gone gold

0:40:47 - The Switch has outsold the PS4

1:01:41 - What should PlayStation shadowdrop?

1:06:10 - Kitase does a Final Fantasy VII interview

1:07:56 - Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is getting a demo

1:09:20 - It Takes Two has surpassed 10 million copies sold

1:12:07 - Sea of Stars gets a release date

1:13:19 - What have we been playing?

1:53:06 - New information has emerged about Dreadwolf

2:09:03 - Take Two has revealed their quarterly financial filings

2:16:44 - PixelJunk Scrappers Deluxe is coming to PlayStation

2:21:05 - Were we deceived into supporting Hogwarts Legacy?

2:29:22 - When is too early to announce games?

2:32:20 - When is a Platinum Trophy just not worth it?

2:37:51 - Should there be spoiler consideration for a younger audience?

2:44:21 - Is Nier: Automata’s Platinum a scam?

2:48:22 - Should you name children after video game characters?



A Hind D

Absolutely amazing episode as always guys. Can’t wait for houston. But…have y’all heard of this “The Day Before is a scam?” Thing?!? Did a small company scam the world to think they had this game being made?? Was it all a scam?!?

Jake Z

The Ship of Theseus is a classic thought experiment that gets at the paradox of identity when something's component parts have changed over time https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_of_Theseus

James Pies

The conversations about game pricing are really grating. I know about the scallywags and freeloaders, but is anyone who pays for a video game podcast Patreon subscription really complaining about the cost of games?

Nathan Densley

Your emporer has no clothes reference was bang on


Entitlement is the biggest issue with video gaming cost arguments. It's a luxury product that is not meant to consumed by everyone. You see the same thing in a bunch of modern industries unfortunately. People want their food and groceries delivered but they don't want to tip their driver. People want a ride in a nice car via Uber but they don't want to pay for it. This is what America has become unfortunately and its gross.

Napoleon in Rags

Colin, thank you man for bringing basic common sense to the gaming community. I feel like most in our community are just normal people that want to play games without drama or judgement. Keep it up! 💪


Did I miss it but did you go through the announcements from Nintendos show that where coming to PlayStation I might be dumb and just missed it.


I believe Matty was the 1st person that made me aware of it but to Dustin’s point, the $10 early access thing does seem to be the new trend for this generation. I don’t mind it.

Angel DeJesus

I laughed out loud when Dustin mentioned Mighty Keef, cuz I sent Colin that Vid.


When I skipped forward to avoid spoilers I ended up exactly on the sentence where you said the thing. Obviously the game is very old so I really can't blame you. And I didn't check the time stamps, so it's completely my fault. Goddammit.

Jeffery Carlson

The Tobacco Company was phenomenal. The wife and I went when we came to Richmond for Sacred 200 (she was NOT the cryer in the bathroom). Lemaire at the Jefferson Hotel (as I sure you’re aware) was great too. Seriously, you should get a key to the city. Prob spent over 2k total for that weekend they otherwise wouldn’t have gotten. Keep on keeping on

Pasqual Ribot

Please guys, STAND DOWN with the children names about pop culture things. In 80 years from now there will be old people with weird names that apperead in some obscure videogame, movie , book etc. Just pick a name the doesn't sound bad and maybe you can try to avoid the future bullying your child will recieve


Colin, as you talk about Honey Bunches I pulled my double pack from my pantry and you are right. There are barely any almonds in there. Its all cereal grain and oats.


Great episode! Metroid Prime is such a great remaster Colin - some sayings remake-level. Runs at 60fps and looks amazing on the OLED Switch.


I think if people were told about JK transphobic remarks and didn’t demonize the people playing or getting the game it would’ve gone better but it’s worse to act like Jk isn’t transphobic in the slightest


Hearing Colin talk about how switch has sold more than the PS4 is so funny. I was listing to old PS I love you episodes and there's one where they talk about the switch(newly announced at the time.) Colin was certain the best it would hope to sell would be GameCube numbers or slightly better. If only past Colin could see these numbers lmao.


Colin, regarding whether a video game company is the same after it loses its primary talent... you should read up on the Ship of Theseus. The Greeks had a thought experiment about a boat, if over time all parts of the boat are replaced, is it still the same ship? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_of_Theseus

Greg Hommel

Delta 9 THC is the real deal. It is legal, it will show up as THC on a drug screen, it works. There is no real comparison for me because you can’t smoke it. “Nut meat”.

Cliff Boyd

Enjoyed hearing a little Nintendo talk this episode. When is that Last Stand Nintendo podcast gonna get going?! Complete the Triforce already!

Greg McDonald

I was watching a KF video about Hogwarts Legacy and it was actually refreshing to read nearly all the comments basically slamming them for being hypocritical. Maybe common sense is beginning to prevail.

Dave Ramos

Y'know, if possible, getting both Troy Leavitt and Kara Lynne on for the Hogwarts Legacy spoilercast would be pretty cool and should lead to one of the most unique discussions about the game.

Jack Sibert

During the GameCube and Wii/Wii U eras Nintendo was splitting the focus and efforts across their mobile and home console offerings. Nintendo was on the line for delivering GameCube and GBA games, as well as DS/3DS games during the Wii/Wii U Era. Now that they're able to consolidate their handheld and home console markets I feel like they have been and will continue to be able to deliver their first party games on a consistent basis


I'm so proud to support this company, even in my small way. Stay intellectually honest and bold boys.


I don't know about the not being to catch up on classics if your young thing. I think it's kind of ridiculous. All these classics, probably counting the ps1 gen and before, are very easily emulated. It's so easy to go back and play anything from this period, be it an ff6, civ ii, mario 3, pitfall etc. If you care about being gaming literate there is nothing stopping you from at least putting in an Oregon trail for an hour or two and seeing what it's all about. I appreciate the ff7 situation is different because it's a 60 hour RPG with a massive spoiler at like the 30 hour mark but these situations are few and far between.


Not PS related but Colin, have you heard or watched the music video of Linkin Park's previously unreleased, until very recently song 'Lost' from the 'Meteora' era? it's so bittersweet, an incredible song but clearly shows how unhappy Chester was even all the way back then.


Its funny cause I feel the opposite about the band analogy - as long as the Lead Singer remains - I'm good with the band keeping their name. But if you get rid of the vocalist and keep everyone else - gotta change the name for me.


Regarding $70 games - $70 is fine, but few outside of US pay that. We used to pay $60 in the PS3 era in the EU, than it jumped to $80-85 in the PS4 era, and now it was $90-100 in the PS5 times (direct conversion so it varies day-to-day). UKR-RUS War changed things and today's exchange rate brings PS5 game price down to ~$80, but it might still go up with time, and the war destroyed the economy so much, that it's inconceivable to buy games this expensive atm, here. Groceries, fuel, electricity, interest rates, everything basically went +100% almost over night, and we're strained to the limit. Businesses close down everywhere - restaurants, food joints, and smaller shops in particular. The price just isn't right, anymore - it has reached and exceeded the limit of what pepople are willing, or able, to pay for a weekens of entertainment. Only the known-quantity blockbuster God of Wars or Call of Dutys stand a chance to bring in the big bucks now, and you'll see that reflected in the games variety, soon. And gaming used to be less developed and more niche in the 80's and 90's, so prices had to be high to get a profit. Gaming industry is worth roughly x15 more than it used to be in the 90s (half of it were arcades, that are basically dead now, too) and the user base is analogically higher.

Kevin Cooper

I still lament my missed Platinum for Cyberpunk 2077... I wasn't following a guide, and I didn't know that you could save Takemura. Had the NPC not screamed "We have to get out of here now! You can't save him!" I probably would have instinctively gone back to save him. Fuck that NPC forever.


The problem with this current moral police/cancel culture is it is undemocratic. It's a vocal minority that seeks to deplatform competing ideas. They do this because they are afraid to compete. They are afraid to defend their ideology. They are afraid of the market/people deciding what is popular and what is not. Like a Communist dictatorship, they ban other parties out of fear.


why can’t i see the video version on here

Hose A Contra Razz

I think Dustin doesn’t smoke weed but I think Dustin he was throwing a hint at you that he wants to get high with you.


Kinda Funny opting out to not cover Hogwarts Legacy but cover and celebrate WWE and the games is a perfect example of the type of virtue signaling that is being spotlighted this week.

Sam Lee

Let's brainstorm some names for these Mudbloods, I propose: Colin Longbottom or Bongbottom

Robert F Friemering

You gotta work for that nut. Eating Pistachios without shells is no fun. Cracking the shells is part of the experience.


They are definitely skimping on the damn almonds!!!


The perfect response to the jk Rowling/hortwarts conundrum (enjoy): https://youtu.be/3OV4VaNW4FU

Daniel Meegan

You should do a Sacred Symbols+ on the Hogwarts Legacy controversy. Wired giving it a 1/10 review score. One of the devs who worked on the game boycotting it. Lots of truly bizarre stuff.


Love a nice and tight sub 3 hour episode

Michael Rodriguez

Pretty disappointed by the way you handled this conversation. Clearly JK has deeper issues with the trans community. If you want some nuance and texture on the topic Jim Sterling had a good video. https://youtu.be/uNKyQVsgKLg


“Should you name children after video game characters?” 😳 My daughters middle name is Claire, inspired by Claire Redfield from Resident Evil. Maybe a middle name is less cringe than a first name 🧐