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In only about 10 weeks on the market, God of War: Ragnarok has grossed (give or take) around $750 million. At 11 million units sold and counting, it's a stark reminder that -- yes indeed! -- people will buy games, buy them at a high price point, and buy them in great quantities. All that's necessary is for that product to be special. Having already made back Ragnarok's development and marketing costs several times, what's next for Santa Monica Studio? Behold yet another Sony money printer! Plus: PlayStation 5 sales are very strong, a sequel to an older PlayStation game is quietly (but blatantly) revealed, PSVR2's strengths and weaknesses are called into question weeks before launch, and more. Then: Listener inquiries! How do we feel about James Gunn's attempts to tie DC games into their larger entertainment universe? Will changes to Resident Evil 4 ruin the remake? Does Amy Hennig get too much credit for Uncharted? Can we learn to embrace the power of the badger?


0:00:00 - Intro

0:15:09 - The power of the beanie compels you

0:19:21 - A correction about badgers

0:28:07 - Sacred Symbols will help you get to know your coworkers

0:32:50 - HBO’s TLOU has been renewed (TLOU2 SPOILERS)

0:44:08 - Horizon Online footage has leaked

0:59:35 - New DualSense colors may be incoming

1:07:01 - Activision Blizzard makes a plea for the Microsoft deal

1:14:21 - Jumping Flash gets Trophy support

1:14:38 - Epic is shutting down Rumbleverse

1:19:03 - Capcom expects to sell more games than ever before

1:20:05 - Wild Hearts will not have microtransactions

1:25:52 - What have we been playing?

1:41:24 - Would we like to see Motive work on the Dead Space 2 remake?

2:02:18 - Sony’s financial reports show a strong PlayStation

2:13:37 - God of War: Ragnarok has surpassed 11 million copies sold

2:20:08 - Sony may be teasing a new Uncharted game (UNCHARTED 4 SPOILERS)

2:33:55 - PSVR2 sales expectations may have been adjusted

2:48:05 - Sony (and others) won't be at E3 2023

3:01:02 - New info has dropped about MLB:The Show 23

3:02:23 - Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has been delayed

3:09:03 - Respawn has canceled a Titanfall game

3:17:27 - Two new Far Cry games are in development

3:19:33 - February’s PS+ games have been revealed

3:26:38 - Has not getting early codes been bothersome?

3:32:55 - What other DC characters would we like to see get a game?

3:38:44 - How are we feeling about Resident Evil 4 Remake?

3:42:52 - How much money have we spent on video games?

3:47:13 - What’s going on with Amy Hennig?



Bogey Zero

Can you make a rule that people writing in stop being so fucking long winded with constant metaphors. This place isn’t the writing prompt subreddit. Just speak normally and get to the god damn point.


I'm confused how a tweet from an ABK person means that MS is being desperate. Doesn't that shitty tweet mean that ABK is desperate? MS and ABK aren't the same entity yet. Or are you suggesting that MS asked ABK to make that tweet? I agree it's a terrible tweet that should be criticized, but you guys are employing some weird logic here. ABK statements aren't MS statements and vice versa until the deal closes. ABK is still independent, and they aren't running their tweets by Phil Spencer's desk.

Angel DeJesus

Man, you guys have had some bad takes, but the badger one is bad. Badgers are ferocious. They really just don't give a fuck and will fuck around and make sure their enemy finds out a lot.


Bravo to Dustin for calling out Colin 👏 Colin you didn't actually beat Deadspace, you shamelessly exploited it. That platinum has an asterisk to it. Caught red handed 😝


Why can’t I download it? There’s no link.

Angel DeJesus

With you on the A/B tweet. Bring a show into the equation, is like bringing in windows into the Microsoft side of the conversation.

Dennis Johnson

Horizon: Zero Dawn does still look fantastic, however, Horizon: Forbidden West is arguably the best looking video game of all time.

Matthew Cooper

I don't normally use claw grip, but I will adapt and use it when convenient. If the DualSense Edge were more reasonably priced, I'd be interested in it. $200 is pricey though, I'll pass

Brandon Soto

Preparing myself for disappointment when they announce Spider-Man 2 as cross-gen, then use that quote of “We can’t just leave those 100-million users behind.”

Jake Z

Colin, heard you on Malice say you were recently turned on to Curtis Yarvin. Thaddeus Russell, an alternative historian who I've followed for a long time (he has a great book called A Renegade History of the United States), has had Yarvin on his podcast Unregistered multiple times and thought you might be interested. This is the latest episode and it's quite interesting. It's on RSS too https://youtu.be/xiimth3K40o

Ryan Wargo

Agreed on the PSVR2 preorders...I don't need it, have a quest, don't use it as much...but...any tech I'll buy at Best Buy because I use the credit card for no interest for 12-18 months. That is specifically pushing me to not get it until available there. I'd also like to see Horizon in action as well

Kenny C

Great show as always. I thought maybe you guys might of mentioned the passing of Annie Wersching unless I've missed it somewhere else.

Captain Bon Clay

I’ve had a ps4 since launch and a ps5 since launch and I don’t have a psvr 2 preorder invite

Alex Roberts

Colin, will you grow dreadlocks as a reward for us all if the Patreon ever hits 20000 subs?

Joshua Brown

E3 isn’t E3 without the cringey live shows. Long live Mr. Caffeine!


They didn’t give Colin enough credit for the E3 song


Olli olli world is so so so sooooo good. Don't sleep on that shit, Boys.

warren chue

Yeah baby 3 hours love it best value around!!!

Noah Friscopp

The joy of getting games early/free is soon heavily outweighed by the obligation that comes with that.

Will Hahn

Dang Colin, it’s a shame you are gonna skip Jedi Survivor, I know it’s not your type of game and you don’t care about Star Wars anymore, but I was looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it in the future. Oh well! You gotta play what you wanna play, for sure.

Joseph Gedgaudas

The disrespect against badgers continues. So sad.

Josh Gamez

During that whole bit I just kept thinking "say you're from the city, without saying you're from the city" lol

Josh Gamez

I genuinely feel like if/when THE MOMENT from TLOU2 makes it to the TV show I think HBO might have another Red Wedding moment, and depending on how annoying capital G gamers are about it, it could be awesome lol


Someone should totally edit Chris’s face onto Tobey Maguire in the glasses scene from the first movie.

Jamie Anderson

Nobody has a problem with joel dying its how it was handled, all his character development went right out the window. Hey i live just down the road there to a bunch of armed strangers. Ppl dislike it so they are this mythical capital G gamer? What an absolute melt.

Brannon H

Colin's reaction when Dustin said he wouldn't earn the Dead Space trophy was hilarious. Also, why do people never mention The Last of Us among the greatest survival horror games. It's talked about as one of the great games ever but I rarely here it discussed with the games in its actual genre. I'm replaying Part 1 Remake on grounded permadeath and every clicker section is genuinely tense. The Subway station,going through Bill's town, and the fucking generator section at the college provides amazing suspense. The clicker look and audio design is top tier horror.

Ben Haner

Colin I saw that you were playing the Legacy of Thieves collection last week and found it strange that you didn’t talk about it in the “what we’ve been playing” category and am now pleased to find out you’re playing U4 for knockback. The duelsense and the 60 fps really do something for that game to elevate it, looking forward to the episode 🔥🔥

Taylor kazemba

I’ve spend $20k just on ps vita games.

Cliff Boyd

I got PRK a few years ago. I was -7.00 in both eyes. Used the latest laser equipment from a company and doctor with like 4.9/5 stars on Google with thousands of reviews (they push hard for good reviews - I even left a 5 star review which I later went and edited when I realized my actual state post-op). Screwed my vision up badly. Now I’m 20/20, but with unfixable glare in any situation where my eyes are even slightly dilated. It’s the worst when I’m playing video games or watching movies. If I’m using a small, bright screen and sitting close, it’s not really noticeable. But if I try to use my 70” OLED, it is too gross to tolerate. Many indoor situations make me feel tired and depressed now as everything has a hazy border and bleeds into everything else. I do have drops now that took me a year or so to find and longer to refine to a dosage and process that helps me. They basically force my pupils to constrict, which annihilates my ability to see in any dark situation, but is WAY better than the glare and makes it bearable to function in low light situations. The doctor I used assured me if they needed to do touch ups to fix my eye they could, but apparently that’s only if I’m not 20/20… and I am. The surgery is probably the biggest regret I have in life. Initially I felt great about the surgery, assuming the glare would eventually go away. But it didn’t, and my vision is unfixable ruined. I’d pay 10xs what I paid for the surgery just to go back to having -7.00 in both eyes and being able to fully correct with a couple daily disposable contacts. So be warned…

Cliff Boyd

Initially I wrote a mostly positive blog which details the preliminary research I did and my feelings shortly after the surgery. I later went back and added a warning, but left the blog post up because I put a lot of time and effort into it. It’s still pretty informative, and also pretty well-written and enjoyable to read if I do say so myself. https://cliffhikes.com/2019/05/03/i-got-prk-the-painful-elective-corrective-eye-surgery-alternative-to-lasik/

Zack E

I really think you guys not getting early games is critical to sacred symbols and what this show is. You are playing games “with” the audience, not “for” the audience, if that makes any sense. Play what you want. When you want. That makes this show so genuine and realistic.

Stefan Catinella

Shout out to Madison Wisconsin guy! Just moved here this summer.

Greg Hommel

https://youtu.be/NvlalDNxccw Chris is speaking out of school again. Watch a Honey Badger take on 6 lions. Surely proof that as a mascot, small but ferocious badger has nothing to prove.

Greg Hommel

As for a Horizon: Zero Dawn remake, who’s is the question, will people buy it, not the primary concern. Whether or not each of you want it to exist is important to your show, but whether or not it will sell should inform if it will exist or not.

Michael Mashpotato

I didn’t realize impossible mode was hard mode with permanent death. My first Dead Space Remake play through was on hard and i abused the ripper to tear through that run.


Gotta disagree with Dustin - breaking the game is completely fair. I got the Platinum for Kena:Bridge of Spirits using the glitch to get the Master Difficulty trophy - still counts.


Can’t wait for MLB The Show! I bought it last year even though I also had Gamepass. I’m glad I did because I was able to get the Platinum Trophy again. I will be buying it on PS5 again. Win! Twins!

Anthony Palerino

Hufflepuff is so vibey man. Professor of herbalogy leads the house, right near the kitchen. Just a group of chill fellas smokin and munchin.


Colin, care to weigh in on what's happening over at PushSquare atm? they seem to be getting huge blowback on their Hogwarts Legacy review and are pretty much silencing anyone who has a difference of opinion regarding the reviewer's decision to inject their personal views of JK Rowling in the review. Absolutely shameful tbh.


I stopped using PushSQUARE a few years ago now, when I got pissed-off with the constant clickbait and misleading headlines ;/


That's fair, although I feel they're just as guilty of that as most gaming news sites these days. What I can't abide however is removing user's comments for simply having a different opinion. I've deleted my account and won't be using them anymore.


Funny how you’re excited for Hogwarts when it’s systems look a lot like the modern Assassin’s Creed games and you don’t want to play those. lol Also, Far Cry 5 is king.

Kyle Fox

Which Assassin's Creed game is in the Harry Potter universe? :D


Hey Dustin, just a quick correction - excluding ports and remasters GoW series spanned more than the trilogy, Ascension, and the Norse run - You forgot about the 2 excellent PSP games (technically there were some mobile tie-ins, too, but these don't count). It was quite a marvel to see these fully-fledged, non-compromised, GoW games run on a PSP back in the day, especially since the graphics were comparable to the PS2 entries. They're probably in every top PSP game list, and the PS3 ports were good, too. They were both developed by Ready at Dawn, though.

HORSE the Patron

I got the regular lasik about 12 years ago now, best three grand I ever spent. Though it is odd smelling some burning and knowing it's your eye...


Sounds like Hex would be lol. But seriously, the Destiny style attire system, the attack style icons, even the quest design are similar to the newer games, Odyssey mostly.

Alec Davis

Colin, I share your love for trophies. You are not alone. Stand down Dustin

Sam Lee

If the Horizon Zero Dawn remaster rumours are true, I'd say there's most definitely a God of War(2018) remaster coming in time for the Amazon show given that it's adapting that storyline. Speaking of remasters, given how much critical acclaim Dead Space Remake is receving for adding and refining all the aspects of the game, do you think Naughty Dog should've waited to make TLOU Part 1 and just remastered the PS4 version in time for the HBO series? I assume it would've been cheaper to make but they wouldn't be able to sell it for $70. Just wondering how much more refinement and additions they could've made given more time.

Rakitha Seneviratne

Guys,with all the talk of Santa Monica studio does anyone know what Cory Barlog is working on? I remember he said he's doing something else and Eric was handling GoW, so I'm assuming it's a new IP?


Badgers take down lions regularly