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With E3's return to an in-person event, you wouldn't be foolish to assume Xbox would have a presence given the endless vocal support the brand has for the convention. Following financial complications and maybe even Developer_Direct's success, it appears Xbox is heading in a different direction. IGN reports the all of the "Big 3" including Xbox will not have a presence at E3. While Xbox will have a showcase as they confirmed last week, this opens up a slew of possibilities for what Xbox could look like in the future when it comes to communication and presentations. Otherwise, another week and another 343 Industries bombshell. Following the shake-up occurring with staff amounting to at least 95 layoffs, Bloomberg has now reported that Halo will see a swap to Unreal Engine, visit new platforms, and radical changes seemingly coming to Infinite's 10-year plan. Is fifth times the charm for 343 or is it too little too late? We dive into that as well as the reported delay for Forza Motorsport out of the first-half window as well as the volatile nature of Starfield's release date rumors.

0:00:00 - Intro

0:03:59 - A Rocksteady correction

0:05:37 - Oreo and Pop-Tart drama abounds

0:14:34 - Age affects haircut freshness

0:16:51 - Help! I’m addicted to turning off the sound in my games

0:22:40 - Starfield is playable from start to finish according to leaks

0:27:36 - Phil Spencer gives Tango Gameworks credit for Hi-Fi Rush’s shadowdrop

0:32:39 - Redfall will require a persistent online connection

0:34:22 - Phil is confident in the Activision acquisition

0:36:08 - Hi-Fi Rush sold well in addition to releasing on GamePass

0:39:40 - Age of Empires II has arrived on console!

0:41:14 - Series consoles are going up in price in Japan

0:45:26 - More departures at 343

0:48:56 - Turn 10 spills performance info on Forza Motorsport

0:49:21 - Code Mystics Inc. says certain Goldeneye 007 decisions are out of their hands

0:52:30 - 46 games are getting delisted from the 360 marketplace

0:57:25 - EA Motive says future Dead Space remakes aren’t out of the question

0:59:59 - Star Wars Jedi Survivor has been delayed

1:01:37 - A single player Apex/Titanfall game has been canned

1:06:46 - The Pathless comes to Xbox soon

1:07:14 - New Resident Evil 4 Remake details have dropped

1:08:45 - What we’ve been playing

1:22:34 - Will we forget about Hi-Fi Rush?

1:28:46 - If Xbox didn’t buy Bethesda, where would we be?

1:31:53 - How much does AAA matter?

1:40:21 - Xbox will be returning to LA this summer, but  not E3

2:00:09 - More staffing and development shake-ups are happening at 343

2:31:05 - Forza Motorsport’s release date continues to be a mystery

2:43:40 - MLB The Show will be on Game Pass day 1 for the third year in a row

2:46:13 - Game Pass Pick of the Week

2:50:29 - Did Xbox make a mistake by not staggering new releases?



Hidari Shotaro

Really glad Jedi Survivor is getting delayed. I remember Fallen Order being horribly buggy at launch; even made me replay the game for one bugged trophy.


Matty not playing titanfall 2 is sacrilegious. Time to get off whatever kids game your playing matty and start a real man’s game.

Bobby Woods

Having an Xbox feels hollow. They already have what it takes to really compete with Sony with game pass but don’t because how bad they are with 1st party. Call it what it is Xbox fans, buying up 3rd party studios and populating game pass with its already existing IP doesn’t compete with what’s PlayStation studios is putting out. Especially when most of that 3rd party is on Sony platforms to begin with. I guess “what’s next” for Xbox is putting more 3rd party titles on game pass.


Dude Matty.... What the fuck are you talking about? Pop-Tarts in the microwave?! The toaster is just as quick as a microwave lol, use a toaster not a toaster oven. I think microwaved Pop-Tarts is the most offensive thing I've heard of on the show lol


Easy fix for the audiobook/podcast addiction during gaming is investing in a quality surround sound system. Will change how you game FOREVER!

Gabriel Baker

I don’t care about the 360 store being shut down as long as the games remain playable. Backwards compatibility doesn’t meant keeping obsolete storefronts open, it means keeping the GAMES playable. That’s it.

Captain Bon Clay

I’ll only put on music or podcasts while playing games if it’s like a Ubisoft game where I have a mountain of bullshit to do, but I’ll always pause when it comes to cutscenes


Aight after all this food talk I need Matty to try a toasted pop tart on the next episode and Cog needs to try an Oreo dipped in milk. You guys are missing out!

Joshua Brown

Nah as much as I’d love a remake of 2 because it’s my favourite, I’d rather have Dead Space 4 while they’ve got the EA chequebook after the cliffhanger ending 3 had. Plus remaking 2 would just lead to remaking 3 and what would that do? It would just remind everyone that 3 isn’t that good (Like RE3) and the franchise could just be left in the same spot it was 10 years ago.


#E3DD Listened to this while I stayed up until 4am playing Dead Space. Found an exploit to farm credits and I sat here doing that while I listened lol. Thanks for keeping me up Dukes. Now I’m gonna crawl into bed and hopefully not wake up my fiancé!




PS first party is unrivaled for sure, but Game Pass is a great deal. I own both consoles and play 3rd party on whatever runs it better unless it’s on Game Pass. Usually PS5 runs better but I do prefer the Xbox controller and quick resume. Xbox in general has a management problem. Been so many years and they always drop the ball. Hoping Starfield is where they change the narrative.


Disagree with Matty on the Oreo cookie part. Both are equally superb to me. If someone handed me just the cookie parts, I’d tear that up happily.