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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, February 2nd at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!


Bobby Woods

Hey boys. Why did E3 have to die. Is there hope for this industry?


Thursday Hello Father, Sons, and The Ghost, Now that Last of Us is renewed for season 2 and is confirmed to tell the story of Part 2, the elephant in the room is obviously going to be the revival of discourse surrounding Joel’s death at Abby’s hands. However, I think that the TV show may offer a really great opportunity for the discussion to focus on the positive aspects of Part 2’s story. For better or worse, TV viewers have become desensitized to main characters dying. From Game of Thrones to The Walking Dead, the idea of a main character dying (often horrifically) is pretty common. I think television audiences might be more willing to accept this plot development more eagerly than some gamers did. I wonder what you guys think about the potential the show has to tell part 2’s story and earn a more positive reception than the game. Thanks! Ben


Good afternoon boys... Sony announced today that they are removing the PS Plus Collection in May. I can't help but feel like the base tier of PS Plus is becoming less and less attractive. It's like they are forcing us to Extra or Premium.


Good day lads, On a recent podcast* from one of the major games media outlets, the subject of Hogwarts Legacy came up and, well, you can guess where this went. One of the hosts prefaced their preview with a disclaimer that J. K. Rowling had “said some very nasty stuff about trans people”. After discussing the game itself, another panelist was at pains to stress that regardless of how good the game is they absolutely will not be playing it. To me this whole situation just seems completely bonkers. Here we have two professional journalists working for a prominent media company – not some unhinged Twitter anons – uncritically accepting and regurgitating the idea that Rowling has expressed extremely heinous views. Then, despite their job, choosing to forgo a game that she has zero involvement in. Baffling. Anyways, keep kissing that chocolate starfish, Edward in not so merry England. *IGN UK Podcast Episode 681

Benjamin the Warped Nuclear Test Subject

Hey CDC, The recent episode of the Last of Us was phenomenal. My question is, assuming the television show follows the same sequence as the game, how many years out are we from The Last of Us television show remaster and eventual remake?


hi guys! Just wanted to stop by with a little fact about our beloved “wizarding world” In the 1986 film Troll, (yes the predecessor to the cult classic and infoumously coined “worst movie ever” Troll 2) the main protogonist’s family is named Potter… and the father/son duo, thats right you guessed it- Harry and Harry jr. Was JK Rowling paying homage to this critically acclaimed classic? (4.5/10 on imdb)


Colin, More of a thing I've wondered about for a little while. I've been following you since your Beyond days and just realized your time at Northeastern likely overlapped with when I played hockey at BU. Did you ever go to a NU vs BU game between 2002 and 2006? Maybe in the Dog Pound section? If you did, likely you saw me riding the pine but enjoying the college experience. Miss those Bean Pots and Marathon Mondays! Anyways, stay warm, and BC sucks!! Stephan

Josh James

Hey DCC, That’s right, it’s Dustin’s time in the sun. I have two roommates and I share a bathroom with one of them. Here is my question, If you need to pee and your roommate forgot to flush the toilet last time they peed, do you flush before you go? Or do you rock a squirt into the already pee filled toilet and flush afterwards? For reference, I did pee into my roomates already urine filled toilet, but i would have flushed prior had shit been involved on either end, my own or leftover from my roommate. Love the content, keep it up


Howdy Big Boys, This one's for Dustin. My friend, as a fellow Iron Maiden superman, you owe it to yourself to play Guardians of the Galaxy. I went into it with exceptionally low expectations, but I ended up grinning from ear-to-ear the entire time. It's my 2021 Game of the Year. A love letter to Metal Heads and has a few winks and nods to us Maiden fans. Colin should check it out too. Respectfully, DirtyIncomeTax


Hey guys. Wanted to give a shout out to Colin for his appearance on “YOUR WELCOME” with Michael Malice. I haven’t listened yet but it’s sure to be a banger. It’s the collab I have been waiting on for years.


Sup boys, I am writing again about The Day Before, an upcoming division like game that was at one point the most wishlisted game on steam. The reason for my write in is simple. The game is on the level of Abandoned in terms of its mystery and possible bullshittery. The the studio heads refer to themselves and their employees as “Volunteers” and have put out bizzare videos of what life at the company is like. One of the most recent videos was supposed to be an in depth dive into this long delayed project but instead we recieved a video that mostly covered their new zoom like app called “Continent.” The cherry on top was that they had a hard date of March 1st but the game was removed from steam, the devs came out and said it was an error and would be fixed. Later on however they announced a delay until November stating that there is a trademark issue. Anyway I Would love to hear your thoughts on this topic,I apologize for the long write up but I can assure I tried my best to condense this game’s shady history. Thanks.

Jackie Rheu

Hello you jackboot fucks! Just curious what the consensus is on the Playstation Plus Collection disappearing in May. Is this cause to be upset? You bet I’m coming up in May… Thanks boys


Hello gentlemen, hope all is well. I would just like to raise a glass to Annie Wersching, who unfortunately passed away on January 29th. Her performance as Tess in The Last of Us is one of my favorite performances from a supporting character in a game. May she rest in peace.


Hey Bussy Busters (like some sort of WW2 commando team) I have a brief story of shitting myself as an adult. I was watching a friend's house while he was out of town, sleeping on his living room couch. I caught the flu literally the first night I was there and the next day woke up and started trying to take as much medicine as I could. Long story short, after many Lipton green teas, vitamin C tablets, soup and juice, I accidentally OD'd on Vitamin C in my flu-addled sleep. OD'ing on Vitamin C is basically just straight diarrhea. So I was barely awake, kind of in that plane between awake and asleep and tried to fart, I sleepily filled my boxers with complete mud and had to hose myself off once I realized what happened. I never told him, until my wedding day. He was one of my groomsmen. I went up and hugged him when my wife and I were about leave the reception and whispered in his ear "I shit myself on your couch. Love you buddy." And then I was off for an evening of marital bliss.


Hey Colin and the boys… As I sit here typing this I am 20 plus hours into Forspoken. In spitting distance of the Platinum. I’m not seeing the bad the games media was trying to point out with this game. Even tho I liked the dialogue you can literally turn it off. That was a little disheartening to see all the reviews point out the dialogue being bad but none mention you can turn it off. Idk if it’s because I have such a great TV but this game looks significantly better than trailers and even the demo/beta (since they did update it). I’ve had so much fun with this game. I thought I would’ve played Dead Space remake all weekend but that game has some major issues with auto save and I had to put that down for now. Don’t get wrong there are some design issues and the story being less than ideal but the whole story about Frey not wanting to be a hero is compelling even if they fail with the execution. Also no there were zero bugs and no frame rate issues. Kinda miss when games come out like this polished. So that being said Forspoken is basically an Avatar the last airbender game. I say all that to say when are we going to get an ATLA game and who do y’all think should develop it? I personally would like Sony Santa Monica to make an Earth Bender game. I think that would be dope as hell.


As a queer man i don’t even think we would say something as awful as Buddy Busters 😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hello gentlemen, if your loved ones life depended on it, who are you having a threesome with in the LSM family. Spouses can be included. Have a good day.


Good day gents!! I did it! I finally got my hands on a ps5 this week. I was touring the mall while visiting my sister in Indiana, and the GameStop there had pieces of paper taped to the displays stating they had ps5’s. I asked how long they’ve had stock, and they said since before Christmas. This particular store had the digital and disc models, multiples of each. The clerk said they don’t sell many systems because most people just assume they don’t have them and won’t even ask. So a PSA, call your local gamestops, you may be able to snag a ps5 easily at retail price without having to wait on an invitation. Also, what are the games you recommend someone to dive into first to get the most out of their new ps5, particularly someone who hasn’t played ps4? Have a great weekend!!


Hello fellas, Playstation put out a Live on PS5 advert that showed off some live action shots of their big games on PS5... yet there is one set of shots that doesn't seem to reflect any real ps5 game... Shots of a young girl in a cave with a torch seeking some treasure it seems... Are they teasing the new uncharted with Drakes daughter? Have a good one.

Iqan Adil

Hello Gents, What's the point of a game review for a F2P title, and to a lesser extent, a day one drop for subscription service? The the two shadow drop examples that come to mind are Apex legends and the more recent Hi-fi Rush on xbox. Do you think companies will do this more often to avoid the accompanying review drama and negativety?

Jose Mendoza

Hey CDC, I have a fun question for y’all. If you were Sony and you could pick one of the following to run a first party studio for the next 10 years who would you pick? hideo kojima or Hidetaka Miyazaki?


Hi CDC, the only acceptable podcast listening speeds are 1.0x (sober) and 0.9x (baked). All the best, Matt


Hey Colin, With Square Enix shedding most of its western studios and recently releasing a wave of different games like DioField Chronicles and Crisis Core Reunion, can you tell us more about how they are structured and develop so many different kinds of games? Do they primarily develop games with internal teams or collaborate with other developers like Team Ninja for Final Fantasy Origins? Thanks for the quality content


Hello SS Officers, My wife, friend, and I will be attending Creator Clash, where we‘ll see Chris get his face punched in. Any chance the event will spawn an LSM meet and greet?


Hey CDC! First time writing in. there’s a big issue at hand and I thought I would express my concern. PlayStation VR2 releases later this month and there is almost no hype or marketing from Sony behind the device. I feel like I haven’t seen enough of Horizon to warrant a purchase from me and I can’t think of any other game beyond that that Sony has tried to push to the public eye. I just found out GT7 will have a VR mode yet I feel like there’s has been zero mention of this or any other game for that matter from Sony. Do you guys share this concern? should we expect a PlayStation Showcase shadow dropped on us? Or does PlayStation’s silence show a lack of confidence in their product? would love to know what you guys think on the matter.


Hey sacred baby boys, I just got a PS5 a couple of weeks ago, and went a while without using the disc drive, but when I put my first disc into the console I noticed something unexpected: Holy shit that noise Between fan volume and HDDs in previous consoles I never even thought about how loud discs could be, I know CM² are digital true believers, but to Dustin, is this a factor you consider when deciding if you'll get a game physically or digitally? Thanks for the shows and keep fucking that chicken, and maybe consider inviting the chicken to Constellation one day


In a recent episode you referenced a popular meme known as GigaChad, but you referred to him as "handsome meme man". I just wanted to thank you for that, echoes of "Stone Cold Steve 3:16"

Raul Hernandez

Hey Colin, Chris and Dustin, when do you think that PlayStation will be referenced in the Last of Us show if at all. 2003 was PS2’s best times, do you feel that would be a thing to show, maybe in the background, in the show? Fyi, Pollo Loco never fails to be good. Roast that chicken.

Craig Carter

Hello Sacred Men. This one's for Dustin. I was listening to JRE and my girlfriend walked into the room asking me why Dustin was talking about cold plunges and heat shock proteins. She said if I wasn't looking at the screen listening to Joe talk I would have no idea it wasn't Dustin speaking about fitness, MMA, comedy clubs and the like. I proceeded to sit in disbelief at how she could make the connection that Dustin sounds just like the biggest podcast host in the world. How does that perfectly spherical headed weeb feel about that? Good day.


Hey CDC, Recently, PlayStation released an ad that has a scene or two that people are theorizing are referencing Uncharted. With Neil Druckman saying the studio has moved on, do you think another team are working on a new entry? What if Sony is thinking about remaking Drake's Fortune, considering the recent remakes of TLOU, Demon's Souls and the rumored Zero Dawn. Do you think that could be Bluepoint's unannounced project? Thanks boys!

Josh Bailey

Scared crew, While not specially PlayStation i want to discuss the recent debacle of Goldeneye releasing on Xbox. Owners of the digital version of Rare Replay get this game as a free update but people who have the physical disk do not. Could this signify the start of a trend where certain game upgrades (i.e. New Game+, new game modes, maps, etc) are not available to those who own physical copies? Also, going one step further, will we start seeing games only available to those who subscribe to subscription services and not available for purchase al a carte. Thanks for all you do and fuck even more chickens, eggs are too damn expensive.


Hey you sexy gents I wanted to throw my hat in the ring about people listening to the show and other things at ridiculous speeds. I happen to listen to the show while I'm at work, and the other night I noticed something was off, the pacing felt weird. Somehow the speed of the show was increased, only to 1.2x but it was enough for me to notice. But when I change it back my brain began to wonder if it wad always at 1.2x, I decided that I was just crazy and left it at the normal speed. My question is though, do you think it's possible for at least some people it accidentally gets changed to a higher speed and they never notice? And then they just go up from there.


Hey guys, Easy question but difficult to answer: How much money do you think you have spent on video games? This would include your own money and your parents buying games for you. Thanks.


What are your guy's t shirt sizes and where can I send you mail?

Aiden Gonzalez

Hey CDC, What’s going on with Amy Hennig? Seems like everything she’s done since uncharted has either been canceled or has received lack luster reviews, what gives? Her last credits of note are Forspoken for “Story Concept” and before that a “writer” on Battlefield Hardline. Has Amy Hennig simply lost her touch? And have publishers lost faith in her? Thanks as always for the work you guys do!

Operator 408

Hey Guys, First, Hi-Fi Rush is awesome. Second, Vandelay Tech is the corporation in the game. Nice Seinfeld reference. Third, PlayStation needs to let their 1st party experiment with these smaller titles. I didn't hesitate when I saw it was $30. Last, good for Xbox to finally drop a game the is Steam deck Verified out the gate. Most there games are still not SDV and I think all of PlayStations are. Take Care.

Nicholas Brilhart

Greetings Sacred C-words. Just writing in to issue a stand down to Colin. After polling both the audience and a Discord server full of actual MILFs that Rosalina does indeed qualify as a MILF. See y'all in Houston.

Kevin Padua

Hello Gentlemen, I believe it was last week you were discussing the different houses for the upcoming Hogwarts legacy game. I just wanted to let you know that there is a website called wizardingworld.com that you can go to to take a small test (less than 10 questions) that will determine which house would fit you best. If you like the results you can actually link it to your WB account and when Hogwarts Legacy comes out you can be placed in that house if you so choose. You can also do this for your wand as well. Just wanted to pass along this information incase you might be interested. Thanks for all the content and hard work you all do.


Hey cdc! Long time listener, first time writing in. I finally took the leap at the 5$ tier and I wish I had done it from the very start. Not to my surprise, the dead space remake is out and I have to say this is the greatest re make I have played since re2 and that’s one of my highest regarded games to date. My question is, considering motive have completely outdone themselves and know how to make a very solid dead space title, would you like to see them work on dead space 2 next Capcom style? Or would you prefer a 4th entry in the series from them. Perhaps a soft reboot of sorts or to just continue from the end of the third game? I’d love to see either one. Love everything you do. Dead space is back my friends


Greeting Sacred sex symbols crew. Just a quick story involving the fantastic new beanie. I’m a mailman in Illinois so it’s a little cold right now and I wear the beanie everyday along with my usps uniform. I also listen to all the last stand media podcasts while walking my route and the other day I’m walking past a sparklight workers truck and the worker steps out wearing the same damn beanie so I quickly tell him “hey, I like your beanie” and he says it back. As soon as he responds I tell him to stand down without even thinking about it and as I’m walking away he laughs and says it back. The power of Dustin compelled me if I had to guess. Anyway I’m just glad to finally see another person with listens to last stand. I’ve got 3 stickers on my vehicle too but I haven’t seen anyone else with those. Illinois needs to get its shit together and support. Thanks and have a great fucking day boys. -Nick DeHeve


Hey guys, I was wondering how you feel about replaying games? With the Last of Us show, I thinking of replaying it since it’s been since 2014. How do you feel replaying a game you know the story of already? Thanks and be well.


Greetings Sora, Donald, and Goofy (I'll leave it to you fellas to decide who's who). Sony and Square Enix's increasingly close relationship has been a recent topic of discussion, with many wondering if there's more going on behind the scenes than we know. And Xbox fans have been vocal about how unfair it is that Jim Exclusive-Buyin' Ryan has locked away the company's big games. Colin hypothesized that in some cases, maybe it isn't "moneyhatting", and that it just isn't worth Square's time to port these games to Xbox. I believe he was more right than he knew. When doing some research, I found more than 20 games releasing this year from Capcom, Falcom, Square, NIS, Koei Tecmo, and more that are skipping Xbox. In some cases, they're coming to *everything but* Xbox (PS4/5, Switch, Steam). My article listing the games is here: https://finalweapon.net/2022/12/19/why-are-japanese-games-skipping-xbox/ With this info in mind, is it worth Sony acquiring *any* Japanese developer or publisher? Beyond Colin's wisdom of "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free", why fence in a cow when it has no interest in your competitor's yard? Thanks for your time gentlemen, kiss the chicken for me.

Joe Perez

Greetings boys, Push Square has run an article stating that PlayStation 5 is actually outperforming Xbox Series consoles in the States at a ratio greater than the PS4 against the Xbox One at the same point in the previous generation. How can this be? I and many others have noticed that Xbox Series consoles, particularly the S, were widely available at retailers for some time. Are we seeing the results of a carefully and well-laid plan on Sony’s part here? I have noticed recently that PlayStation as a brand seems more ubiquitous now than anytime I can remember. Thanks for what you do! Joe Perez

Brandon Kirzeder

Gentlemen, There has been continued discussion on why and who is still buying Grand Theft Auto 5 in 2023. Well what's happened is they've created a bundle of the game with shark cards (in game currency/gift card). Often, on sale the game + shark cards is cheaper than buying the shark cards outright, so the game will continue to keep selling more and more and more. Anyway, I thought I'd write in instead of talking to myself about it in the car when it's brought up on the podcast. Been a fan since the PSN outage ended episode of BEYOND! Much love, Brandon K


Hey mutha chuckus Wouldn’t it be nice if Sony stealth drop a game during one of their state of plays and what type of game would you expect to be stealth dropped? My desperate hope is bungie’s matter game whatever it is. Have a nah yeah kind of day.