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Star Wars: A New Hope | KnockBack, Episode 253

Over the five years we've been recording KnockBack, we've intentionally gone out of our way not to talk about A New Hope. It's an especially peculiar decision, considering the first-ever episode of KnockBack is about The Empire Strikes Back, the film that would follow it. But we wanted to get 2023 into gear with something positive and fun, a topic we can bring a lot of energy to, and we've finally succumbed: It's time to chat about 1977's original Star Wars film. But we do things a little differently, because this is probably the most-worn-out property to focus on, especially at this point. So instead of talking about the story, the main characters, and more, we discuss all we love in the negative space: The Jawas and the Sandcrawler, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, the Imperial officers and that dope meeting room, TIE Fighter Pilots and Death Star Gunners, and on and on and on. Some may call us nothing more than mindless philosophers, but we think this is perfect fodder for a show like ours.





For me, the shot of Luke standing outside his house with the binary sunset, with that Williams score popping off, it's one of the greatest shots in cinematic history. The familiar archetypical idea of a farm boy watching the sunset, dreaming of a more adventurous lifestyle out there, away from home, but perfectly showcasing the alien setting of this planet with two suns. The shot just gets my creative juices flowing.

Quinnton from Seattle

I don't agree with all of your opinions on Star Wars (especially midi-chlorians) but your reasoning is sound in all of your criticisms, which I appreciate!

Tyran Batten

Clone Wars and Rebels both do great stuff to flesh out Tarkin. In clone wars you see the inception of Anakin and Tarkins developing relationship. Here's a great exchange between them in ep 3.20 of Clone Wars: A:"You lack faith in the Jedi." T:"I find their tactics ineffective. The Jedi Code prevents them from going far enough to achieve victory, to do whatever it takes to win, the very reason why peacekeepers should not be leading a war. Have I…offended you?" A:"No. I've also found that we sometimes fall short of victory because of our methods." T:"Well, I see we agree on something.

Michael Vecchio

While it’s likely that Lucas didn’t remember or care that Threepio’s past didn’t line up with what we know from the prequels, I just tell myself that Threepio is just recalling false memories that he may have been programmed with when his mind was wiped at the end of Revenge of the Sith.

Benn Stuart

Is C3PO a rich left-wing politician trying to relate to the working class?

Ryan Hayman

I love that you guys saved some of these gems for these now "future" episodes

Ryan Hayman

Great episode - the only other comment I would add is that I think Tatooine was heavily inspired by Arrakis from Dune: Desert planet that used to have water, fremen = Tuskan Raiders, Sand worms and Sarlac pit, The force and the voice, etc. etc.

Jacob Hey

C-3PO’s Memory was wiped at the end of Revenge of the Sith. So he would’ve remember anything before that moment.

Diego Macias

Its so fortuitous that you brought up the Mos Eisley cantina owner and patrons not wanting droids in there and why that would be, within the last week I heard the most obvious yet most impactful reason of why that is, in a tiktok of all things. The reason is because just 20 years earlier there was this confederacy of separatists that used murderous and indiscriminate droids to spread war and fear throughout the galaxy in little conflict known as the Clone Wars 😁. A good glimpse of this slaughter can be seen in the intro of The Mandalorian.