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Note:In order to include news from The Game Awards, Defining Duke will post on Saturday. Enjoy Sacred Symbols+ in its place.

An interesting industry story has been quietly percolating for months, but it's not been widely discussed, particularly anywhere close to the mainstream: ZA/UM -- the studio behind 2019's smash-hit Disco Elysium (which came to PS4 and PS5 in 2021) -- is seemingly melting-down. And, at first blush, it's a complicated tale. In fact, it's complex at second and third blush, too, which is why I (Colin) invited Last Stand Media's legal analyst and regular collaborator, Rick Hoeg of Hoeg's Law, back to the show. Together, we delve into the undoing of this team, one founded in Estonia and run as a "collective" before being disrupted by money and success. Key founding members and creative forces of the original game have been shown the door, and they claim fraud that, if true, would be one of the gaming space's biggest economic crimes ever. But it's not clear that their claims are true at all; indeed, there's plenty of contrary evidence. One thing's for sure, though: It's pretty damn ironic that a game designed to be a cutting critique of capitalism would potentially undo the very people who created it, a piece of cosmic fate they themselves can't help but admire. So let's try to make sense of this sordid affair, in what we think is the most comprehensive deconstruction of ZA/UM's trials and tribulations available anywhere on the Internet.



Jake Z

Colin, you've really underestimated how funny and self-aware the Disco leads are. Kurvitz had a great quote about the Lenin statue on his desk: "I guess my favourite thing I like to say about this is that for me it's just a wholesome tradition. It's about loyalty, it's about the country where I was born. This is how I was raised, this was who I was told to follow, and I would be a naughty revolutionary, kind of an edgy rebel, if I wouldn't have Lenin on my writing desk."

Joseph Marzola

Is this a pic of Commie Chris and Commie Colin in a dystopian Marxist future?

Mitchell Lundsberg

How convenient for Kender to return the money the same day this podcast goes live...makes me think LSM has a hand in this mess lol. The plot thickens. In all seriousness, it is crazy how much of a mess this has become. Disco isn't my type of game either, but the story and art style are undeniable. It truly is one of the best games I've ever played. It will be interesting to see what comes next for these guys.

Russell Garrett

It’s a shame, because DE absolutely fucking slaps.

Kawaii Edgelord

I feel comfortable continuing to listen to Colin, because I know he's a hypocrite. Oh, he says he likes capitalism, but he's not out working for some corporation. He doesn't really care, he's a fucking hypocrite.


Kurvitz, etc. are going to "capitalize" on this situation to make another game, but first they just want to keep ZAUM current management from using the IP to any effect in the future. Honestly this is the one game where I can't see fans buying the sequel, This isn't blizzard selling another sequel to a game like Diablo to a player base 20 times this size. It appeals to a niche group that isn't playing so much for the systems or gameplay or IP but the *writing* and art are 90%+ of what make this game special to it's fans. Not just that it's a very well written game, but that it's written in a way very few games are, and practically the whole game is writing. Maybe they can replicate some of the aesthetics but trying to sell a sequel without the lead creative forces behind that unique writing, and with this shit show of a situation looming over everything, it's just not gonna work. the IP is already tainted for further installments imo


Great topic to cover Colin, looking forward to this. I will admit when I first saw this story take shape inside the studio, I just laughed.


Always solid when Hoeg is on. Gonna be interesting to see how this shapes up. Looking forward to the Ragnarok ep.

Soham Chakravorty

Fascinating episode. Great job Colin and Rick.

Kurt Lewin

Great episode. I would love it if Colin played Disco Elysium. I'm know CRPG fan either but found this a fascinating game to play through. Not sure if anyone else on the team has played it but I think a spoilercast would be an incredible listen. I have listened to other spoilercasts but none of the hosts have ever had the knowledge of politics and philosophies and economic systems like Colin has.

Allan Sweeney

I loved this episode. I really hope you give Disco a chance eventually - I normally have 0 interest in CRPG's as well but the game is SO well-written you're entertained regardless of the outcome.