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How 'Social Terrorists' Came For John Gibson | Sacred Symbols+, Episode 248

Please welcome John Gibson to the show. Nearly 20 years ago, Gibson co-founded Georgia-based studio Tripwire Interactive, the makers of popular shooter series Killing Floor and -- more recently -- the surprisingly awesome Maneater. But John is no longer with his team. Why? Because, more than a year ago, he Tweeted out that he was pro-life. That was literally it. And the rest, as they say, is history. I (Colin) have wanted to get John on the podcast since everything went down with him, because I see weird parallels between his situation and my fallout with Kinda Funny. Moreover, I think he was unjustly treated for holding an opinion that roughly half of the world vociferously agrees with, and which no one should be ashamed of holding (even if I disagree, which I do). Either way, though, did he really deserve to lose it all (so to speak) for speaking his mind in such an anodyne and mainstream fashion? I say no. Will you agree? We'll leave that up to you. Please listen carefully to John's story of what he calls "social terrorism," and use common sense if you choose to listen. This is a deeply political podcast, and it deals with what is fundamentally understood to be the third rail of American society. Proceed with eyes (and ears) wide open.



This is why I think Last Stand Media is so successful. It is a place where you can have true conversation with real people. Amazing interview, where people don't judge the view point, where we can understand why John comes from. I will always support Last Stand Media as one of the best, if not the best place to watch content in the internet. Thanks Colin for caring so much in giving the best we can get.

Tony Rivera

I’m only halfway through this discussion (and yes I said “discussion” .. not a debate, not an argument, and that’s important) and this is one of your top-tier Plus episodes, Col. Great work, good questions, and powerful speech on a plethora of topics. This is why I am a Patron.

Miracle Peach

Awesome interview. As always, well done, Colin. I continue to love everything you’re doing. My heart goes out to John. I’m a cross between an Independent and a Libertarian, but I find it disgusting how Conservatives/Republicans are so often treated by the Left. It is deeply hypocritical coming from the self-proclaimed party of love and acceptance. I am very similar to you in your stance on abortion, Colin. I’m a realist and believe abortion often pulls on the concept of the lesser of two evils; sometimes, I feel bringing a child into this world is worse than not. That being said, I respect the hell out of, and agree with, your feeling that abortion is treated far too casually by many—to a disturbing degree at times. I also believe there needs to be limits on when in gestation the abortion decision has to be made. As virtually always in political issues, I feel the best solution for abortion is somewhere in the grey, rather than the black or white.

CAm Moses

Thank you Colin. This was refreshing and helps in not feel so alone leaning right , and also seeing the other positive comments from patrons who are liberal. Conversations can happen . 💪🏻

Cole Medvec

Love the episode! One critique: reframing “cancel culture” as “social terrorism” has a net negative affect. In persuasion, when a label ‘over amplifies’, it loses credibility. Terror makes the West think 9/11, and conflating that with one political side dismissing and slandering you is not ideal.


Yeah, it's a loaded term. The thing is, it's been a loaded time throughout more recent history for different reasons, though (think 'Reign of Terror' which is actually a domestic, state-run sitch). So who knows.

BettyAnn Moriarty

What a conversation! And…So reminiscent of a few years back.) Why people think it’s ok to go after someone- to try to ruin them !- because of differing opinions is completely lost on me. My best lessons are learned when I ‘listen’ - not ever when I agree with someone.

TIger Castle

Conversation as a whole was pretty solid and I enjoyed hearing from both of you. But when he called Christianity the ultimate rebellion I nearly lost it laughing. Rebellion doesn’t usually take the form of over half the USA identifying as such.


The very history of Christianity is in rebellion; there is no way it is a prevailing force in domestic America.

Iqan Adil

I'm not conservative by any stretch , I'm agnostic, pro-choice, and a liberal socialist. I still found the episode to be very poignant and thought provoking. Great episode Colin. One the best so far. Shame we can't have such conversations in the mainstream media, and a disturbing sign of the times we live in.


Good job Colin. I know you disagreed with him on some points but knew how to navigate that and scrulpt out a full interview that let him open up and show the positives he had

Iqan Adil

I must say though, I find the social terrorism label to be ridiculous. I'm an agnostic guy who lives in Baghdad and I'm in fear for my life most days because of my beliefs which are viewed to be "heretic" and against Islam. That is what terrorism is to me, and to conflate the two is ridiculous. I understand why he's using such a term and I sympathise with him but I can't help but feel that it's ridiculous and it's coming from someone who doesn't truly understand what being on the receiving end of terrorism feels like. Still, like I said, great episode and great conversation.

TIger Castle

While I definitely agree that Christianity in its inception was rebellious. The very act of being a Christian in America today is so ubiquitous that rebellion is a pretty strong word for what a large portion proclaims to be. You can argue there is a lot of negativity towards Christians (IE making it rebellious ) these days but I would also claim that most of those feelings are towards the outspoken few that bend their scripture into fitting their negative views on how things ought to be and not the large communities who accept and help people as they are, offering love above all else. Rebellious in 2022 I argue not so much, but welcome when it actually reflects Christ.

Marc L

I agree, that was pretty goofy. Whether or not a large portion of people are Christian does not really matter imo. There's nothing really rebellious about being part of a group that bases their beliefs and way of life on a mostly fictional book 😅


For context and everyone’s personal assumptions… I’m a descendant of American slavery and a first generation of an illegal immigrant via El Salvador (civil war yay). I grew up in SF and have worked in non profit for my community since being a young participant. As well as a life long gamer. I know of so many well intentioned people who at best try but fall short due to limited beliefs and/or poor execution that lead to the same outcomes which enable the growing trends that this conversation stems from… Cancel culture, extremism. The level of hope and restored faith that is constantly on display by you Colin is admirable. I can only pray/wish people can exercise the level of compassion and patient understanding that you harness cause often your interviews are a breath of fresh air. Thank you so much. You do more than most, out of a small bedroom in VA.


This episode was great! Love these types of conversations.

Blake Wall

I feel like agreeing to disagree and still getting along is becoming lost to time but maybe it just seems that way because of the internet but either way it kind of sucks that people can't get along