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Wait, what?! KnockBack is about the past! Well, that's typically true, but today we wanted to do something a little bit different. Why? Because beginning in 2023, KnockBack is going to change. And it begins with a month hiatus, while we retool. We wanted to explain where our heads are at with KnockBack, what the coming years hold, and deploy a new schedule that'll move the show to every-other-week beginning in January. Don't worry, though. Something new is spawning in those missing episodes' places... we're just not gonna tell you what that is just yet. And fear not: Dagan isn't going anywhere, either. You'll see him just as much as you used to. But more on that later.



Marc Cairney

Hey guys! Great episode as usual. Glad to see things freshen up. I often listen to the beginning of all the shows just to see what you guys have been up to - even if the topic is not for me. It will be good to hear you guys talk contemporaries specifically Dagan as we do hear Colin on the other shows. Much love and keep up the great work.


Listen to knockback on and off. Lasting 4 years without a drop in quality or apparent enthusiasm, while discussing content that can take a long time to consume is really impressive. Looking forward to seeing what's next!

Rob Kvasne

My friends, Every month, we the audience would select the most time consuming topics. I feared this day would come, but I didn't anticipate how excited I'd be for the future. Rest up and enjoy your time off!

Joey Mendoza

I've never missed an episode. I fully support this decision. You guys have been killing it(and possibly yourselves) for four years. Love this podcast and keep up the amazing work


I’m cool with the changes, although I was still getting pumped up for the last change (doing tv shows as seasons.) Will we get the full Mad Men season by season breakdown? How about Downton Abbey? And we gotta finish up Avatar the Last Airbender and check in on our little pals, right?


I'd be curious to know if this axes the Lost discussions? Regardless, I do not blame you on the change one bit, especially with the vote. Topics that would be too time consuming would rise to the top without regard for the time required. Best wishes and have a good break in December.

Kyle Fox

I personally have not watched knocked back in quite some time. I'm a younger guy and the focus on media outside of my nostalgic per view has left me passing on knockback lately. Obviously not a con per se but is causing me to not watch/ listen.

Dan T

How about "Knocked Up" and it's the guys telling pregnancy scare stories.

Dennis Meinschein

I want to be mad. Im a hard core listener. Ive never missed an episode of KB. Even if the episode subject wasnt to my liking, 311 and Pink Floyd. Was always hoping for a Beastie Boys episode. I followed Colin from way back Beyond. All the drama with KF. Loved Fireside Chats and Side Quests. When i heard Dagan though im like this dude is me. Same age same likes same family in the burbs silly dad jokes all of it. I listened every week to hear about his neighborhood is exactly like mine his kids just like mine. I dont play PS much anymore I have gaming PC. I still listen to Colin Chris and Dustin but Knockback is my heart. Seriously. I guess in the end that was my fault. Maybe should have donated more commented more. This blows.


I will say that I’ve not listened to every knockback religiously just because some of the topics, I have no interest in. But I’m very glad that we’re gonna get another show, which we’ve all been clamoring for, especially with Dagan.


I've got a backlog of Knockbacks since I had trouble even keeping up with SS and SS+ recently, and this show can wait as it's not as contemporary, but I was going to catch up on them soon. Sad to see it's output being reduced, glad to hear there's a new show with Dagan coming up. Cheers


I always love the spoiler casts, and the what we’re playing part of SS. I cant wait for the bigger video game knock back episodes, and I genuinely believe Dagans break downs are second to none.