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PlayStation 5's and Xbox Series' First Two Years | Sacred Symbols+, Episode 245

It's time once again for Sacred Symbols x Defining Duke! This time, a trio of us -- yours truly (Colin), Cog, and Dustin -- take some time to go through our ecosystems' two dueling consoles, the PS5 and XSX. With two years on the market and lots of user engagement and promising numbers for both machines, we thought we'd reflect on how they've done over the last 24 months: The highs, the lows, the games we loved and those we thought missed, and more. We also delve deeper into games we've been playing as of late, from God of War: Ragnarok and Pentiment to Warzone 2 and Somerville, to get some more of those good old-fashioned opinions out into the atmosphere.



Colin absolutely right with his closing comment. Competition is VITA-L. Sony needs to be hungry to earn their consumer's dollar. That is exactly where Microsoft is right now, and why they're acting so nice towards their customers.


The snide Switch comments are getting old. For one, Xenoblade 3 looks fine, Digital Foundry did a good video on it. BOTW is legit the best game this generation. Colin acts like it’s a piece of shit when he admits he hasn’t even played it properly. The console has an excellent library. Tiresome to hear ignorant nonsense over and over tbh. Switch has better games than anything Sony has managed in the first two years of PS5.


Xenoblade 3 is awesome (Im definitely not biased)


Lol Colin's grunt at the end 😂

Keith Huntington

first off: shout out to dustin with the fsf 'moon is down' era shirt. that record is phenomenal. 👍👍👍 fun personal anecdote: in 2003 my cousin and i drove to branson cause our grandparents had a time share and wanted the grandkids to come up, so since he drove, he had that cd on loop the entire trip. i always get nostalgic for that listening to that album. good times.

Keith Huntington

speaking of being introduced to open world games late... i'm going to blow collin's mind here: for context on my age, i'm 2 weeks older than he is, and my first ever experience with an rpg, ever, was elder scrolls 3: morrowind in june 2002. 😬😬😬


I really enjoyed this threesome, yep threesome. Love all the fine LSM folks but it was a nice mix up. Also, wouldn't mind some kind of Cog and Colin retro games cast of some sort.


Dude I thought Cog was in his mid 30s. Guy's keeping it fresh.

The Funky Monk

My feelings are GOW:R played it wait too safe, but I also think TLOU2 played it way too risky. Just goes to show how difficult it is to find a narrative balance that can please everyone without intentionally trying to appeal to everyone. Sony games that get this balance correct (imo) are TLOU1, GOW 2018, HZD, and ... ok maybe I just don't like sequels. Lol realized this as I typed it out.

FourEyes Malone

Xenoblade 3 could look a bit cleaner but I can’t stand idly by with the disrespect lol it’s gameplay and story far outweigh the graphical hiccups

Wretched Spawn

Topic starts at 32:03 Colin, it should not take 30 mins to get into the topic. We already know what yall are playing from your other main shows. It's a waste of time rehashing it here. You claim to respect our time, but this aint it. Keep SS+ tight and straight into the topic. We don't need banter for EVERY start. Yall can do that on regular SS and DDs.

Keith Huntington

sadly, my first exposure to jrpg was octopath traveler. they just made the trailer so enticing. since then i've played catch up and went through these masterpieces: dark souls (ps4), phantasy star 4 (genesis), vay (sega cd), albert odyssey (saturn). triangle strategy (switch), live alive (switch), and i'm currently 23 hours into persona 5 royal.

Zack Fair

Loved the show Colin, it's always great hearing a view on PlayStation from Cog. Keep up the awesome work guys


Love these crossovers thank you guys! Love getting the different perspectives from all of you it’s always interesting and insightful. Keep up the great work and happy holidays!