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The British government has released a mildly-redacted -- but largely intact -- 20-something page writeup from a law firm representing PlayStation. Dated late October of this year (but new to all of us), Sony attempts to retort, basically line-by-line, Microsoft's various contentions about the pending Activision-Blizzard-King deal that has fascinated the industry for the better part of 12 months. Though we all share a relative malaise about this subject, there's huge news within this document, and we couldn't help but go through it in great detail, garnering as much information as we can out of it about Sony's operation, that of its competitors, and the various theories and gamesmanship behind the completion or destruction of one of tech's all-time biggest acquisitions, one that could affect the very future of the PlayStation brand (or so they claim). And yes, we also get to other news -- Sony is publishing two flashy Chinese games as second party products, God of War: Ragnarok sells huge, and more -- and, as always, we rounded things out with inquiries from our beloved audience. How're we feeling about Forspoken now that it's a couple of months out? Does physical software have a future on PlayStation 6? Demon's Souls won a newbie Souls fan over, so where does he go next? What, precisely, is the meaning of life?


0:00:00 - Intro

0:01:33 - Actually, turkey is gross?


0:13:33 - A correction

0:14:35 - Can we do a clean version of the show?

0:17:47 - Sacred Symbols makes you money

0:19:23 - Sacred Symbols gets you a job

0:20:24 - Do we intentionally not talk over each other?

0:25:28 - One more day in the USA or a regular life in Europe?

0:28:58 - What is the meaning of true happiness?

0:38:45 - God of War updates

0:53:35 - PlayStation is officially banning shovelware

1:04:12 - Warzone 2.0 has 25 million players in five days

1:06:16 - Crystal Dynamics has removed their Avengers spokesperson

1:12:51 - New trademarks abound

1:15:10 - Yuji Naka has been arrested

1:17:21 - What have we been playing?

1:19:36 - PlayStation is doubling down on Chinese games

1:35:08 - The FTC may seek to block the Microsoft/Activision deal

1:39:55 - Sony continues to make their case against the Activision acquisition

2:59:58 - What’s our excitement level for Forspoken?

3:04:44 - Do we impose our own rules in games?

3:07:41 - What happens to physical gamers if disc drives go away?

3:15:20 - Where do I go after Demon’s Souls?

3:17:47 - Sacred Symbols makes you an agnostic gamer

3:25:08 - Why do Sony games insist on holding our hands?



Gareth Handa

Great show as usual. The segment on the Microsoft deal was really interesting. I actually like buying my games à la carte. I just don't see how Gamepass will be good for us gamers in the long run.

Raymond Aludino

Wow. Dustin’s take on achieving happiness was well-put. Geez.

Max Stahl

Things are looking up for Twitter!


The segment of the show about the meaning of life and digital consciousness has put me in state of mental crisis that I was neither expecting nor ready for


Im glad the other characters help with hints in God of War, but for the love of god, HELP ME FIND THE THREE TORCHES/BELLS!!! the one time i need it and theyre silent

Devon McCarty

@Dustin - Buddy, you are overcomplicating the shit out of your Turkey prep. Been using this video for four years now. Minor prep, and you don't touch it once it's in the oven. https://youtu.be/-nJLpx0Qx1o Enjoy

Brannon H

It's episodes like this that really make me appreciate Colin. His overall knowledge on this industry makes this topic very interesting to listen too. Great episode fellas.

Max Stahl

They might be looking up at the bottom of a SpaceX rocket, depending on your perspective. 😆


France and Spain are like Britain’s Florida - nice weather for retirees. Also lots of very large run down properties (chateaus)on the cheap because of the running/repair costs. London to Paris is equivalent to Philly —>Virginia.


I just listen to the Sam Harris’s Making Sense podcast where he states why he dipped out of Twitter…hats off to you, more or less, for coming to the same conclusion he did a half a year earlier! That place is a toxic-event!

Greg Hommel

For all intents and purposes, Microsoft has failed. Without the current strategy there would be nothing left to do but fade in to irrelevance. It’s not that uncommon for a corporation to make moves of this nature to strengthen its position in a market. It is, however, unprecedented for a corporation to attempt to dominate an industry this way. Ignoring its own inability to read and react to the market only to purchase the influence and power that success would afford you. This is bad. All bad. Bad for gamers, bad for developers, bad for the industry as a whole. The ramifications are already being seen in Sony having a subscription service it didn’t need, and it’s users didn’t really want. Now Microsoft aims to diminish that catalogue.


I tend to agree, overall. Sony's main argument is that it found its success without doing that at all. And they're right, whether people like to admit that or not.


There is 0 chance that xbox decides to keep Call of Duty off of Playstation. That would essentially kill that franchise. there's just massively more PlayStations in the wild then Xboxes and Call of Duty being locked on to one platform is detrimental to the overall success of a multiplayer multi-platform game The success of certain games is inherently dependent on its availability to as many consumer as possible.

Xemphanis (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-05 01:33:00 I’m going to start by saying I don’t care if this deal goes through or not. I play CoD, on Xbox, and have Gamepass. It’s just personal preference. I also have a Switch & PS5. While neither company is clean, Microsoft sees the writing on the wall and Sony doesn’t want to change because they’re the market leader. Profitable or not subscriptions are the way of the future. I don’t want to get into all the “protecting art and games” minutia, but look what’s happened to almost every other entertainment media. Movies, TV, books, music. Almost all accessed by subscriptions now. Your average consumer wants their entertainment content as cheap as possible and subscriptions allow a business to make money over time. Microsoft knows CoD, the other franchises, and tech are what’s needed to grow Gamepass into a profitable service. Microsoft’s strategy is also different. Xbox is a platform now and not console. I can play Gamepass on my phone, PC, tablet, and Xbox. I got a backbone a few months ago, and while I don’t think we’re there yet, I’m convinced it’s the future. All my games available on any device. Sony’s argument also means Activision is unsellable because of CoD. CoD is popular because it’s accessible and has an addictive progression system. Something I have yet to see duplicated on the same level which is why no one has been able to topple the franchise. I think it’s possible, but no one has figured out the formula. Finally, because I see this all the time and it makes me nuts. Microsoft did not say they couldn’t make a game on the level of TLoU2. They said no one is making games on that level visually, and that ND still can’t figure out gunplay.
2022-12-04 14:45:04 I’m going to start by saying I don’t care if this deal goes through or not. I play CoD, on Xbox, and have Gamepass. It’s just personal preference. I also have a Switch & PS5. While neither company is clean, Microsoft sees the writing on the wall and Sony doesn’t want to change because they’re the market leader. Profitable or not subscriptions are the way of the future. I don’t want to get into all the “protecting art and games” minutia, but look what’s happened to almost every other entertainment media. Movies, TV, books, music. Almost all accessed by subscriptions now. Your average consumer wants their entertainment content as cheap as possible and subscriptions allow a business to make money over time. Microsoft knows CoD, the other franchises, and tech are what’s needed to grow Gamepass into a profitable service. Microsoft’s strategy is also different. Xbox is a platform now and not console. I can play Gamepass on my phone, PC, tablet, and Xbox. I got a backbone a few months ago, and while I don’t think we’re there yet, I’m convinced it’s the future. All my games available on any device. Sony’s argument also means Activision is unsellable because of CoD. CoD is popular because it’s accessible and has an addictive progression system. Something I have yet to see duplicated on the same level which is why no one has been able to topple the franchise. I think it’s possible, but no one has figured out the formula. Finally, because I see this all the time and it makes me nuts. Microsoft did not say they couldn’t make a game on the level of TLoU2. They said no one is making games on that level visually, and that ND still can’t figure out gunplay.

I’m going to start by saying I don’t care if this deal goes through or not. I play CoD, on Xbox, and have Gamepass. It’s just personal preference. I also have a Switch & PS5. While neither company is clean, Microsoft sees the writing on the wall and Sony doesn’t want to change because they’re the market leader. Profitable or not subscriptions are the way of the future. I don’t want to get into all the “protecting art and games” minutia, but look what’s happened to almost every other entertainment media. Movies, TV, books, music. Almost all accessed by subscriptions now. Your average consumer wants their entertainment content as cheap as possible and subscriptions allow a business to make money over time. Microsoft knows CoD, the other franchises, and tech are what’s needed to grow Gamepass into a profitable service. Microsoft’s strategy is also different. Xbox is a platform now and not console. I can play Gamepass on my phone, PC, tablet, and Xbox. I got a backbone a few months ago, and while I don’t think we’re there yet, I’m convinced it’s the future. All my games available on any device. Sony’s argument also means Activision is unsellable because of CoD. CoD is popular because it’s accessible and has an addictive progression system. Something I have yet to see duplicated on the same level which is why no one has been able to topple the franchise. I think it’s possible, but no one has figured out the formula. Finally, because I see this all the time and it makes me nuts. Microsoft did not say they couldn’t make a game on the level of TLoU2. They said no one is making games on that level visually, and that ND still can’t figure out gunplay.