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Matty and Cog gather today to talk about a most important subject: "Digital Bragging Rights." Indeed, there is no other way to puff out your chest in a gaming space than to say "check out my Platinums, bro." Unfortunately, Xbox fans can't do the same and that's where our talk begins. For Xbox to have pioneered this metagame, we humbly believe that they are equally responsible for continuing to nurture and evolve it. As we sift through the weeds of Microsoft Rewards, Game Pass, and a lost "Career System," Cog and Matty pose many an idea on how Xbox could transform things. What say you? If it's not broken then don't fix it or should they make Gamerscore a thing of the past?




Yes dude, bring some eyes onto this topic! I would grind for achievements way more if they felt at least on par with trophies. Good to see you back Matty, and what's up as always Cog.


I think Xbox and PlayStation need to take tips from each other. I’ll say it’s satisfying to have a platinum trophy on a game but I don’t care for all the other trophies yet I think seeing the gamer score is cool because it brings a classic type of feel like as if your playing at a arcade.

bix hutch

I actually agree with that whole heartedly. The platinum trophy is no doubt superior but the achievements make each one matter more by adding to your overall score and everyone can see that score right away. So if you don't 100% a game the achievements still feel useful and the trophys don't.

Ryan Greenwood

Personally I prefer achievements over trophies. I do like the platinum trophies but the gold silver and bronze make no sense. Some games have all bronze and some have like 10 golds. I guess I’d rather just have points.

Mike Po

The Dukes should come to a consensus about what to call the achievement you get when you get all of them for a game. Here are some ideas I had: The Ultimate Achievement The Ultimate Diamond achievement The Golden Achievement (gold as in XBL gold but could be compared to gold trophy on playatation) Elite Achievement Elite Diamond Achievement Nothing really pops there in my opinion but the marketing gurus can surely work their magic.


My thoughts are keep it simple. Reuse the rare diamond achievement, as Matty noted being a reviewer or like in my case being an Aussie we get to play new games a little earlier then the masses so nearly every achievement is a rare. Instead of using the rare diamond achievement for achievement under 15% make the Diamond 💎 a reward as the equivalent as the Platinum, get 1000 gamerscore and all achievements Diamond achievement pops. Now utilise badges on your profile and have a Diamond with the number of Diamonds you have on your account. Keep it simple


I like the achievements system better because the overall number is a better indicator of a player at a glance, but I do agree that Xbox needs the platinum equivalent. I want them to revamp their avatar system. It was cool when achievements were tied to gamer pics or avatar rewards but now I don’t think about that stuff at all. Lastly, getting some money back for some achievements would be a nice incentive for sure.

Mark Whittington

I personally gave up on the trophy system on the PS as eventually you just hit a wall with the levels if you aren't getting golds and platinums. Much prefer the linear progression of gamerscore where everything I've played since getting my 360 has contributed rgardless of whether I got a few or all achievements. Maybe add the completion acknowledgement for games you've 1000 pointed on top of the score, but they shouldn't change the progression.