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In our never-ending quest to illustrate the many ways you -- yes, you! -- can work in the gaming industry, we've decided to explore another route in. And this one's for the mathematically-inclined among you. Kurt Lewin is a Senior Analyst at EA-owned racing developer Codemasters, and on this episode of +, he takes the time to go into the finer details of his job: What he studied in school, what he did before he leaped into the industry, and (of course) the day-to-day of his working life. Steeped in charts, tables, and reports galore, Kurt's job is to understand his studio's games' commercial performance through the opposite metric of, say, playtesting or review-scouring. That is to say, he brings the numbers, and it's hard to argue with data. Like similar episodes past, it's our hope that our chat influences some of you out there to get into our industry, leveraging your skills to help deliver killer games to a hungry audience. You don't need to be an artist, programmer, or designer to be here. Far from it.



Asique Alam

Well this is a very interesting topic! Thank you.


About thirty seconds before this posted, I thought to myself "Wow, sure would be nice to have Sacred Symbols for the commute home today!" Lo and behold.

Seth Zentner

This was a great show or as the brits would say, bloody brilliant. 👏

Kurt Lewin

Thanks all for listening. If anyone has any questions feel free to shoot them over on twitter to Angry_Kurt or on discord to the same name


Fantastic interview, love the insight


Super interesting interview. Keep them coming Sacred team!

Michael Cook

Really interesting conversation. Never thought I'd hear a Northerner (ish) explaining SQL on SS!

Kenneth Oms

This was a great episode. SQL is an interesting language to learn but super helpful so you don’t have to always rely on a data analyst to pull for you. Side note, one thing about his steam formula is that it doesn’t take into account refunds. I think you can leave a review even if you refunded

Kyle Fox

Good stuff! I've been a Data Analyst for a little over a year now, so it's exciting to hear about job prospects in all sorts of industries; really is a blossoming career path that I don't see going away. Kurt, thanks for sharing your experience! If there are any other Data Analysts in the community, please hit me up and let's connect! 😃 https://www.linkedin.com/in/foxkylefox