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Beginning in the 1960s, a string of psychological-driven horror movies were released to great fanfare. A seminal film that perfectly fits the mold is none other than 1976's The Omen, starring the beloved Gregory Peck. The Omen is unique, even amongst psychological thriller and horror fare, in that it's also political. Not deeply so; it's certainly not partisan in nature. Rather, it focuses on how the supernatural can interface with the levers of power, and the disastrous potential consequences that could follow. If anything, our biggest complaints about The Omen are shared by many: It's brisk in its runtime, and it can be a little melodramatic, too. But that aside, it's chock-full of great performances, a promising narrative, and a truly spooky synopsis that asks whether the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost can be countered by the Devil, the Anti-Christ, and the False Prophet. Book of Revelation fans, get ready! It's your time to shine.

Topic starts at 0:18:00



Joey Gondhalekar

Is this month gonna be all horror movies? If so, awesome!

Josh Gamez

This is awesome. On a complete whim I actually watched this for the first time in probably five years like two weekends ago lol.

Jeshua Anderson

You know you've been a patreon fir forever when you think a topics been done, but then you think it mighta been a fireside chat lol

Phil Walker

Nice! Was literally thinking I hope they do The Omen last week


God I love this movie. It's funny to see you guys cover yet another Richard Donner flick

Jesse spivey

This will be another epic horror episode happy October ladies & gents! P.s. hopefully childern of the corn is next!


The math talk reminded me of angry crying late into the night trying to do math homework. Being an introvert and too proud to ask for help just compounded those feelings of incompetence as a teen.


Did Dagan ever answer why he’s afraid of the dark?

Michael Brennan

Are you familiar with Ti West? He's one of my favorite modern horror directors and tends to lean towards slow burn storytelling. He doesn't make the scariest movies, but they are interesting and high quality. Highly recommended. Everything from House of the Devil, The Innkeepers, The Sacrament, and his newest, X.