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How G4 Died | Sacred Symbols+, Episode 233

Please welcome Peter Pischke to the show. Peter is a freelance journalist whose latest work focuses-in on the slow-rolling demise of G4. Founded in 2002 and mothballed about a decade ago, G4 was once a vibrant television network dedicated to video games and nerd culture. Its contemporary revival, on the other hand, launched late last year and has been an abject failure by any metric. Peter's reporting suggests the end is nigh for G4 yet again, and he takes time to go behind the scenes into their "anti-sexism" rant that went viral earlier this year in particular, which he identifies as the death knell for the company. If you're interested in the behind-the-scenes machinations of the industry, this episode's for you.


Maxi Lopez

This aged well and quickly lol

Drew Agnew

This episode killed G4 for real.


Where is the audio for this episode? Or is it just a video?

Jonah Gespacho

Lol! Wow. Thanks Col. I wanted this revival to feel like I was eating a Milk Steak with Charlie. Where the hell am I supposed to watch Cops now? What in God’s name am I going to watch when eating my buy one, get one Marie Calendar microwavable dinners? I guess we are all now feeling like bad boys that do not know what to do. Kind regards and much love.

Sergio Pina

I feel like we need an updated version where we can get a take on the now confirmed death.

Michael Thew

If you couldn’t get Olivia Munn in her Princess Leia slave outfit doing her hot dog trick then then they where not really interested in financial success. I’m sorry but horned up teens boys / early 20s men where in it for hot chicks and booth babes and G4 and to be honest so did E3 took that aspect out to be woke. The socialist woke gamers talk about pro consumer but that somehow means free, not a quality product anymore. Prolly not the main reason for their failure but sex sells and go woke, go broke are sayings for a reason. I enjoyed G4 for those reasons for what it was back in the day as a guy in its mid 20s and no one wants to see smug, I’m smarter than you, stick up your ass attitude that the woke minority project in places like g4, kotuko and IGN


People want to pretend that gaming industry didn't exist, and for many of them, it didn't. But I was there, and I assure you it did.

Michael Thew

Yeah I was there too. This bland, safe, better not ever fuck up because we will destroy you mentality we are in now is fucking pathetic, much like those pushing it. This massive recession we are heading toward hopefully will wipe these people from the things I love and we can get back to pushing the envelope. Creating interesting new things without those that use their hatred and jealousy to shit all over others because they know they are weak and untalented. Only the best of the best are going to make it


Thanks for clarifying. It all worked out. I watched it on the treadmill today. Very interesting, in-depth episode!


What’s ironic is that she looks pretty bangable to me.

Heather Edwards

I loved this interview. This guy seems really nice. I appreciate all the people I’m introduced to on sacred +. Thanks!!!

Wretched Spawn

Since Colin and his guest are gonna gloss over important details ....(like the real reason Frost went on that rant....hint..."sexism in gaming" was a ruse to hide her lack of merit as a host).... Imma leave this here. There are 3 parts (tho gundam said on twitter that he'll make a 4th part, in light of G4's recent closure) to it. The series tells you all the context you need: Part 1: https://youtu.be/A4OvOPP_scw Part 2: https://youtu.be/nFq45awHdlk Part 3: https://youtu.be/AdYs2sJX8R4


I'm definitely not watching all of that. But I appreciate you making it available for those who are interested.


I loved Sessler back in the day, now I don’t even want to hear his voice again. It’s a shame what toxic, cringy left wing politics does to people.

Sergio Pina

The Trump presidency ruined so many people, and it wasn't even Trump's doing, it was their response to Trump. They all exposed themselves as the mentally unstable people they actually are, incapable of having their own free thoughts and debating a point without lowering themselves to wishing death on half the country.


This guy sounds like a character Chris would play if he huffed glue.