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Welcome to The Sacred League | Sacred Symbols+, Episode 232

It's me, Colin. As you know, I love sports. And these days, sports fandom and so-called 'fantasy sports' come hand-in-hand, and I'm no doubt a player. After all, who doesn't love statistics and rankings and all the rest? Objective and subjective alike, metagaming like this can be a hell of a lot of fun as a supplemental piece of entertainment, and it's from that space that I came up with the idea for The Sacred League, our new, monthly Sacred Symbols+ subseries that pits the show's three co-hosts against each other in perpetual competition, one we can track over months and years. So, what are some titles to watch this month? How about one to avoid? What was the biggest story of the past 30 days, and which yet-to-happen story will be the biggest of the next 30? The easiest way to understand what we're doing is to listen, and -- as always -- your feedback is appreciated. As is typical, you'll be helping us steer and determine things in a major way.


Jordan Falduto

My feedback for this new format is that it's great. Could I say how about adding this or adjusting that? Sure, but it's more fun to watch you guys shoot from the hip and perfect over time. You know, this company started as politically-centric and eventually found its way to so much more. Cheers to this fun new idea.


100% aligned with Dustin on the "Sunday Stress" feeling of having a bunch of little actions to have to work on, that weigh on you all day, and then they end up not being an issue or being relatively easy to work through in a 1-2 hour window (~1:40) - it feels so dumb haha. I've found that, if those things have to be knocked out at some point that same day I'm feeling stressed, pulling my mind away and doing something distracting for 10-15 minutes completely reframes my mindset. To the point that now I constantly find myelf thinking "was I really all that stressed about having to do X thing 10 minutes ago?"


Really enjoyed the show - especially liked the questions at the end and interested to see how that aspect of the show pans out over time. One thing I thought whilst watching was that the section for a recommended game you've played in the last 30 days felt somewhat close to what you already do on the usual show, especially if you've been playing that game across two or more weeks. Same kind of goes for the PS story that interested you, though less so as you're able to potentially expand/reflect on a story with more info/a different perspective. That said, it's definitely nice to have a bonus show that feels like an extension to the main show, plus it has some fun things in there like the questions and predictions. Looking forward to see how this all lands come next month's show with the scoring.

Zack Fair

Colin, don't you think you're been harsh on PlayStation given the COD situation? Yeah it's a big loss of money like you say that's free, so why wouldn't they go to debate their case, I'm sure they have a couple of shooters in development and time will tell how good they are. Even if they make one good FPS, it will take probably 2 years for the install base to be there but I think they'd need to bring it to PC day one for it to be a success. Btw now it's Phil Spencer crying now that the UK CMA regulatory body has pushed it to stage two. Awesome format Colin, loved the episode!

Greg Dawson

Like ghost busters, y'know what other franchise that only has one good movie they keep bringing back? Star Wars. Empire is great. Maybe at a push Jedi. The rest is pap. Thankful the creator of Back to the Future refuses to do it. We don't need a TV show about Biff or Martys parents. We don't. Leave stuff alone. PS. I think one reason that our gen is nostalgic for those franchises is because they were precious. You didn't have 1B videos on YouTube or Netflix to watch. You had a VHS of Empire that sometimes went funny during the fight scene because you rewound it too much 😂. Nowadays, things are throwaway/fleeting.

Kevin Mansel

This series has the capability to be my favorite show from you guys. Can’t wait for more.


I appreciate your feedback on the game selection, but don't agree. We talk about multiple games over the course of the month. This is to focus-in on that one product.


I just think they're playing a losing hand by running this to the end. I know they're trying to buy time and make it painful, but it comes off as petty as some point.


Good point - it does gives a nice comparison point too which I think will be especially interesting during a time with a lot of new releases. Looking forward to the next one!

Zack Fair

A good piece on the ABK deal is on Gameindustry.biz Highly recommend


Absolutely loved this episode and can't wait for more!

Dennis M.

I already posted this to the YouTube video, but this might be the better place. I'm new here, so I'm not really sure. I hope it's okay to copy and paste the comment: Great idea for a show. Something to look forward to every month. I think it would be a cool idea to have one segment where all of you have to predict something about the biggest game of the month. For example, in November you have to predict what will happen in God of War. It doesn't have to be a huge story thing, it could be something small and maybe even silly, like "What will be the first spoken word in God of War Ragnarök?" I think that would make for fun podcasting, especially if these questions are always open-ended. You could get pretty creative with these questions, but I don't know how silly you wanna get in The Sacred League. :) Just an idea from a pretty new listener. Thanks for all the content!

Dylan Gibson

I always love prediction type shows.

Jack Fining

I really love the idea of monthly over/unders in terms of review scores for popular games or release dates of things, I think that;s something that's easy to score as well. Is there a place you think you guys will have the rolling scores constantly updated for everyone to see? Whether it's the discord or your website?