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It's me, Colin. As you know, I love sports. And these days, sports fandom and so-called 'fantasy sports' come hand-in-hand, and I'm no doubt a player. After all, who doesn't love statistics and rankings and all the rest? Objective and subjective alike, metagaming like this can be a hell of a lot of fun as a supplemental piece of entertainment, and it's from that space that I came up with the idea for The Sacred League, our new, monthly Sacred Symbols+ subseries that pits the show's three co-hosts against each other in perpetual competition, one we can track over months and years. So, what are some titles to watch this month? How about one to avoid? What was the biggest story of the past 30 days, and which yet-to-happen story will be the biggest of the next 30? The easiest way to understand what we're doing is to listen, and -- as always -- your feedback is appreciated. As is typical, you'll be helping us steer and determine things in a major way.



Asique Alam

Wait, I don't know if I missed it in the show but since you guys are going to be talking about what you guys are playing on SS League is that segment canned in the regular show?


This feels like a ‘Game of the Year’ episode but every month - love it!


I agree with Jake above that this feels redundant. Also, less interaction with KB is hard to hear but whatever makes life easier for you guys. Lastly, and most importantly perhaps: Col, how you gonna shout out Legacy of Thieves on PC when you still haven’t even played The Lost Legacy? You got some nerve my dude. 😄


PSVR 2 is an instabuy for me if it’s pc compatible, and I’ve always felt like it’s the one thing Sony can offer to entice Valve to bring Alyx to the platform.

Dana Anderson

I don’t understand why it should be playstation games. And if the answer is “bc its sacred symbols plus” id argue plenty of episodes have centered around other topics. It feels gatekeeping for an arbitrary reason. Why not try and expand it to include Defining Duke?


It's a fun idea, but I'm worried it won't seem any different than regular SS if scoring isn't rigorously defined, weight given to risk of picks, and duplicates aren't allowed between contestants. I like the idea of audience involvement for subjective criteria though.

Micah Locke

I think what's missing here that are in fantasy football leagues that I play in is prizes for winners and punishments for losers. Example: Winner for the month gets a free PlayStation game from the Last Stand coffers and loser has to Platinum a terrible game of winner's choice before the start of the following month. I think there needs to be rigorous rules and points to make sure it's fair, but there needs to be stakes to be most engaging.

Dylan Manuszak

Snake draft maybe next time? Could be fun.


I don't get this "this is just like regular Sacred" line, though I appreciate your feedback. How is this anything like the regular show?


What I'm saying is without a clearly defined ruleset that makes a competition worthwhile, then you're just talking about video games for 1-2 hours. I don't mind that, but the rest of the trappings would be superfluous.

Trevor Myers

great idea for a show, kind of like the draft at the begining of the year, which I hope also still continues.

Josh Gamez

I'm just getting to this and about the whole Ghostbusters thing: while I was never a massive Ghostbusters fan, my whole limited fandom actually came from the cartoon from the 90s and I think a Super Nintendo or maybe Genesis game that one of my neighbors had. I don't think I actually watched the movie(s) until I was in high school lol.

Aaron Barnes

I loved the first and only the first Ghost Busters movie, I've seen them all. I had no idea there was a cartoon, I have to find and watch this now. As for Ghost Busters games, I've never played any of them and not sure if I'll play this coming game?