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Mapping Out Q4 With Defining Duke | Sacred Symbols+, Episode 228

It's time once again for Sacred Symbols x Defining Duke. We welcome Matty and Cog to the show with an agenda in mind: To dig through our most-anticipated games of October, November, and December, and 'map a path' through which titles we're planning on playing. Between the five of us, we discuss 18 separate products (17 games and a DLC pack), and guide you towards what we think are the most exciting of a thankfully busy period, one that leads into a seemingly-unimaginably hectic 2023 to come.


Tom Gentry

Colin, I take umbrage with your dismissal of Plague Tale. In my opinion, it is one of only a few games that properly evokes The Last of Us in its gameplay and style, and we all know TLoU is probably your most beloved 3D game franchise. I hope you get around to playing the sequel as it looks like it could be something special if they fix the issues from the first one. Take care

carter weiss

The first plague tale was an absolute treat and this one looks gorgeous


I was just coming here to comment to ask why he thinks it's not a game for him. This is highly reductive but it's literally the Last of Us with rats set in an alternative history Europe. I think there's a good chance Colin would dig it. I just played it very recently and I loved it, and I didn't think I was going to at all.


Once again these crossovers eps continue to be some of the best content you guys are doing. It’s nice to see different personalities working together. Would prefer this become a weekly or even bi weekly thing but I can live with once of month. Thanks for the great content guys.

Tristen Wilbers

I just watched this part and Colin wasn't dismissive at all? He seemed to portray it neutrally and let everyone else speak on it and even acknowledged the studio's great potential...


Man I'm sure you're all bombarded with this sentiment but man these sacred x duke episodes are fire. I love seeing Matty and cog build a stronger rapport with the frequency you're all pumping these out. Keep it up duders

Walker Simmons

I'm not even a Sonic fan but how are floating rails any different than floating blocks in Mario?. Accept the blue blur into your hearts and into other parts of your body

Payton Stone

The Fellas somehow got me excited about Scorn. Who woulda thunk it? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Hidari Shotaro

Cog is spot on, XCOM is one of the best strategy games and there reallqy arent enough clones. Super hyped for Midnight Suns.


Colin heard you say in the podcast that you wanna do a symbols+ episode on what’s been going on with Square. Please do this!! Would be really interesting to listen too!


I feel like a broken record but I feel like I'm in a parallel universe every time Overwatch 2 comes up on these shows. It's not a sequel, it was announced as a PvE expansion with the PvP elements being updated for free. When they changed this model to entirely free to play this restructured everything as a relaunch rather than an expansion. The PvE mode was never announced as a narrative campaign, but I keep hearing people bring it up as if there's a story or this fills in a missing part of the game. It's just a wave based shooter with some objective points (like Fortnite or Team Fortress 2) and they were just trying to find a way to monetize it the way Fortnite charges for their PvE mode. Also, OW2's PvE mode isn't until next year, despite all the marketing pointing to the Oct 4th launch date. I think that Overwatch 2 has to be the single worst marketing campaign I've seen for a game because no one I talk to has the same understanding of what it is. I remember the beta coming out and most of the feedback was "it's just the same game" and I think there's going to be a LOT of confusion and disappointment on the 4th. I'll be there enjoying it as I do now, as a pretty ok game, but Blizzard really wants to set the bar higher than they can reach.

Brian Salazar

I will say, that when playing The Pathless, I did think to myself “oh. You can make a good sonic game.” An open world should hopefully allow sonic to go fast without constantly crashing into things.


Weekly is kind of a big ask, these guys are busy :D, but I definitely agree it's some of the best content!


Great show and great timing. I'd actually not complain if when you did these crossovers we didn't get a DDU that week. I know that is not how LSM rolls but it would be a fair compromise if scheduling a SS x DD Cross-over, DDU and DD was tricky.

Brandon Soto

A little surprised no Pokémon love. Stinky Switch.

Zack Fair

Love it when all the boys get together!! Damn my wallet is gonna burn these next few months, Plague tale Requiem, Gotham Knights, GOW, Tactics ogre and Crisis core


None of them care about Pokémon, I think. Especially older guys like Colin and Cog, like myself, were probably teens when Pokémon released. Maybe Matty?


Having you guys all together is like a family BBQ. And goddamn you're all cookin' with gas. I absolutely love a good gaming list breakdown, and all the right notes got hit here. Glad the REVillage DLC came up! In the post-credits scene of Village, it made it seem like Rose's story was going to be RE9. Hearing that the DLC is the "end of the Winters" is kind of sad, as her character is being relegated to an expansion pack that less will play. Granted, we know nothing about her character, and she may not be compelling.. but whatever I'm psyched for this! 3rd person let's go.


Maybe there should be a separate name for these kinds of episodes. I know Colin is running the show so I guess SS+ makes sense, but I think there’s room for separate branding. P.S. Loved all the crossover podcasts, keep ‘em coming.


I really think games like FFT (turn-based) and X-COM (real-time) are just very hard to make well, and so few even try.


They conceived of it during a different (and ephemeral) period in gaming, where it made some sense.


We don't wanna inundate people, nor do we want to create a new show that we're not consistent with. This makes the most sense.


Love the Sacred Dukes episodes 👌🤌

Greg Dawson

I've never played 'I Am Setsuna', but when you described the story Colin it sounded similar to FF10. Did SE use the same story in two 'modern' JRPGs?

Greg Dawson

The quote from Chris "why did they give Kratos a kid?" Not only that, but in the lore, the massive dragon (Jomungundir?) is in fact, Atreaus' kid - which in turn, makes the dragon, Kratos' grandson. Weird right? Source: check Kratos' family members https://godofwar.fandom.com/wiki/Kratos


Another great crossover guys.


Love that intro switching between Colin and Marty! Haha would be so huge if one day this become a monthly cross over Sacred Duke thing :)