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If you were around and paying attention when Lost aired on ABC, you'll already know that it was a true television phenomenon both in the United States and around the world. Indeed, when it first started running in 2004, it immediately became a 'water cooler'-type show, and it was an especially poignant time to watch something like Lost, because this was pre-streaming, pre-social media, and, for most, pre-DVR. It was appointment viewing. Otherwise, you rented or bought the DVDs when they came out, or hoped to catch a rerun or grab a bad-quality copy from online. And, most importantly, you dodged spoilers as best you could! The mysteries of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 are at the center of what makes the show so compelling, and so as we begin our six-episode journey through what is perhaps ABC's most famous programming ever, we encourage you to watch along with us. The numbers. The hatch. The Black Rock. Ethan Rom and the Others. The beach craft. Polar bears. Needless to say, this is no ordinary island.




I love Dagan

Michael (ObjoGaming)

I want you to know that I listen to the opening on every episode, even on ones like this that I have no interest in the topic, just because I like to hear how things are going for Dagan

Wayne Moss

Enjoyed this episode & can’t wait for you guys to get to season 2. Just a heads up for uk guys & girls Lost is on Disney + in the uk it’s under the Star ⭐️ banner.


Colin dude I feel you on the sweating thing. I'm a 6'6 260 pound man, covered in hair and insulation. I'm a sweaty fuck. Hearing you talk about how your neighbor probably thinks you're insane for being randomly unnecessarily sweaty really hits home lmao.


I'm so unbelievably excited for Knockback to cover the rest of this series THANK YOU!!!

Carter Evenson

When I first finished Lost in middle school, I spent 3 days being upset it was over. I’m somewhat interested in rewatching the show now!


Damn, I missed my chance to submit any questions by not paying attention. I’ll be sure to be ready for future posts. I’m sure your comment about how Lost compared to nowadays TV will not be as complex maybe, but I absolutely loved the show, one of my favorites. A rare one I rewatched.


I enjoyed the discussion quite a bit, I especially liked the character rundown. So many great characters to come in the series, including one of my personal favorites, Desmond. "See you in another life, brother." Locke is of course of major interest with how the island transforms him. Over the course of the whole season, he is always enjoyable [though tragic]. I always associated with Jack more as a man of science, whereas a lot of my family fall more into the "man of faith" type with Locke. I even had a difficult few years with my dad, so his character always appealed to me the most from the beginning crew. As far as your comments on the show itself, if you never saw the 6th season, I think you will enjoy it. The only thing that I had any issue with [no spoilers] was that some of it seemed a little too trite, just running from point A to B, then back, then to point C. However, it does build well to the conclusion, and delivers an epic finale.


The whole HOA and neighborhood thing sounds silly to me in the sense that if you can afford to pay for the land then who gives a fuck? Fun to listen to Dagan theorize and how he’s already catching on to the facilities and even the Egyptian bit. Although, I kinda wish that black and white question wasn’t brought up because that’s really more of end game territory.


Well, many things your neighbors can do can affect you greatly, both practically and with home values, etc.

Martin Colclough

Excellent timing, myself and my wife have just rewatched the entire show since it first aired. Any idea what time scale we can expect you guys to cover the other 5 seasons? I'll await patiently regardless. Cheers guys.

Hugo Stiglitz

I've been rewatching this show and honestly I love every season but 1 is pretty amazing because they did such a good job setting up the main characters. Also, Colin is right, the opening of season 2 is totally awesome. One of the best I can remember of any show. It also introduces one of my favorite characters bruthah

Tommy Larsen

I love that Dagan hasn't been spoiled and doesn't know the ending so that will definitely be something to look forward to. My girlfriend hasn't seen it but she knows the ending but still wants to watch the show so hopefully we'll start that soon. I missed most of the watercooler moments for Lost bc I didn't start watching until the final season. I watched all the seasons in a month to catch up during the final season. Idk how my head didn't explode lol. But during that time was also 24. And that was appointment TV for a while with my family. Commercial time so people get a drink, go to the bathroom etc and then yelling at them that it's back on. Such great memories. I miss those days.