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At six million units sold, PlayStation VR is no longer the best-selling virtual reality headset ever released. It has, however, found itself a solid niche on Sony's consoles, and it's obvious that the Japanese megacorporation believes in the technology. To look at PlayStation VR -- its past, its present, and its future -- I (Colin) invited a renowned platform expert to our modest program: Bryan Paul of the popular YouTube channel and podcast PSVR Without Parole. Our chat is wide-ranging, touching on which PSVR games are best, what titles stand out and which ones miss, and, when it comes to PSVR2, what the future holds. Which first party and second party teams should make games for PSVR2? What's the potential of those new controllers in comparison to Move? Can developers rely on Sony to have their backs? For those seeking a nitty-gritty deep-dive into PlayStation VR, this episode of + is no doubt the farthest down the rabbit hole we've ever gone.



Matthew Foley

What does VRAF mean…


VR (Virtual reality) + AF (As F**k)


This was a really cool episode! Very informative.


That was fantastic! I would happily welcome further episodes featuring Bryan, either retro or PSVR focused.

Nathan Densley

As someone who always wanted the VR but never pulled the proverbial trigger, I really appreciated this. Showed me a world and games that sound great to play. Do you think they are going to rerelease some of these for VR2 with updated controls?

Matt Wiles

Upload this for free so we make sure Sony hears the concerns over VR and their PSN shop.

Matt Wiles

Literally just seen an ad on Instagram for Moss: Book 2 (VR). That’s absolutely random. Could Sony marketing be listening?!


I follow VR without parole since they started. I love how dedicated they are to VR even to the point they cant stand flat sceen gaming. Its cool you guys finally collaborated. Hope we get more in the future.


Ha, that's funny; I live around the Worcester area as well.

Greg Dawson

Cant help but notice the similarlies with Vita and PSVR. Big first party entries (Uncharted/Killzone), but not enough. Didn't try and get GTA and other big first parties that were aware of. Then Sony focuses on the main console and drops the vita. Sounds like they did exactly the same with PSVR.


This episode was so good