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For many, the sixth season of Game of Thrones is when the show begins to decline. A lot of that unfortunately has to do with the subject matter itself: We are now beyond the boundaries of George RR Martin's books (at least as he's written and released them so far). With that structure gone, and with lots of holes to fill in, places to see and go, people to meet, and events to occur, the brisk pace of Game of Thrones' sixth season is perhaps its most glaring weakness. That's because within its 10 episodes is enough content for 20 or more, a compliment to yet another high-quality HBO offering that we simply want more of. It's still wonderful television, but it's sad to think about what could have been if it was given a more proper treatment, especially as we draw closer to what is widely considered a woefully weak finale. In the meantime, though, let us analyze and contemplate, as we're wont to do.




I always wondered about rewatching Game of Thrones but I wasn't sure if I could take the disappointment again but after listening to these episodes and how you both talk about it, it makes me want to go round again.

Stephen Forgione

Honestly, this episode in particular has soured me on Season 6 in hindsight. While I did love the final two episodes, Arya’s Braavos storyline and the quickness of the pacing definitely are sore spots. On Ramsay, he does have a “evil for evil’s sake” streak similar to Joffrey. But Joffrey was backed by Tywin and the Lannister army/reputation/fortune. What does Ramsay/the Boltons have? Did Ramsay really have that much respect/fear amongst the Northmen behind him that quickly? The more I think on it, the less it makes sense.

Robbie Agnew

Season 6 was still great in my eyes. It has 3 of the best episodes in The Hodor Epsiode, The Battle of the Bastards and The Explosion of the Citadel. In my eyes, still pretty strong stuff

Kenneth Koepnick

I was curious to see how you guys would sound as the show progressed. Hearing your enthusiasm early on was hard, given my overall feeling of the show & it’s downward trajectory. I agree 100% with the assessment early in the episode, that the pacing is too quick. So much is quick & convenient, it loses the cleverness & thoughtfulness that made the show special. And it only gets worse.


Yeah, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I don't get how these guys rule so effectively by fear; seems over-the-top.


We need a knockback for the first book, I finally read it last year, hoping they would provide me a better conclusion in the future, really exceptionally written works of fiction

Zach Brown

Glad you're now enjoying the books, and you'll start to discover even more about the seasons' pacing. When you talk about giving the stories time to breathe, this is exactly what happened with the third book, "A Storm of Swords", which actually wasn't given one season, but TWO seasons - it was the basis for Seasons 3 AND 4. Then, conversely, in Season 5, where you started noting the pacing picking up, this was not only one book, but it actually covered both Books 4 and 5 - nearly 2000 pages over just one season. Your complaints about the pacing are more justified than you even realized. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the final two seasons.

Angel DeJesus

Hey Colin. Just wanted to say, by all accounts, it was the producers who decided to shorten the seasons instead of doing more. HBO offered to pay for more episodes, and I think even an extra season to flesh things out better. But it seems like Benioff and Weiss wanted to be done with the show and move on to the star wars project Disney had offered them. Which, Disney pulled back after the way the end of GoT was received. https://www.indiewire.com/2021/11/george-rr-martin-begged-hbo-10-game-of-thrones-seasons-1234682043/

Lord Gerontus

“Good thing we’re friends, or we’d be fookin you in the ass right now” ~Bronn

Carlos Moreno

Yep! season 3 and 4 are so memorable exactly because of that and of course GRRM's writing chops.

Carlos Moreno

Season 5 was where the more bombastic set pieces and plot resolutions by sword fighting start to occur rather than the political drama and smart writing the show was known for. Dorne was completely basterdized in the show frankly. The plot set up in Dorne by GRRM puts the Martell's primed to be one of the most interesting elements going into Winds of Winter. Glad to see you started reading the books!