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PlayStation has delivered a sample size of what to expect in their renovated service that will attempt to stand toe-to-toe with Xbox Game Pass. With Matty and Cog being Game Pass vets, we know that PlayStation Plus will need time to establish an identity much like its competitor did. So, with that, we take an early inspection of its backwards compatible offerings (or lack thereof), current generation library, and trials system to weigh out the good versus the bad.

Note: Due to a scheduling conflict, we're rearranging the schedule this week by releasing Defining Duke Ultimate today and Sacred Symbols+ tomorrow. This is not a permeant  change and we'll be back on our normal schedule next week.




NC resident here. You're going down, Matty


I don’t think PS fans need to brace themselves for Sony to undeliver some months. We’ve been conditioned with Sony almost exclusively doing that with the monthly games, at least for me. Besides the first party PS4/PS5 games we’re getting, some of which I own, this is a huge disappointment. I’m most excited to try out a couple first/second party games, but moreso Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, which I missed. I haven’t played an AC since Brotherhood, and I totally skipped the Far Cry series since 2.

Captain Bon Clay

As an avid PlayStation player besides infamous nothing really interests me, I’ll wait till the first refresh before deciding

Jose Cantu

I'm satisfied enough with what's going to be available, especially since they made it clear it was only some of the games. Plus other deals like Ubisoft+ and maybe some other cool stuff. I'm looking forward to it.


In terms of the "paper wars," I think Steep also recently left GP or is leaving soon... further contributes to that idea I suppose


I think the offerings in the service is good, particularly for people who are new to the PlayStation ecosystem. With everything going on with Xbox recently including DRM-gate, Delay-gate, Xbox ambassador gate, I can see some Xbox casuals/disgruntled gamers and new gamers flocking to Sony's ecosystem now.


This service would be more interesting to me if Sony made some kind of guarantee like "all first party games come to the service on their 1-year anniversary" or something similar. Or maybe "yeah you don't get the first party game but all DLC is day one". Idk it's just weird subbing for an entire year without any ideas or expectations for what is coming and when.


I have so much to play with gamepass I don't think I would have enough time to get my value out of another service.

Bogey Zero

Just for clarification, if you pay yearly, PS plus premium comes out to about $10.

Angel DeJesus

Hey guys. So this is the second episode of yours that I'm listening to, cuz I am a Sony gamer. But I think you guys were real fair here. Right now I'm going for extra. I feel like the classic stuff will be rough. I want crisis core and force unleashed. But I don't see Sony getting stuff like crash, cuz Microsoft/Activision. Square is doing remasters and remakes, so they won't participate too much. Then you got Konami collections. Capcom with RE remakes and their fighter collections. Anyway, great job, keep up the good work