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Analyzing Your Gaming Hot Takes | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 185

Kids say the darndest things. And so do gamers, as it turns out, who are full of infinite nuggets of wisdom that sometimes make us think, sometimes give us pause, and sometimes stretch the very limits of credulity. Today's episode of + is dedicate to your hottest takes, submitted without edit, and judged by... well... us. Is Uncharted vastly overrated? How about Horizon? Did the DualShock controller line feel cheap? Why do people care about God of War so much? Was MAG ahead of its time? Does Sony's fixation on games-as-a-service portend an ill future? Has The Last of Us too heavily influenced PlayStation's first party output? Friends, we've much to get into, so hit play without delay (rhyme unintended).



Longer the better. Oh crap are we talking about podcasts? 0-0 ;)


I'm in two minds on the podcast-length discussion. Generally, I feel 4 hours is far too long. However, I also can see Colin's point that the conversation should be as long as it needs to be. I feel like, with the 4-hour episodes, there is a fair bit of non-gaming or unintentional padding (conversation) that could be easily edited out, without taking away from the pacing or overall content of the pod. I don't currently have a lot of time to listen to the pod, so often it will take me the entire week to get through a 4 hour episode.


Yeah please don't shorten the podcast, don't know how I would fill my time otherwise. Keep up the amazing content!


Skip to the parts you want to listen to. You don't have to listen to it all


These are, indeed, hot takes. I honestly feel like PlayStation games are appropriately rated - good, even great but with flaws.


I'm quite happy with the length of the podcasts. Perfect for my commute back and forth to work for a week. Basically one podcast lasts me monday-friday with driving back and forth to work each day.


Yes, the amazing detailed timestamps solve this. Makes me wish every talk-style podcast had them.


I don't mind the length of the podcast whether it's longer or shorter, I will listen. I agree with the point made on the podcast allow the discussion to be as long as needed, setting limits upon a discussion does not help the podcast.


The 4 hour long podcasts gets me through the slow afternoons at work so I am happy with the length. Glad the show will go one as it has been!

Greg Shapiro

This was very fun. Maybe this could be a new SS+ format? Maybe do a hot take episode once a month or something? Just a suggestion, keep up the great work!


1. I LOVE the length of Sacred Symbols 2. I also don't like Uncharted or Horizon Zero Dawn or a lot of Playstation exclusives tbh. I love Ratchet and Sly Cooper, God of War and some others though. Really fun show, would love another of these

illicit salt trade

Portal 2, The Last Guardian, and the first Psychonauts were never good games even for their time. Guardians of the Galaxy as a game is a 5/10. The writing was good and it would have made a fine mini-series on Disney+ but the level design, combat, graphics, framerate, ability upgrades and everything else were bargain-bin quality. Hell, even the soundtrack choices were almost all crap.


Just had to chime in here, Colin is spot on about letting the podcast breathe. Allow the discussion, allow the food talk, etc. Don't rush along topics if there's a good discussion going (Vinny could have learned this on Beastcast). Keep doing what you do friends!!!!

Caleb Shelton

People that think the show is too long should simply listen to the podcast as long as they feel they need and not listen to the rest. What is the difference between not listening to an hour or so and it never being made, from that point of view?

Sorta Serious Gaming

Colin I couldn't agree more and am really happy you feel the way you do about the length of the pod. I work for myself in construction and I love seeing a 3+ hour episode. It just means I'm getting more of what I like. I don't understand the complaints. Why don't people just take breaks at the segments (i.e. what you've been playing) or something if they don't have the time to listen to it all at once? This whole sense of entitlement people have where if something isn't exactly how they want it that means its being done wrong.. its really becoming far too common a problem. Keep doing what you want to do. You're able to create the content you create because of the backbone you possess, and that's why we are here