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Willing Participants in the Culture War | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 182

I (Colin) am very, very pleased to welcome my good friend David Jaffe to the show. For the uninitiated, Mr. Jaffe is the designer and director that brought you the likes of Twisted Metal and God of War, and these days, he's in what we might call semi-retirement, streaming on Twitch and making YouTube videos and sharing his wisdom. I invited Jaffe back to the show for a specific reason, though we go off on all sorts of tangents. Our main talk revolves around JK Rowling, Hogwarts Legacy, and the incoming poopstorm that will undoubtedly take over the industry this fall. As the father of a trans son, Jaffe has especially poignant insight into the reaction to the game, to Rowling, and how we might deal with this fiery front of the culture war in our own backyard. We also touch on a bunch of other issues, too, including a dive into the recent games we're playing, game pricing and the future of subscription services, the increasing plight of shameless fanboyism, and Jaffe's potential return to development. Did you know he turned down Tencent's offer to lead a $100 million AAA project? Now you do! Enjoy.


Chris Evans

Would've liked to see a little more pushback on the "trans women are women" but overall a good conversation. I don't agree with Jaffe but I appreciate his perspective. Male and female are also a biological sex, so Jaffe saying his kid is male is also scientifically inaccurate even if you subscribe to gender spectrum ideology. His take on sports was also fairly... misinformed.. I'm sure he's not a big sports guy though.


I don't think it's worth pushing that subject when it's so personal since they're friends. I had no idea Jaffe even had a trans kid.

Michael Tennick

It's interesting that Jaffe specifically brings up the suicide rates among trans people but seems to chalk it up to "all the abuse and transphobia they must face". Given the social penalties for even being percieved to be transphobic, I find it hard to believe that trans people are being mobbed everywhere they go. In addition to that, I believe most people just don't give a shit and have a live and let live atitude. That's not to discount personal experiences. Obviously trans people have experienced harrassment and discrimination but I think it's a disservice to chalk up the insanely high suicide rates down simply to "they were bullied into it". Of course we'd need to have a discussion about mental illness and the transactivist get VERY angry the second you step into that water and make any kind of implication there. But until we do, suicide rates aren't going to drop. The fact that pre-op and post-op suicide rates are similar imply that surgery isn't always the right decision for people. Just for clarification; I believe people should be free to live their life the way they want as long as they aren't infringing on the rights of others. But just because you are free to do something, doesn't mean it's always the right thing to do. I also don't want to step into or make any commentary on Jaffe's relationship with his son; that's entirely their business.

Chris Evans

I agree and I'm certain that's why Colin didn't. I respect his decision, I also don't know how Colin personally feels about the subject so I really can't say what he should have said. I don't love the idea of having to walk on eggshells just because one person might be sensitive to the issue. I agree with the point they made that we should let people live how they want and honestly I think it's weird but overall doesn't bother me. The part that bothers me is I'm required to participate and engage in their warped version of reality to "affirm" their identity. Nobody should have the right to force that belief onto another person and make them abide by it.


I have completely different viewpoints and disagree with Jaffe’s opinion’s on some things but I love hearing his opinion. Another banger for LSM 🤘🏻

Benjamin Schultz

Jaffe comparing fanboyism and a sports team was mind blowing. Loving a console is like loving the stadium your team plays. And how stupid that is. Mind blown.

Ryan H

A ripper episode Colin! Love Jaffe. Any chance he could come back for like, a four hour ep? You and him just chat until you get sick of each other! haha XD


I agree with you in the sense that I believe most people simply don't care. As I said on the show, it's when all of this started infringing on reality for society as a whole that a line was crossed.


I'll be waiting for the sex tape to leak soon of Colin and Jaffe. NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT!

Liam Mcnulty

Disagree fundamentally with David's worldview, but I genuinely think he's a cool, likeable dude, and I love listening to him, even when I don't agree. I like seeing two people, with polar opposite politics being friendly and having a chat. That's sorely missing in today's world. Thanks, Colin. I always enjoy having you two interact. Hopefully we'll get an OnlyFans collab one day.

Hose A Contra Razz

Colin, did you forget about Sofia? I bet she has different opinions than Jeff on the issue.

Wayne Moss

Always enjoy these episodes with Jaffe.

Alec Davis

The trans ideology is absurd. Unfortunate that people fall victim to life alternating decisions that they’ll soon regret


Some will regret it, others won't. The idea is to let them all get to a place where they can be most certain.

Dylan Michael

I was so happy to see this episode of Plus being longer than an hour. Alright Colin, it’s time to stop playing. We need a new stretch goal to get Jaffe onto the LSM crew.


If it "overall doesn't bother you" I would say it's not necesarry to get into pedantic arguments trying to disprove the statement "trans women are women" to people who actually have real world experience with trans people who they care for. If your thing is biological sex being immutable, then that shouldn't really be relevant to how someone wants to express their *gender*, which is not a 1 to 1 thing. The way they express that is not pertinent to the discussion Colin and jaffe were having and it's clear what someone like Jaffe whose brain is not rotted by Twitter meant by it: that trans women should just be treated like cis women are, seen as just "women". Because that's what trans people actually want is that security in their identity. If you can't agree with that enough to oblige them then that's your perogative, but I would keep it to myself if talking to someone who actually has firsthand experience with trans people they love

Blake Wall

Glad someone else is enjoying Infernax recently apparently that game came out a while ago but I hadn't heard about it until recently