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Please welcome Last Stand Media Legal Analyst Rick Hoeg back to +. Today, I (Colin!) invited Mr. Hoego to the show deal with a small collection of legal issues currently circulating throughout our industry. We start at the top, with a duo of Activision-related stories: The quitting-in-protest of a California lawyer with claims of interference from the governor's office in regards to the state's legal inquiries into Activision, and the refusal of Activision to cede a new pay structure to Raven's unionizing QA team. We then go over to soon-to-be Sony property Bungie, which has undertaken a rather interesting lawsuit in pursuit of nearly a dozen false-flaggers on YouTube, who abused DMCA takedowns on the company's behalf, without permission and likely in retaliation for previous takedowns. We then wrap things up by discussing Embracer Group, which recently told The Financial Times that it plans on growing in size in a major way, a rather confusing statement for a behemoth that already owns 115 teams (yes, 115). How can further growth even be possible, or sustainable, or even legal? So... why not hit play and learn yourself something?



Tick Dickler

Damn Colin, props for getting experts. I think I and almost everybody would probably have misread this otherwise, or at least taken the constructed narrative as is. I remember when news institutions used to do that.

Brandon Soto

30:29 “We’ll leave Activision. I’m sure we’ll touch on them again in the future.” Ohhhh!!!


These episodes with Hoeg on DD and SS are some of my favorite LSM content!

Max Stahl

This might be nonsense, but the volume level on all of your shows seems a bit low when using podcast feeds. The intro music comes through noticeably louder than the rest of the track. The volume levels of respective speakers can also vary a bit too much on your shows, too. Generally, I have to crank the volume up quite high when using headphones. I hope this is useful, for your consideration!

Sam Lee

Embracer has 68 studios now and they want to have 151?! That's wild. I can only imagine how many managers they need to keep everything straight.