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After many weeks of reporting, leaking, and speculating, PlayStation's answer to Game Pass is here. Jim Ryan said as much over a year ago that PlayStation was working on that answer to the booming service and it arrives in the form of a three tier subscription that manages to outprice its main competitor. How does it stand on its own and how does it compare to the current dominance of Game Pass? Is PlayStation bowing out of day-and-date releases enough for them to tread water? The Dukes dig in. On Xbox's own home turf, there seems to be trouble brewing. Former Undead Labs studio head Jeff Strain got ahead of a Kotaku piece on him and the studio with his own response to the questions asked by the outlet. It is merely one half of the tale, but is yet another studio going to come under fire? Time shall tell. More importantly then all of this hullabaloo: Chicken wings and game title abbreviations. This is where the really conversation lies in this week's Defining Duke.


0:00:00 - Intro

0:06:10 - Some smaller news items and follow-ups.

0:14:04 - How do we like our wings?

0:20:38 - Is Matty targeting specific patrons with bad food takes?

0:23:58 - What we’ve been playing.

0:35:36 - Our takes on the slap heard ‘round the world.

0:43:37 - Will we cover the Halo show?

0:49:57 - Could we add a second DDU?

0:54:21 - Is the future of Xbox that all their games will be played anywhere?

1:02:29 - Titty One or TinaLands?
1:04:34 - PlayStation has revealed their response to Game Pass.

1:39:51 - Kotaku will be running a report on the work conditions at Undead Labs.

2:08:04 - Bethesda Games Studios Austin and Double Eleven are teaming up.

2:20:41 - Xbox has announced a new division.

2:26:35 - Microsoft has revealed ID@Azure.

2:34:09 - Rockstar has announced GTA+.

2:38:58 - Game Pass pick of the week.

2:45:39 - Should Microsoft acquire more support studios?

2:49:07 - What are our thoughts on the Tekken anime series?

2:53:55 - If we could have a 30 minute chat with anyone, who would it be?

3:01:16 - What are our hopes and dreams for Gears 6?

3:06:13 - How long do we spend in character creators?




Matty did nothing wrong

Simon C

All he really said was, a customers of mega corporations, we should be getting a better services for the price


I stopped listening to DD a long time ago because I don't find Matty fun to listen to. It seems like by the content he produces he resorts to clickbait and hot takes to get attention. Especially his own content on YouTube. Most thumbnails and video titles are click bait. Makes me think that he doesn't think his content is good enough to speak for it self. Seeing the comments on this post make me feel good about my decision to stop listening to DD.

Cole Minder

Matty, you mentioned Tunic being one of the better day one gamepass games in one of your videos but I haven’t heard much about it on DD. Would love to hear y’all’s thoughts on it if you played. Appreciate you guys!

Anthony Palerino

Yooo people are ON ONE in these comments. Some of y’all are weird af man. Anyways only half way through but keep up the great content Dukes!


Whoa, let’s keep it respectful when levying criticism. Ain’t really constructive otherwise…


Let's all calm down people. Matty gave his opinion that's all. Everyone is entitled to one wether we agree or not. Respect for each other is more important. Great show dukes #DayanddateDD

Michael Buffill

It's perfectly fine to disagree and formulate your own opinion but there's no need to be disrespectful. @Samuel you contradict your own arguments left and right in your posts so you just need to stand down. To be honest I'm disappointed Playsation is even attempting a subscription service similar to gamepass. PSnow has been out for several years unsuccessfully, yet Sony is still on top. They should understand their base doesn't care to have a gamepass like service. They continually make more software revenue then Xbox so that should tell them their fans don't mind dishing out money for the type of quality of game Sony Studios produce. I have gamepass literally for the Xbox exclusives. I still buy third party games on Playstation because that's the ecosystem I'm heavily invested in for trophies. I will still buy the $100 version of the show on Playstation even though I can get it at no extra cost on Xbox because I just prefer to play that game on Playstation.

Adam Barnes

I was a big advocate for Matty to get his own show on Last Stand before DD started. I haven’t listened to an episode in a while now. I find his takes and his attitude at times to be insufferable. He also doesn’t say ‘undoubtedly’ correctly and it bugs me 🤣

Big titty drinker

That’s not why PlayStation fans are annoyed with him. We are annoyed with him because he keeps trying force this ideology of gamepass onto PlayStation gamers. We do not want gamepass on PlayStation because the type of games we like can’t survive in that type of subscription system. And because Sony sided with Thier base on this he got in his feelings. It just annoying that he keeps trying to tell PlayStation gamers what they should want from an Xbox gamers perspective … when he really just should accept that PlayStations base has different taste than Microsoft’s and does not like nor want the same thing.


For me I enjoyed the show when Karak was on it because he kept it grounded. So many times Matty would try to egg him on it seemed but he never took the "bait" Matty tries to sensationalize things where as Karak was like "nah" or "no" lol..... I remember Matty complaining about the viewership of DD declining when Karak left and I think a part of DD now is Matty desperately trying to make a splash and to make the show more popular. I could be wrong on this. Maybe the show is actually popular and bigger than ever.

Taylor kazemba

Make a Nintendo switch podcast at last stand media, thanks.

Taylor kazemba

The new plus is cheaper than gamepass even at its highest level. It’s $10 a month.

Taylor kazemba

U can download every system bunt ps3. Ps3 is the only cloud streaming on the new ps plus.


Great show guys


Gamepass been day and date for 4 years and have basically only released like 8 games and half are not great. Service is reliant on day one indies or 3rd party for me. Sony could also get those deals it's too early to say. If sony only gave me Gears, Halo, Forza, crackdown, state of decay, ori, and half baked sea of thieves type games at launch after 4 years I'd rather just pay for the Sony 1st party games imo.