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The Xbox Direct | Defining Duke Ultimate Episode 58

Xbox is growing mighty large these days with Zenimax in house and, hopefully by summer 2023, Activision as well. This will present Xbox with a plethora of riches and a relatively good problem to have. That problem being, they have so many games to show off and how they approach such a monumental task? They must still honor third party marketing deals, feed the day one Game Pass machine, and promote their vital indie community on top of all of this. How can they tackle this? Cog and I (Matty) have a few ideas!


David Kraytsberg

Taking a shot everytime the dukes say cadence and now I'm dead. Great show boys

Max - Fifthstring

The Xbox Game Pass Showcase 100% It gives the First party and third party their big push. If the game isn't on Gamepass, there's still multiple conferences a year that happen to show case them then like Summer game fest, Game Awards, Tokyo Game Awards, GamesCom, Quake Con, Blizz Con, MineCon, so much. Hell they can just turn some of their conventions into mini showcases too

Kbr Sports

The Hellblade 2 viewership numbers vs Starfield numbers wasn't the best comparison Matty lol Speaking in sports terms that's like comparing the popularity of a Dallas Cowboys topic to a Minnesota Vikings topic. They have a fan base no doubt but they're not in that Cowboys eschelon yet. Similar to Ninja Theory trying to become mainstream while Bethesda is already there. Not the best example lol. I think you put your content where the most eyes are. The bigger shows might be where the casuals are and if you can catch those eyes and bring them in. I don't see the downside of it. I get a Xbox event for Xbox fans but if people don't care about Xbox, they're not watching.

The rogue

hey hey, calm down a bit on the Vikings. This is our year, and we will not be silent.