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Xbox is growing mighty large these days with Zenimax in house and, hopefully by summer 2023, Activision as well. This will present Xbox with a plethora of riches and a relatively good problem to have. That problem being, they have so many games to show off and how they approach such a monumental task? They must still honor third party marketing deals, feed the day one Game Pass machine, and promote their vital indie community on top of all of this. How can they tackle this? Cog and I (Matty) have a few ideas!



Shawn Yorn

Hey, Dukes! Loving the episode so far. It's nice hearing about Xboxs indie scene and hearing that devs have really enjoyed working with Xbox and the Gamepass Ecosystem this Gen. I've heard Colin specifically mention a few times that not all indie developers are in favor of this Gamepass model however. He's never dug into it much and that's not to say he's not being genuine because I assume he is but it would be really interesting to find an indie dev that's NOT down with this ecosystem or gamepass and have a discussion with them. That would be fascinating.


So far in our interactions we have only heard good things, but I would love to hear the perspective from someone who doesn't as well.


It's not surprising for devs that have games on gamepass to speak highly of it. They're getting paid to have their game on gamepass. They have a vested interest. Plus, when you know that millions of gamers have gamepass and MS is the gatekeeper to getting on the platform, are you really going to be critical publicly and potentially ruin a relationship? Or expose yourself to internet trolls and harassment and death threats?

Raymond Stuart

I feel like this episode needed a little more time in the oven to really raise the conversation, sorry Dukes. I feel like getting someone with a marketing expertise would have been helpful. Or even a third perspective because a lot of this was just repetitious of previous comments made in DD last week or on Matty’s YT channel. It also seemed to ignore all of Xbox’s other marketing Chanel’s. Major Nelson’s podcast; blogs; ID@Xbox shows (one was just announced); all the additional content they produced outside of shows for Forza Horizon and even the launch of Halo Infinite. Ultimately, I think everyone is just getting antsy because Xbox is in a dry release spell. That’s a tough spot to be in as an Xbox show. But Sony was dry the last quarter+ of last year.