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The eyes of the world are on Eastern Europe, where the Russian invasion of Ukraine has unsettled the post-World War II order. Perhaps not surprisingly, external forces in the west are bringing their economic might to bear to help halt the senseless violence. While Ukrainian politicians ask the gaming industry to do more, some have already started to do what they can. EA, for instance, has removed the Russian national teams and associated clubs from their FIFA and NHL games, while developers like CD Projekt have halted game sales in Russia, full-stop. Is this the right answer? Will it do any good? Or is the industry contributing to the demonization of a society that doesn't support its government and didn't ask for these actions? We discuss. Plus: Ghostwire gets a visual novel prequel, Twisted Metal's TV show is greenlit by Peacock, Trails From Zero receives a western release date, Capcom's renaissance continues unabated, and more. Then: Listener inquiries! Is PlayStation 5 officially a must-buy? With Infamous and Sly Cooper rumors circulating, which teams would be appropriate to tackle both? What's Epic's intent in buying Bandcamp? Should the boys go to a fan's wedding?


0:00:00 - Intro

0:06:33 - Sacred Symbols 200 LIVE

0:08:22 - Controversial trophies.

0:10:43 - Was my dental hygienist flirting with me?

0:14:55 - Will we give Gran Turismo 7 a shot?

0:20:23 - Kotaku is on strike.

0:31:35 - Nvidia has suffered a major new leak.

0:36:14 - NIS has a new logo.

0:41:17 - Crunchyroll has absorbed Funimation.

0:46:56 - Tokyo Game Show 2022 will be an in-person event.

0:50:00 - Rumors of Horizon Forbidden West getting DLC abound.

0:54:30 - What have we been playing?

1:51:30 - Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine is impacting developers.

2:12:42 - Ghostwire Tokyo has received a free prequel visual novel.

2:18:36 - The Twisted Metal TV show is in pre-production.

2:25:46 - Several of Capcom’s Resident Evil PS4 games are en route to PS5.

2:29:16 - The March PS Now offerings have been revealed.

2:30:42 - Knockout City is going free-to-play as well as leaving Electronic Arts entirely.

2:36:31 - The Trails series is getting love in the west.

2:40:58 - Sony will soon cease PS3 repair services in Japan, ending support globally..

2:42:05 - News Wrap-Up

2:44:14 - Is it worth getting a PS5 yet?

2:53:07 - Is Guardians of the Galaxy coming to Game Pass after underperforming a sign of something?

3:00:08 - Who will make the rumored upcoming inFamous and Sly Cooper titles?

3:10:24 - Could Epic’s acquisition of BandCamp spark Sony to do something more?

3:16:13 - Why do games still come in such large boxes despite there only being a disc inside?

3:22:05 - Are there any live service games that have a positive relationship with their players?




Col, what do you think of the possibility of Horizon’s DLC being a mp mode ala Ghost of Tsushima? I remember all the rumblings about them wanting coop in FW, and playing the game there is a lot of TLOU style sections where you’re with someone else.


As someone with 70 hours now into Elden Ring the problem with the 97 is that the first 25-30 hours are a 97. The longer you play though the more repetitive and worse it gets and I’m now understanding why reviewers said they didn’t beat it. Normally I would say you don’t have to beat the game to review it but this is one time where barely anybody beating it should have factored in. By the end it’s more of an 85-90

Jeffrey Rommel

While I think it’s a good thing to slow down and consider the Russian/Ukraine situation - I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say the harsh sanctions against Russia is just because it’s trendy - they’re cluster bombing another sovereign nation. Peace at all costs is a nice dream, but, like communism, it’s just a dream (also funny to hear peace at all costs from a libertarian - how many freedoms are you willing to give up for peace?).

Leo Chan

This is kind of my fault because i should’ve skipped forward immediately after hearing spoiler, but Chris gives a massive clue to one of the puzzles in elden ring. Just a warning to those who want to remain wholly unspoiled. Perhaps this should be in the description

Jack Sibert

I'm as anti-war as the next guy, but should open, wide-scale invasion of peaceful countries in Europe just be tolerated? It would seem sanctions are the best route forward for now, but in the long term- should the international community just put their hands up as and accept that Russia is gonna invade and annex what Russia is gonna invade and annex? I get that there are some parallels to draw between this and the Iraq war, but it's a bit disingenuous to say that full scale invasion of a peaceful ally country is the same as "suspected" weapons of mass destruction in Iraq

Jeffrey Rommel

I agree, I’m glad we’ve been able to significantly help while staying out.

Zack Fair

Why are we giving Elden ring a free pass, the comments by Chris and Dustin. If a game isn't upto scratch with performance issues or whatever it may be, then reviewers should reflect that in their score. We always complain as gamers that Devs/publishers put out games in a with issues. If review sites like IGN etc put out scores based on the final state of the game and took that into consideration when giving a score then said publishers/Devs would not be in hurry to just ship it out in a state. It can't be right that PC and PS5 is in a worse state than PS4


I’ve been calling it Stone Cold Creamery for years… oh hell yeah! lol


"Dying on a hill like 'better trans healthcare?' ... That's great! trans people deserve the same level of fine healthcare that anyone else would receive but there are, for every 1000 people in society - 3 trans people. This is what you're going to stake your entire union on? Okay. Good luck." Why do insist on making jabs like these towards trans people seemingly whenever they relate to a conversation? Why isolate this specifically when you yourself say they are staking their union on GoMedia refusing "work from home flexibility, commitment to keeping their remote workers remote, willingness to commit to healthcare standards for trans employees, sufficient parental leave, diversity hiring initiatives, and not low-balling salary?" That is the hill. I don't consume Gawker anything for the same reasons most of this audience doesn't, but if you truly want to remove as much bias as possible, start with these kinds of statements. If I were the GMG Union, I wouldn't want to interact with you for that last sentence alone. I think you mean well but something unconscious is going on here. I genuinely implore you to reflect on your view of trans people.

J Boogie327

I just made a mental comparison of Colin to Tim Poole and the Timcast show.

Samuel Ashley

As someone who is extremely careful with my controllers and consoles, I had two launch ps4 controllers and the rubber unraveled on both. Also, Dustin suggests a website that highlights nude scenes in movies like there is any way that doesn’t already exist. That’s basically the start up company Seth Rogan’s character is creating in Zach and Miri Make a Porno.