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Uncharted (Drake's Fortune) | KnockBack: The Retro and Nostalgia Podcast Episode 212

It's no exaggeration to say that 2007's Uncharted: Drake's Fortune launched at the perfect time. Naughty Dog's Indiana Jones-and-Tomb Raider-inspired adventure was released exclusively on PlayStation 3 when the console was in dire straits, getting beaten badly on the market by both Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii. In fact, that era may be the lowest point ever for the entire brand. But, for the first time for many PS3 players and would-be owners, Uncharted gave them something to be truly excited about, something to point at and justify their expensive console purchase. There's no denying that Drake's Fortune is one of PlayStation's most important offerings ever, and we're glad to dedicate a couple of hours to get into all the many reasons why this wonderful game still holds up all these years later. A new episode of KnockBack launches each Monday morning. To receive instant access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia #KnockBack #LastStandMedia #Uncharted



No update on the pool situation?

Robert Schultz

Colin’s haters should watch the first 14 minutes once this goes public. It’s the complete opposite of everything they project on him, but they’ll never watch it and if by some chance they do, they’ll choose to ignore it

Real Radec

Great episode! There is actually official prequel content featuring Eddy Raja in Uncharted Eye of Indra, which was that PSN digital motion comic which was actually written by Neil Druckmann

Brandon Soto

Bring on Infamous. Another seminal game that Dagan will love

Jon Barnett

I'd rather have you and Dagan as Nate and Sully than Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg


Excited, gents. This was the game that sold me on the PS3 and made me a fan of Sony 1st party ever since.

Samuel Mills

This was the first game I ever platinumed on PS3. One reason it holds a special place in my heart.


Only thing I can think of is that Spiderman took its spot. (can't see why else they wouldn't unless they were worried about that) Though I realize you may already be aware of this theory lol

Daryl Rodriguez

I have a semi-serious story about dissociation caused by imagination. I was driving once, at 19, sober as a gopher, middle of the day, fully rested, and I completely blanked out in my thoughts and hit the car in front of me. Everyone was fine, no one got hurt in any way shape or form. But I don’t know what happened in those few seconds. The song playing on the radio (yes, radio) was The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel. I refuse to listen to the song today… just in case.

Blake Wall

I can't ignore the importance of this game but oddly enough despite it's importance it is probably my least favorite Uncharted game not that it's bad it is just I feel they get way better after this