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It's no exaggeration to say that 2007's Uncharted: Drake's Fortune launched at the perfect time. Naughty Dog's Indiana Jones-and-Tomb Raider-inspired adventure was released exclusively on PlayStation 3 when the console was in dire straits, getting beaten badly on the market by both Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii. In fact, that era may be the lowest point ever for the entire brand. But, for the first time for many PS3 players and would-be owners, Uncharted gave them something to be truly excited about, something to point at and justify their expensive console purchase. There's no denying that Drake's Fortune is one of PlayStation's most important offerings ever, and we're glad to dedicate a couple of hours to get into all the many reasons why this wonderful game still holds up all these years later.




Can't wait for the knockback episodes for uncharted 2 and 3 😁

Brandon Soto

It’s so funny, man. If this game, Infamous 1, & MGS4 never came out, that might’ve been the end of PlayStation as we know it.

Michael Buffill

I had the same feeling about uncharted 4 when I replayed the legacy of thieves collection in that I don't think I appreciated how great the game was the first time I played it. Maybe the face-lift on PS5 contributed to it but the set pieces and dialogue made it feel like I was playing a movie.

Brian Presley

It’s the big “sh” words that generate thought from men. Shower, shaving, and shitting.

Kyle Day

Does anyone know the making of documentary that Dagan talked about watching?


"People often ask me how do you get into acting in video games. And the process is surprisingly simple. Step one save up money and buy a nice microphone, and then wait for me and Nolan North to die." -Troy Baker

Oliver Johnson

I LOVE that they made Drake’s health his “luck running out” it’s so creative. I remember Jeff The Cameraman getting shot once and dying in Uncharted 2 and thinking “I’ve taken millions of bullets, why cant this guy take one?” But that explains it. Funny enough, I’m replaying Golden Abyss and with it being the one game not by ND, Drake actually gets shot a blood comes out every time he’s hit. Maybe Bend didn’t get the memo, maybe they needed it to read more on the small screen, but interesting nonetheless.


My question to you Col is would Uncharted be a better series without the weird monsters they throw in? Definitely took me out of the experience a bit initially.


Hey guys, I really love these Uncharted games. I haven't realized it until listening to this episode. At least I can say I forgot I love them. It's very nice hearing you guys pod about it. To think with decades of video game memories, Uncharted is one that sticks out. I cant wait until Dagan plays U2. Experiencing his joy of these great games, I feel like a proud cuck watching wifey go to town while I sit back in my recliner. Joking, but technically its kinda similar. Also I wanted to see if you pay attention or at least make ya giggle. Look forward to the next chapter. Good day.

Peter Pham

Great podcast! Listening to this brought some great memories! I might have to replay the series again! I can't wait for Dagan to experience 2-4 and to hear your opnions! Personally 3 was favorite and 4 was my least favorite....you guys talked about uncharted being a nice nugget of time and 4 was way too long and lost that feeling. 4 would've benefited from "less is more"

Forrest Hunter

“Adios, assholes” made me choke on my coffee, haha!

Zetsubou Billy

An excellent choice for the knockback bros! As a then new ip its hard to believe this series would've taken off like it did when it came out, so many early ps3 exclusives of that era seemed to vanish into the ether like heavenly sword, haze and infamous (or at least as far as cole becoming a ps mascot are concerned that is). I guess its a testament to naughty dog's pedigree of carrying the ps3 from beginning to end with this and tlos1, they certainly are a pillar for sony now more than ever