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Soon, we'll be recording an episode of KnockBack dedicated to Naughty Dog's smash-hit PlayStation 3 game, 2007's Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.

As always, submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas to our show concerning the topic. Pithy and well-written inquiries only! Walls-of-text and poorly-written submissions are politely ignored.

You have until Wednesday, February 23rd at noon ET to submit.



One thing I will say about the remastered version of this game is that I was glad they got rid of the six axis controls. Trying to cross that log in the first hour or so was a pain in the ass.

David Graham

Sir Colin Drake & El Goddamn Dagan, This game is the small beginning that gave us greatness. For me, Drake's Fortune is actually incredibly important in my development as a gamer. Before I got it alongside a PS3, I had never played a shooter with freehand aim; it literally taught me how to "point and shoot." It's because of this game that I could build up to experiencing some of absolute genre classics of the era. Thanks to my fellow patrons for voting for my topic!


Once you run across the crumbling platforms I was sold on this franchise. I reached safety and thought I'm playing an Indiana Jones game and I've been hooked ever since. Did this sentiment resound with you all?


Hi guys, Uncharted is where the modern Naughty Dog started, and I think it's a great game. However, I think it's the weakest, mostly from a gameplay level. I don't find it very fluid, and it definitely doesn't measure up to the storytelling and visuals. Is this where the phrase "Naughty Dog struggles with gameplay" started? And do you agree? Knockback rules, thanks guys!

Zachary Douglas

Hey Boys, I feel like this game doesn’t get the love it deserves. No it’s not as good as it’s sequels but there is such charm to it, and the great mix of camp, fun, and violence/action that it deserves more credit. What’d you think of supernatural twist that comes at the end, similar to Indiana Jones? Keep up the great work, Zach


Hey guys, Uncharted is my favourite game series of all time, mainly due to the amazing cast of characters throughout the series. My favourite being Victor “Goddamn!” Sullivan. Which supporting characters were your favourites? Peace!


Are y'all as terrified by those Gollum things as I am?

Josh Gamez

Whats up Moriarty Bros, What did you all think of the reveal that Sully wasn't actually killed early on in the game?


Hi guys. Uncharted is the first game I get on my PS3. I for the first time it make me feel like I play Indiana Jones game.

Zackery Parkerson

Hey The Brother Moriarty, Dagan, I’m wondering how long it took you to pick up on the convenience of every ancient ruin having chest-high walls perfect for hiding from gunfire. I know you’re not as well-versed in modern shooters, so did the comical aspect of this stick out to you at any point? Things are awfully convenient for our boy Nathan Drake.

Joshua Hutchens

Good day gentleman. I just want to say this game was my first platinum. I also got it a second time with the remaster. Crushing difficulty wasn't very fun, but I did it anyway. In truth it was a fair bit easier than crushing on Uncharted 4. I hope you and yours have a swell day.


How did you guys feel about how many people Drake kills in the game? I mean don’t get me wrong, it was a ton of fun, but you kill hundreds of people. This would make him one of the most prolific mass murderers in the world. Thoughts?


Good day treasure hunters. How do you feel about the character of Eddy Raja? I was a little sad when they killed the character, I thought he would’ve been a really good anti-hero kind that would work with, against, or double cross Drake in future games. Did you find him as interesting and fun as I did?

Cooper Bibaud

I understand that this series drew from Indiana Jones, but even still, I was always turned off from the somewhat out of nowhere supernatural elements at the end of each game, much like the Indiana Jones movies. Did this bother either of you as well, or was it a welcome addition?

Matthew Mendillo

Hello gents, This is one of my favorite game series which is fitting because my favorite film is Raiders of the Lost Ark. I love the homages to Indiana Jones. They share charismatic protagonist chasing a Macguffin who eventually sees that the true treasure are the friends we make along the way. All jokes aside, what are you thoughts on the Indiana Jones connection and how does this help or maybe hurt the series as a whole?

Cooper Bibaud

I agree with this. I actually always found UC1 to be underrated and UC2 to be overrated.

Grahamer Naughtsi

This was the first game that made me feel like I needed a PS3. It didn't disappoint.

Robbie Agnew

Hey All, everyone bullies this game into the ground. Could you name a couple things you think this game does better than the rest of the games in the series? Thanks, Sincerely Uncharted 1 fan.


Hey Sic Parvis Magna Colin and Victor "Dagan" Sullivan, I don't have as much of a question as I do a brief story. I was an Xbox 360 kid through and through. My friends and I were balls deep in Call of Duty, Halo Reach and Gears of War on that platform and I couldn't imagine dropping the $600 or whatever that asinine cost was for a PS3. I crashed at a buddy's one time in high school and he had Uncharted on his PS3. He fell asleep, but before he did, he turned on the PS3 and handed me the controller to try it. I stayed up the entire night and played Uncharted through from beginning to end. I was stunned. I believe within a week, I had sold my 360, bought a PS3 and the entire Uncharted collection (Uncharted 3 had just come out.) This game was completely responsible for getting me back into Playstation. I love the Uncharted series, and actually Uncharted 3 is my favorite entry, which is an underrated game, in my opinion. Anyway Moriarty boys, I hope yall had fun revisiting this game, and the log balancing scenes didn't make you blow your brains out. God Bless


Hey brothers grim, Did either of you find the Nazi Zombie sequence towards the end of the game to be very unsettling and somewhat out of place? I was 14 years old when Drake's Fortune was released and two things always stuck with me after I finished the game: The corpse jump scare on the submarine and that dang Nazi Zombie sequence. I almost quit playing the game because of how scary that zombie sequence was for my sheltered 14 year old self. When I replayed the collection after it was re-released for PS4, I still thought that sequence was a bit distracting and takes away from the game when you look at it with a first playthrough perspective. Curious to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks guys!

Jason Bolla

I remember playing the demo for this and not liking it at all. Bought it when it came out and played through it start to finish in one day. Proof that demos aren't always the best indication of whether or not you'll like a game.


I am pretty sure that this is the Uncharted game that I played the most. I played when it came out and then I platinumed it when trophies were patched in on the PS3. How do you feel about the difficulty? I personally think that its crushing mode can be cheap and somewhat unfair compared to later games in the series because of the monster closets and bad checkpointing.

Ari Levi

Hey Brothers M, I played games on the ps2 when I was little, but my deeper love of gaming came in the PS3 generation, and Uncharted Drake’s Fortune was the game that set that passion in motion. I had never played a game so cinematic with characters that felt so real. There’s a certain magic to the banter Nate has with Sully and Elena during gameplay; something that now seems to be a staple among all of Playstation’s games. How important do you think Drake’s Fortune was in shaping the future style of Sony’s first party catalogue? My parting words: BUKA PINTU!!!


Hey Colin and Dagan, My question isn't actually about uncharted so if you dint read it I understand. I had a question for Dagan involving his son. I was very jealous listening to your shovel knight episode and hearing how into retro games your son is. My daughter turned 2 and while I would never force her to try and get into my hobbies it would be awesome if we shared it in common. When did you get your son into gaming, what did you start with? As one dad to another love what you do and thanks for the input!

Oliver Johnson

What’s up guys? Uncharted is one of my favorite series and I was so wowed by it playing it for the first time in 2007. Yeah, it looked great, but it was really the acting, writing, and animation in the performances that I feel really blew the doors open for “cinematic games.” While the sequel usually gets all the credit, do you feel like this game was the first through the door in what would become the defining genre of PlayStation?

Dylan Michael

Hey boys, I kind of want to take a different approach to this question and bring up a video game debate that I first heard being mentioned with Uncharted 1. Does it in any way, shape or form bother you or inhibit your enjoyment of the story/character or Nathan Drake when the dude is basically a mass murderer? Thanks for the amazing podcast every week.


Hey brothers M, I hope all is well with you two! I love this series but I'd say the first Uncharted is certainly my least favorite one. It's just vanilla Uncharted compared to the others with the today's retrospective. No doubt, this game is the bones of the series and it certainly planted its seeds for what's to come in its excellent sequels. Colin, please tell me you played this on your PS5 in glorious 60 fps! I have a feeling in my gut that you dusted the DualShock 3 off for this one but I pray that you didn't. Regardless, if you did play this on your old PS3 can you explain why you do that? It perplexes me. Love the content and keep killing it guys! - Joey ;)


What’s up super Moriarty Bros. This is more of a question for Colin, but Dagans input is also very welcome. In my opinion Uncharted was the game that broke open Sonys run of 1st party 3rd person action/adventure/narrative games, I know there were games before this, but it seems like this game is what kicked off some of PlayStation’s greatest successes. It’s the reason I bought a PS3 and I’ve been in the PlayStation ecosystem since. Do you think this game along with Naughty Dog get the credit they deserve for getting the ball rolling on what has become PlayStation’s calling card. Love the show and thanks for all you do Duke


Hey there “Oh Crap” Colin and El Dorado Dagan, I want to ask you straight up, does this game still hold up? Or does it show its age a bit much? I especially want to hear Colin’s thoughts on this given that it’s probably been a few years since his last play through. I replayed this game in early 2022 before Legacy of Thieves and while it’s still my least favorite Uncharted game (second least if we’re counting Golden Abyss), it’s still a lot of fun for an early PS3 game. Love the show and watch out for those German U-boats in the jungle.


the release of the PS3 slim in 2009 was my first real step into playstation so i have a lot of nostalgic memories of this era. kevin butler, finding podcast beyond and, of course, drake’s fortune. up until this time i had only been gaming on the nintendo wii so seeing this game was a revelation. i remember marvelling at how nate’s jeans would get wet depending on how far into the water you waded and i’ll never forget seeing the submarine stranded on the cliff side for the first time. the very first trophies i ever earned are from this game and i have been hooked ever since so it was really cool going back and seeing the exact date i earned each one 13 years ago. do either of you have any early PS3 memories connected to this game or general reminiscence of the early era?


Hi guys - I love the series and I love what it’s done for the PlayStation brand. It really was the beginning of the current PS identity. That said, the thing I’ve always felt was so revolutionary about this game was the way ND got the actors together in a room and had them actually act together. We got the best performances we’d ever seen from a game at that point and it’s rarely been topped outside of Naughty Dog (other than Rockstar, it hasn’t). Why do you think this is so uncommon even today? Thanks

Mark Horner

Just want to say as someone who's played through all the games multiple times that the uncharted movie was actually really enjoyable. Way better than my low expectations. Some cool Easter eggs (won't spoil them). Surprisingly thought Holland and Wahlberg portrayed Drake and Sully pretty well. Didn't bother me that it wasn't 100 percent true to the games. I hope they make a sequel.

Reuben Barrett

Hey Moriarty bros, Have you got your Nathan Drake on? Aka have you ever stolen anything, A big heist for all the glory?

Devin K

Hey Col and Dag, I could not believe it when Uncharted Drakes Fortune brought the cursed descendants in towards the end of the game. Naughty Dog somehow added horror like elements in to this action packed game, and it was a great surprise for me. What were your impressions when the super natural elements of Uncharted Drakes Fortune came to light? Thanks!


Hey Dad and Uncle, I hope you and yours are well. Last summer, I booted up Uncharted 1 on my PS5 and ended up platinuming it. While I used to hate this game due to its inferiority to Uncharted 2 and 3, I actually found it to offer a unique experience this time around. There is an eeriness in Uncharted: Drakes Fortune that the other games fail to capture, and I think it stems from the setting of the game. What did you think of the isolated island setting for this game, and how does it compare to the globe trotting adventures that would follow in this series?

Brian Salazar

Hello gents, Am I the only one that doesn’t think this game is that good? Mediocre story, charismatic enough characters, and repetitive gameplay. I feel like people treat this game like it was some great innovation in video game storytelling but it came out the same year as Bioshock which I would argue actually holds up just as well today.


hello guys. colin, how was your experience playing this game for the platinum. I had to replay the game over 4 times and gave up after bugging out on my crushing run, i recently went back after 10 plus years and finally got that elusive plat. I used the camera angle glitch to skip massive chucks of the levels. i can plat uncharted 2 but unfortunately the servers are shut down for uncharted 3, so i cant platinum that game. Damn you online MP trophies :)


The ps4 collection version has none of the MP trophies btw. Worth a shot to look into.


Hello guys. As someone who’s only really put 100% into Uncharted 2 on the PS3 and went back to the others via the PS4 collection, how was it like revisiting the original? Playing it through the remastered collection was genuinely game changing with the lack of screen tearing, stable frame rate and improved controls.


Hey Knockback boys, Without getting into spoilers of the later games, my question pertains to the relationship between Nate and Elena. There’s a pivotal moment in this game where Nate is ready to give up and retreat because things are getting too dangerous, but Elena convinces him to stay because they’re so close to uncovering the mystery. This seems almost completely backwards as to how the characters interact with each other in the later games and always surprises me upon replaying this first game. Do you feel that some of the relationships, even perhaps between Nate and Sully, are not as clearly defined as they are in later installments? Thanks boys


Colin, does this game still hold up in your opinion. Have a great day gents.


Hey guys, Simple question, are there too many combat sequences in this game? Also, shout out to Dagan. It's awesome to see how much he has embraced contemporary gaming over the past couple of years.


Hey guys, How do you feel about the legacy of this game, from beginning a new age of Naughty Dog to basically kickstarting the PlayStation 3rd Person Cinematic style of game?


Howdy Colin and Dagan, This is by far my favorite Uncharted because of pure sentimental value. I wanted to play this game as soon as I saw the trailers, I even downloaded them to my PSP and would watch them over and over. I purchased the game before I owned a PS3. I would leave the game at a friend’s house and play it whenever I would hang out with them. When I did get a PS3 this was the only game I owned for a while, but I would happily play it over and over. What captured me was the flawed person that was Nathan Drake, he’d stumble his jumps, land wrong, and he even wanted to give up halfway through. The series holds a special place in my heart, but I got to give props to where the adventure all began.


Hey boys hope you’re keeping well, of all the naughty dog games I found this game had the weakest and the least memorable villain, how do you guys feel about the villain in this game? And did he ever stand out as someone you remembered after the credits rolled?


Hey moriarty bros! Just wanted to say that we can all agree uncharted 2 is the best right ? Thanks again and much love from your Texas friend Raymond !


Hey Moriarty bros, First time writing in! Whilst Drake's Fortune only had a remaster on PS4 a few years ago, on the topic of The Last of Us likely getting a remake, do you think Uncharted 1 would be better served getting this treatment instead, perhaps with reworked gameplay and structure on top of the graphical upgrade to be more on par with the other Uncharted games? Thanks!


Sic Parvis Magna Moriartys, The cinematic commercial for Drake’s Fortune caught my attention when I was 14 and became my obsession until I was gifted with a PS3 and a copy of the game for my 15th birthday. I have incredibly fond memories of Uncharted and have to point out that Nolan North’s performance as Drake is, in my opinion, the first truly great mocap performance in gaming. I’d even go as far as to boldly say that North’s Drake is the most well-acted character in all of gaming when taking the whole series into consideration. While there were memorable performances in games prior to Drake’s Fortune, I think Nathan Drake was the first character I’d ever played as that was just as believable in gameplay as he was in cutscenes especially when you consider where the industry was in 2007. Thrilled to hear you discuss the game that started it all. Uncharted TV Ad for those interested: https://youtu.be/YaUr5dPv6Ow


Hey Brothers M, Uncharted is my favorite video game series of all time and Nathan Drake is one of my favorite fictional characters in all media. I know this is only the first game in the series but I’m curious to hear both of your opinions of Nate on first impression and how you feel he “holds up” as a lead protagonist in an action adventure treasure hunting IP versus such luminaries as Indiana Jones, Lara Croft, Benjamin Gates (from National Treasure), etc. Thanks for all you do and Sic Parvis Manga!


Didn't she have her media career she was desperately trying to kick off? That would explain her desperation to find "the big story" while later on she's more comfortable retreating . I can't remember if this was pre/post camera drop in the first game, but either way it came to mind.

Jose Cantu

Hey, fellow acquisition business buds. So the hype AF Uncharted Massive Attack PS3 trailer sold me on this game. It was everything I wanted it to be, a modern Tomb Raider game with a much better supporting cast and better gameplay. I was already loving the game but the appearance of a goddamn German U-boat in the middle of the jungle (that you could climb!) is what made me fall in love with the game and series. Did you guys have any similar experiences with the game that made it extra special for you? Love the entire LSM crew! Here's a link for the trailer in case you haven't seen it. I still adore it: https://youtu.be/Xpf49Mlk-z4


I love the Uncharted series. Around the time of it's release I took about a year and a half break from gaming. Then I saw the Uncharted gameplay and was blown away by it and it brought me back to playing video games. Then I was surprised by the banter. I haven't experience anything like this before in a game, along with the action and the music. The musical score at the ending cutscene made it even more special and felt like a movie

Real Radec

With Uncharted Drake's Fortune being the first in the franchise, it also has the privilege of being the most "dated" entry as well, as the sequels improved upon it in various ways. Is it time for a proper AAA remake of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune? Demon's Souls remake style I should add, not a remaster that like in the Nathan Drake Collection. I think it would be a great way to modernize the game for a new audience to play. Thanks and take care boys.


Hola my little chimichangas, I vividly remember picking up Uncharted the day after Christmas with my newly acquired spending gift money. I was 12 at the time and looking back on it now, it's safe to say that Uncharted: Drakes Fortune is the game that changed it all and drove me to become more fluent in the gaming sphere. Is there a game or multiple games that you can remember as turning points or milestones in your life? Yours Truly


Hi guys! What are your thoughts on the absolutely jarring change in the final act of the game when the mood switches from a pulpy action flick to an almost survival horror experience? I still to this day hate it.


Hey C&D, When you first heard the title "Uncharted: Drake's Fortune", did you have any notions or ideas what it meant? Did that idea change as you progress from the early game to the end? Was the Drake from the title Nathan Drake and was his Fortune Elena (the friends we made along the way)? Thanks.

The Late Nate

Hey DC Cinematic Universe, I'm really curious on your feeling on how this game plays? There is something about this game's controls and aiming that no other Naughty Dog game (Uncharted series or TLOU), suffers from, where they just feel off, aiming feels off, its hard to describe. It was bad enough for me the first time I played Uncharted as part of the Nathan Drake Collection that I put down the series after beating Drake's Fortune. I never got to 2 until 2020 gave me an excuse to dig into the backlog and give it and the rest of the series a shot. Turns out the rest are all excellent, 2 and 4 especially and don't suffer from the weird aiming and controls. I wonder if you guys had any games or series where the controls alone threw you off playing it? Cheers

Payton Stone

Hello M Bros, At what point in Drake’s fortune did you say to yourself “Naughty Dog has something special here”. Regards, PS