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Hey everyone!

We're recording a Souls Retrospective for an upcoming episode of Sacred Symbols+ featuring Dustin and Matty! This episode is all about looking back at FromSoftware's "Souls" games, including Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1-3, Bloodborne, and Sekiro.

You know the drill: Submit your topical question, comment, concern, thought, or idea, and keep it well-written and pithy. We'll try to incorporate what we can into the show.

Submissions should be made by Tuesday, February 15th at noon ET!



Why is Bloodborne the greatest game ever created?


Hey gentlemen, It's just a simple question how do you get into souls games? I've tried on multiple occasions but get discouraged after a few encounters with enemies.

Cody Richter

Hey boys, What would you say is the best Souls or Souls-like game for a newbie to play if they want to get into the genre?


Amazing, thank you guys for doing this! Super excited 😄


What is your favorite area/biome/zone from any of the souls game and why?


I thought us souls fans were as annoying as crypto bros now you asking us about souls games 🤣😂🤣😂 They’re legendary games and true souls fans don’t give a damn who plays them! Just give me one every two years. Be well.

David Y

Hey Dustin and Matty- Let’s get right into spoilers: give us a rundown of the Dark Souls 1-3 storyline. Do you think there will be a 4th entry, or did it wrap up nicely at the conclusion of 3? Hope you have a “you’re getting sloppy seconds of that fucked chicken” kind of day


Hello D&M Very interested to hear matty’s experience with souls games! I know Dustin’s thoughts on most of the games but haven’t ever heard Matty talk about them. What is your favorite? Personally sekiro is one of my favorite games ever created & I just recently got the platinum in BB! Can’t wait for elden ring


What’s one thing from the other Souls-Borne games that you hope is NOT in future iterations (looking at you, Elden Ring)?

Ryan Hayman

How long did it take each of you to get gud?

Zackery Parkerson

Hey Weeb Bois, Do either of you remember the exact moment you finally caught on that Bloodborne was shifting away from gothic horror to cosmic horror? I think it’s a genius level slow-burn transition that marks the game as a truly Lovecraftian tale. Keep touchin’ the demon inside that maiden.


Hey Boys! Elden Ring will be my first Souls game. Any advice with these types of games? Cheers and have a good week!

Asique Alam

Well damn I didn't know I wanted this but I got it now.

Clay Layne

Hey there "Datty", I've yet to experience a Fromsoft title. With the upcoming release of Elden Ring, do you think it's worth jumping into this one? Have a refs manipulating the end of the Super Bowl kinda week!


Hey DarkBeast Dustin and Corrupted Monk Matty! The souls series have given me some of easily my favorite moments in all of gaming. From beating Isshin for the first time, fighting Gael in the ringed city, to literally watching Yharnam descend into madness. All amazing gaming experiences. What are some of your favorite souls moments? And what kind of special “Souls” feelings are you hoping show up on Elden Ring? May the good blood guide your way.

Jay Phillips

Dustin, What is the best Souls game, and why is it Sekiro?

The Rose Experience

Greetings from the Astral Clocktower, We all know the lauded praise for FROM’s modern work but can you each give one glaring critique you’d like addressed? Sure they’re not all the same in totality but they (Souls/Bloodborne/Sekiro) all share similar foundations in gameplay and their structure. I’d include mine but then this wouldn’t be pithy, would it? Thanks gentlemen.


Hey boys, What do you guys think is the best mechanic that's unique to a specific soulsborne/sekiro game? I personally think the pharos lockstones in DS2 were a great addition and added some interesting situational choices to make. Curious to what you guys think. Don't you dare go hollow!


Favourite soulsborne boss and most difficult boss in your opinion?

Card Captor Corey

In what order should one play these games? They're all great but if you were to give an order to someone to play these games for the first time what would you recommend?


Hello boys. what makes Bloodborne stand and be so beloved among souls fans ! is it because of it's dark victorian aesthetic ? of it's high pace gameplay ? or simply because it's the first souls game of many of us !


Dustin, I know for certain I've heard you say you don't like any of the "Souls Knockoffs", but there are at least two really good ones. For starters, Nioh is fantastic. I'm not about to say it's the better series, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit I find it better in some ways... Notably combat, which is an incredibly big achievement. Next is Mortal Shell. I'm pretty sure you said you disliked this one, but I'm confused as to why because it so faithfully recreates the Souls' experience on small dev team budget. I know this discussion is supposed to be about Souls, but I enjoy the Spinoff conversation as well. By the way, you were the obvious winner of the best game of all time conversation.

Dan Root

From Soft needs to be a PlayStation first party team, it’s exactly what they need! Do you fine gentlemen have any objections?


Hey boys, I'd never played a "Souls" game before and downloaded Bloodborne when it was on PS Plus. I thought I'd give it a go to see what the fuss was about. I'm traditionally not one for hard games - I prefer to have fun than be really challenged. For some reason though, playing this game awoke something within me that I didn't know was there. The world was so fascinating. Story was being told through gameplay and the world over elongated exposition. I was being tested like I'd never been tested before in a game. I ran through the initial Yarnham stage more times than I care to count before finally getting "gud" enough to pass through. The Blood Starved Beast was the point for me though. I couldn't defeat that fucker. I tried every night for several days to no avail. I put the game down for a few weeks, thinking I couldn't do it. But the game haunted my thoughts and dreams to the point where I eventually had to go back. I did and finally beat that flappy motherfucker! From there I wasn't tested by any boss as much as I was it. Something clicked and I was off having a great time, being in awe of every new boss that came my way... and slaying them one by one. Phenomenal game. Have since moved on to beat Dark Souls 3 which was very good. I don't know if I can go back to a non-attacking play style Souls game after starting with Bloodborne. To finish - was there a boss in Bloodborne where you had a similar experience to as I had with the Blood Starved Beast? Simon

Daryl Rodriguez

Did these games change the way you view other games and genres? When I returned to Ocarina of Time, I still loved it, but I couldn’t see it the same way. I love Naughty Dog’s games, for example, but in the end my love for Bloodborne was greater, and I don’t want to replay Uncharted or Last of Us as much as I want to return to Bloodborne’s world.


What do you guys think about the magnitude of different weapons and play styles. I think this makes all the game infinitely replayable, whether you want a strength great hammer build or dexterity spear build. Take care and thanks for the great shows, also can we get a shout-out for Dark Souls 2's Dual wield system that changes your moveset, its amazing.


Hey dudes, What was your first experience with a Souls game? Was it love at first sight, or did it take some time to get into? For me, it took a couple attempts as well as some lore vids from Vaati to become a die-hard fan.


What’s up guys, Bloodborne was my first souls game and I absolutely adored it. I jumped into DS 1 but I’m having trouble getting into it. Should I play a different souls entry instead of starting on 1 since Bloodborne spoiled me?

James Sprules

Gday D & M, I just want you’re take on dark souls 2 and why it is so poorly thought of. For me it has some of the best areas in the souls series such as dead mans wharf, the dragon shrine and shrine of Amana. Just for the environmental aesthetic at least. Cheers for reading James


Hey Matty and Dustin, The souls games are infamous for their incredible challenge and difficultly however in your opinion are these games as hard as some journalists and other players say or has the difficulty been overstated over the years? Personally I find games like Hollow Knight and Sifu harder as you can’t simply run to the boss gate and you can summon. What are your thoughts? Keep up the great work!


DM! Did y'all have any issues with Sekiro due to the inability to level up? In souls games when I can't get past something I will grind to make my life *slightly* easier and that usually puts me over the edge completion-wise, but I wasn't able to get too deep into Sekiro due to the inability to "over level" (I made it through Nioh because I could level as well) Do you think leveling is a key aspect of "souls-like" games and either way do you prefer leveling or pure skill-based for these? Keep up the awesome job ~TeddyTaggs

Frank T

Hey guys, Which souls game was the first one that clicked with you? I tried DS3 and then DS1 and couldn't get into either one of them. However, I gave Demon Souls remake a shot and it finally clicked with me. In 2021, I beat Demon Souls, Dark Souls 1/2/3 with all of their DLCs, and Sekiro. Now I'm just waiting for that 60 fps update for Bloodborne, and of course Elden Ring.


What’s up Dustin and Matty, Now that we have Elden Ring, a game the hype train would consider “the one game to rule them all”, where can Miyazaki go after this? If I were a betting man, and I am a bad one at that, my bet would be Miyazaki and FromSoft will create the first Jumanji-Souls type game. If my bet pans out, what build will you guys go for going into this new game? Thanks. The LSM/MrMattyPlays content has been keeping me strong during the long hours of public accounting busy season.


Hey Matty and Dustin, have you guys fallen in love with the soulsbourne series? I personally love these games. I wish I found and understood them sooner. My first love was bloodborne. The game took over my life. It changed my life and the way I view video games. I hate long cutscenes and games that waste my time. It's because of these types of games. They put gameplay and world building on the forefront and that's all that truly matters and separate games from other types of media. That feeling of your hands shaking after beating a out of this world, there's nothing like it. Do you guys love these games or do you just like them? I need to know 😆 are you guys crazy like me and the other souls fans watching lore videos and playing these games over and over again. The level of hype for elden ring is on another level. Thanks for everything you guys do. Take care.


Hello gentlemen, What are each of your FromSoft "moments of clarity?" You know what I'm talking about if you've beat one of these games, specifically the first one you are able to conquer. These daunting and obtuse games scare away so many people but if you can get past the fear of dying, at some point it just clicks, and you "git gud," and my God..it's fucking beautiful. Mine can be described in one word that may trigger some of you so warning; Blighttown. Happy Elden Ring release month and Praise the sun!

Paul McFerron

Hey Fellas! What's your favorite Miyazaki enemy trope? For me it's gotta be the gluttonous fatties, i.e., Adjudicator, Smough, Covetous Demon, The Drunkards, etc. These hard hitting, slow moving enemies just seem to have the most Soulsbourne charm! Love the content!


Some of the highs of souls games are the great moments that are full of surprise and wonder. Things like the suspense of not knowing what is around each corner, the threat of losing everything if you walk into the wrong group of enemies or boss fights, the hidden lore and mystery, the twists and turns in the story, the difficult combat that can be mastered with time and patience, and the thrill of defeating a boss with just one sliver of health left. It is all amazing. Name what you consider to be the best unexpected and shocking surprise from a souls game. Have a you and your co-worker are both planning on taking off work on February 25th kind of day.


Hello again fellas, Before release of the PS5 Remake of Demon's Souls, there was some restlessness in online communities over some of the creative liberties Bluepoint was taking. It's my understanding that Bluepoint even changed some of the game based on these critiques. I recently stumbled on some recent conversations, and it appears this audience wasn't satisfied. There is a group of people that think the PS5 remake is blasphemy. I'm of the opinion that it was literally the perfect remake. I believe that if you're the type of person to hate on this remake, you will hate every remake ever created. How do you guys feel about the remake, and if you feel positively, how do you respond to the disgruntled audience?


Hi everyone, Just wondering if you could create a class or a new stat in a souls franchise that would create a new type of game play? For me I think a speed stat for attacks or slight movement buff but wouldn't make you stronger, it wouldn't affect staggering or poise but i think it almost impossible to implement for pvp. Just a thought. Thanks for all the great work Majid


Greetings Dark Souls Dustin and Miyazaki Matty, My question is this, what one boss sticks out in your memories as giving you the hardest time. That moment where you got them down to a sliver of health after hours of trying only to be struck by an unsuspecting blow making you drop the controller, turn off your console or pc, and just leave to another room or go outside to touch grass so you could just feel something (all with a blank face and in total silence). For me it was The Orphan of Kos. Of course many bosses gave me hard times, but this one in particular took hours, maybe even days off of my life. Looking forward to this conversation and whatever Elden Ring may bring. -Cheers

Chuck Rude

How do you guys feel about any 3rd person action game with any amount of difficulty being called “souls-like”? There are times where it’s appropriate like Nioh, and there are times where it is not like… Crash Bandicoot… God of War… and dozens of others. What aspects of this series should people be considering when using the “souls-like” term, and can the term be saved so I don’t roll my eyes every time I hear it?

Bryce Mccloskey

Hey Dingleberry Dustin and musterd stain Matty. Sekiro is the best one right? Come on be real with yourself you know it's true!

Walker Simmons

Hey you goobers. One trope I both hate but love from daddy Miyazaki is his obsession of annoying poison swamp levels. Ever since Demon's Souls he has included them in every game and they just get more devious each time. What is your ranking of worst poison swamp levels in souls games and are you looking forward to the inevitable poison swamp area in the open world of Elden Ring? Blighttown was infamous for its bad framerate and annoying enemies but I think he made it even worse in Dark Souls 3 with the giant area and slow movement speed.


Hey guys, The Souls games will always hold a special place in my heart. It was early 2010 and I had just gotten back into gaming after a 5 year hiatus. My parents separated and eventually divorced over a severe manic depressive episode that my dad had that past November and Decemeber. I didn't see him for an entire year while he recovered. One of my dad's Manic habits was going on massive shopping sprees. When my mom, sister, and I went to return all of the crazy purchases he made at Fry's Electronics she offered to buy my sister and I each a game with the money. I debated over Dragon Age: Origins and Demons Souls. I chose the latter, and have been a huge fan of that series since. It was the most traumatic moments of my life, and the series holds a weird nostalgia for me. Playing Demons Souls brought me the escape I was seeking at that time, and it got me back into gaming at a time in my life that I really needed something like it.


Hello CDM!!! I remember so very clearly back in 2009 reading about Demons' Souls and the difficulty built into the game. However I still felt the premise was really intriguing and wanted to try it. I went to my local Gamestop on release day, and the employee there actually tried to stop me from buying it!!! Is there any other game or franchise that can compete with this level of difficulty hype??? Thanks, Love you guys


Hi guys How would you describe that intangible lure of the Souls franchise. To me the sheer mystery and sense of adventure transports me back to a time when fantasy films were still scary. Would love to hear your take Sam Sheridan

Evan Erickson

YES!! Literally finished Old Hunters yesterday


Hey there good hunters! What are your thoughts on how cryptic these games are? Outside of Sekiro, most of the story is told through vague item descriptions, leaving folks like me going through hours of lore videos to figure out what the heck is going on. Or even accessing some parts of the game, like going through a whole rigmarole just to fight dark-eater Midir, or just accessing the Artories of the Abyss DLC. Oh and don't forget eating umbilical chords to get the real ending of Bloodborne. Thanks for all that you do and don't forget to fear the old blood.


Hello my dudes! Why Dark Souls 2 has such bad reputation? This was the first Souls game that I played, and, granted, it was the new version on PS4, however it was a awesome experience. I really enjoy the dual wielding and the many different build that you can make. Anyways, I would love heard yours take on the subject. Thanks!


Hi Matty and Dustin. In today's day and age where every game is dissected pre release and we get so many trailers and gameplay updates, will a game ever come along that seemingly slips through the cracks like Demons Souls did? It seems unfathomable that a Triple A game could release that was essentially not covered or even reviewed by most outlets and then it goes on to influence countless games from the God of War reboot to Jedi Fallen Order and many in between. Keep up the great work boys. Looking forward to this discussion.


G’day fellas, I personally love the worlds, atmosphere and monster designs in souls games but the difficulty is such a turn off. Before someone says “git gud” I have beatin them all. What do you think the main draw of these games is? And do you think these games would be as popular if not more with an easier mode?


Hey guys A lot of the Souls games’ most engrossing content is hidden or optional. Out of all the games, what is your favourite optional area/boss/storyline? Mine has gotta be the entire Archdragon Peak area and the Nameless King bossfight in Dark Souls 3. So many lore implications and theories culminate in this area, and the fact that getting there is nearly impossible if you don’t know what you’re looking for is pretty crazy! Come to think of it, it’s almost a secret within a secret, because getting the gesture required to access the area is also within a hidden area behind the Consumed King’s garden. Also Cainhurst Castle and Martyr Logarius in Bloodborne!? Huge area completely optional and hidden! Insane! Man, these games just really get me thinking and obsessing and I’m stoked you guys are doing a retrospective on them! Umbasa!

Michael Welter

Hey gents. After years of hearing how I just HAD to play the Souls games, I gave DS1 a shot last summer and I didn't beat it but enjoyed the 6 or so hours I played. Here's the thing. I played it alongside a YouTube guide. Friend of the show, FightinCowboy. Is this blasphemous? It was still hard. I still had to so the work. But I feel like without that guide I never would've tried the games at all. Anyway have a good one. Love everything you guys do here on LSM.


Yo dudes, excited for the Souls retrospective. It seems fair to say that these games have invented an entirely new genre of video game.“Souls-like” is bandied about like Metroidvania and Roguelike, does this seem fair to you? What exactly does this new genre encapsulate? What elements does a non Fromsoft game have to contain in order to earn the label of “Souls-Like”? Is it the difficulty, enemy respawns, level design, vague lore? Thanks for the content dudes and keep living, dying, and living again.

The Snacksquatch

Hey guys, Did you have a moment in the series where it was “make or break”? Bloodborne was my first souls game I ever played. I started the game off and was doing pretty good figuring out how things work and beating the first 2 bosses after a few tries. Then I got to the blood starved beast. This boss absolutely destroyed me. Getting closer and closer I just couldn’t do it with that horrible poison damage. As I uninstalled the game and cursed it out, I swore to never return. 2 weeks go by and I’m thinking of what I want to play and I see Bloodborne on my shelf. For whatever reason I reinstalled it and gave the blood starved beast another go. After 2 tries I took it down. I had that moment where the game felt like it “clicked” and I was absolutely hooked from there on out. Bloodborne become one of my favorite games of all time and one of my proudest platinums. As my friend who reccommended this series for me always said: Blood, sweat, and tears! Thanks for all you do.


Hey guys! Love the souls games and souls like games. With Elden Ring imminent, it has me thinking: Where does the genre go from here? We have sci fi, horror, and ninja-like games that have all taken big steps to differentiate themselves and make the worlds and lore unique. What settings or flavors could you envision for the future of these types of games? Are we cursed to forever retread dark fantasy due to the roots of the core souls franchise? Thanks guys, much love


What’s good Weebs, I want to reflect on the obscurity of Dark Souls 2. As a 14 year old, Dark Souls 2 served as an introduction to the souls games for me - man, it was bad. How do you reflect on this obscure era of the souls franchise, and what would you say to people who started out with this game? Personally, Bloodborne saved me from this game’s obscurity and made me love subsequent entries like Sekiro.

Jayce Tamulevich

Hey dudes! Just to recount my own experience, I first played Demon’s Souls on PS3 after my buddy and I went to GameStop and an employee told us it was “BRUTAL!!!” (It was a joke between us for years.) We beat it together thanks to co-op, but since then, I’ve played Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Blood Borne, and Demon’s Souls Remake, but I haven’t finished any of them! What make the series click for you, and how do I “get good?”

Tick Dickler

Hey guys, I want to point out something I just can’t get over about bloodborne: the recently discovered viability of arcane. For years it is been seen as a useless stat, but years after it came out, people discovered that unlike anything else, it actually increases scaling past the soft caps, and running a 99 arcane build is not only viable, but one of the most optimal. I would recommend any fan of Bloodborne try a run with it, its versatile as all hell and gives a fun new dimension to the combat. I love how “arcane” knowledge on these games are, and how the community has to unearth these mechanics over time!


In regards to Sekiro, I was worried that dying alot throughout the game would ruin my main objective in getting the platinum. Thus, i started watching youtube videos of how to defeat bosses and mini bosses using the easiest possible techniques. Hence, i totally and utterly ruined the beautiful and astonishing experience in fighting grand bosses like the guardian ape, the raging bull and the Owl. I tried going back to the game after getting the PS5, but the motive in completing the game and platinum it was long gone. A deep gaming regret for me. I wish i experienced the game as intended and without any guidence.


In 2009, completing Demon’s Souls was a cool thing. In 2011, reaching Lordan in Dark Souls was a cool thing. In 2015, getting the platinum of Bloodborne was a cool thing. In 2021, talking about Elden Ring without playing it was a cool thing.


Hello gentlemen. Where do you guys rank FromSoft among all of the other gaming studios currently? For a while I considered Naughty Dog as the best gaming studio going but after the disappointment that was TLOU Part II they have fallen out of the top spot for me. If Elden Ring delivers (which most of us are all fully expecting) I think FromSoft will solidify themselves as my new #1 gaming studio. Thanks guys, and may the good blood guide your way!


Hey handsomes, If im not mistaken both of you have stated in the past that Bloodborne is your favourite fromsoft title. I'm curious to know what about Bloodborne sets itself apart from the other soulslike titles, and please tell me you've played it's dlc. Thank you and please shave that thing off your chin Matty.


Hello my little beardy babes. Do you think any of the souls-like games that have come out since the Dark Souls craze has influenced what From Soft actually do? Or do you think they keep to themselves in a little bubble. I love the games but prefer the Nioh series myself and it would be interesting to see a Souls game incorporate those loot and hack and slash elements one day. Cheers m8s


FromSoftware has always shown immeasurable talent for designing games that utilize environmental storytelling. That method of “show don’t tell” through exploration and player discovery is a pillar of the souls games. Do you think it’s this particular element that has inspired so many studios to offer up their own take on the formula?

The Great Santini

Hey boys, hope your assholes are doing fine! I think it's time to put Matty on blast seeing as how his presence in a discussion like this is an affront to the "souls community." Now, if I recall correctly, Matty has said on multiple occasions that he was NOT a fan of many of the souls games. I distinctly remember Matty saying that he hasn't beaten Bloodborne, doesn't like Dark Souls 3 (perhaps some of the finest combat in the series) and hasn't beaten it, and has relegated Sekiro to the status of "rhythm game" in his mind... He is clearly a fake Soulsborne-Kiro-Ring-Nioh-Automata fan and I don't think we should have to be mocked by his smug, mustache-twirling face during a discussion about some of the greatest games ever made. Matty... stand down. ( In all seriousness I'm looking forward to the chat! Have a "I'm grateful that my asshole is still intact" kind of day! )


Hey Miyazaki simps, What was the 'click' moment for you both, when you finally got the Souls games? It took years of trying and leaving these games alone before I actually started enjoying them, now I can't stop playing them! For me it was beating Pappy Gasgoine for the first time after hours of trying. Also which boss over the FS games has given you the most trouble? Thanks my dudes and may the good blood guide you!

Rich Price

Hey Dustin of Astoria & Matty if the cursed swamp! The souls series has the blend of dark and serious tone, combined with quirky, surreal humour, which seems to be the preserve of genius Japanese video game auteurs. Like Hideo Kojima games, on the surface the souls games are ‘western’ in style, but the underlying tone and atmosphere is very different. What is it about Japanese culture that gives rise to this, and what can western game designers learn from it? Stay grossly incandescent!

Payton Stone

What’s up Fellas, The Souls games and I, haven’t seen eye to eye in most cases. Bloodborne was the 1st one I legitimately kept trying to have it click for 10 hours or so and it just never did. The first time it did click was playing Demon’s Souls on PS5 as I rolled credits on the beautiful remake. Now that I have beaten one of these games and thoroughly enjoyed it, do you think it’s time to dive back into the catalogue? Thanks! Payton Stone

Alex Bolton

Here's to Ornstein and Smaugh, the pair that tooketh my virginity far too young. By far the hardest boss fight I have ever gotten through. What is the hardest boss fight you two have faced in all the Souls games?!

Josh Kisskalt

Hey boys, my question is not the normal "who was your favorite Souls boss", but rather, which Souls boss (or normal enemy) do you most remember for the feeling of accomplishment that you finally beat? For me, it was Lady Butterfly in Sekiro. It turned out not to be the hardest boss, but it's early enough that you have not fully-developed your skills. Thanks and keep a rockin in the free world


Hey Fellas What is your favorite boss fight in the series. Mine is Slave Knight Gael from DS3’s Ringed City DLC. It’s extremely cinematic and the music and lore surrounding the fight is amazing. Honestly, I think it’s one of the best boss fights of all time.


hello, demon souls was my first introduction to souls game. sekiro was the first game i finish. what would you do to improve or innovate the souls franchise?


Is Dark Souls 2 really that bad and if so what was the problem?

Mike D

What was your greatest achievement moment or moments when getting into the Souls series for the first time? Those moments when you might have given up, smashing the disc never to play this f'kn game ever again! And do you think as veteran players From soft can give us those moments in Elden Ring? Sekiro certainly did it with it again for me with the guardian ape


How do you feel about From Software's unique form of storytelling compared to a more traditional narrative? eg. On first glance the stories are quite vague, but if you follow the many small threads and mini stories throughout each game and piece them together, you are rewarded with a very rich and complex lore that many players may not have even been aware of.

Mitchell Lundsberg

Hello Hunters, How do you feel these games balance story and gameplay? Do you feel the story can get lost in the shuffle trying to overcome a challenging boss? At times I wish these games had more direct storytelling moments than being vague or obtuse all of the time.


Gents, What's the most haunting / epic moment from any of the boss fights for you? For me, it's the Lorian and Lothric fight in DS3, specifically when Lothric whispers into Lorian's ear and reanimates him. That scene gave me genuine chills. These moments and the boss designs are as integral to the mystique of the Souls games as the gameplay loop itself. Be well and praise the sun. Clark Petri

The Late Nate

Hey boys, its me, your friendly neighborhood Souls hater. I'm just joking, I don't hate the games but I legitimately struggle to understand their popularity, to the point the only time I played Dark Souls 1 I came away from it feeling like it was a bad game. To me very little to nothing was explained in the game, mechanically, build wise, story, pretty much nothing. The game is brutally hard without really teaching you much early on. I gave up and when I talked to my friend about it he said I should've looked up a build online beforehand. Thats a bit ridiculous, and I would say thats bad or at least obtuse game design. I did eventually buy Bloodborne but never opened it because the bad taste from Dark Souls 1 never washed out of my mouth and I suspected it still was poorly designed for new players. After all of that, my question isn't why should I play this series, its probably pretty obvious I won't. My question is what appeals to you so much about the games that allows you to get past the incredibly rough edges? Sorry for the long comment and cheers! PS I just remembered you can't actually pause the game. What the hell is up with that? It's singleplayer!

Ember's Arcade

Hey, slitters. I started playing Bloodborne for the first time three days ago. So far, it has a haunting atmosphere, engaging combat, and a fucking blunderbuss, which is all pretty tight. Any advice for a newcomer to this title? Thanks, and look oUT BEHIND YOU!


In a recent interview about Elden Ring, Miyazaki said "we want players to try and steer clear of spoilers or guides and go in with a completely fresh, open mind and enjoy that initial sense of adventure. That’s how we’d want to experience the game if we were going into it for the first time." This stands in sharp contrast to the usual internet wisdom of "use a guide, see what the best build is, it's impossible to get through these games without consulting the internet." I feel like this mentality robs the player of the "true" FromSoft experience, which starts with you not knowing anything and making tons of mistakes as you learn. I first played Dark Souls in 2013, and after getting to Firelink Shrine I proceeded to run DOWN the stairs to New Londo Ruins, only to be mercilessly slaughtered by ghosts for 3 hours straight before I finally noticed the stairs leading up the hill to Undead Burg. It was a frustrating experience for sure, but it taught me to pay attention to my surroundings and not assume that the first path I see is the correct one. Could I have looked up where to go? Sure, but then I wouldn't have learned that lesson, and I would've been back to consulting the guide again next time I didn't know where to go. Obviously we all have lives to live and different tolerances for frustration, but don't you think people are a bit overeager to recommend looking up guides for Souls games? Thanks for reading Colton

Ben Williams

Hey fat, What moment or moments stand out to you in the "souls" games? What made you say "holy shit"? For me, it was fighting Knight Artorias. His moveset was completely different than anything else you see in Dark Souls. It truly felt like a dance more than a fight.


Dustin, Matty, We all know that anime is bad, but have either of you played Code Vein (aka Weeb Souls)? If so, what did you think of it and, if you had to, what place would you give it in the FromSoft ranking? If not, good for you.


Hey Slittas, Why is the it that the path towards loving the Souls series is often winding and unique to the individual? Most experiences towards loving a game/series go - game looks good, tries game, game is good. Souls is different. My path: A friend of mine gave me a copy of Dark Souls 2 for Xbox 360, disc only - no case. I got to the hub world and gave up. Years later tried Bloodborne, got to the hub world and gave up. A year later got Dark Souls Remastered for PS4, beat the Bell Gargoyles, and gave up. Quit booze, picked up Bloodborne again and platinumed it - an unequivocal video game experience. Went back to Dark Souls, beat it. Currently a handful of trophies away from the Demon's Souls Remake platinum. The series is special to me, but what gives it stickiness is the route I took to get there. Are the stories we create around these games what give them that extra spice, mythologize the experience, and make them linger long after we put the controller down? Thanks, and YOU DIED.

Stefan Catinella

How do you both feel about the atmosphere of the souls games? I personally love the Dark Fantasy atmosphere of the Souls games and Lovecraftian Bloodborne aesthetic. I feel the difficulty of the enemies , especially early on really creates a sense of hesitation and fear of the next area or open doorway. Few games can put you on edge at just the thought of going through a fog gate.

Michael Limauro

Hi boys, I have a simple question. When will we finally get the ps5 next gen update for bloodborne? I have heard incredible things and after loving demon’s souls remake, I’d to play bloodborne before elden ring. Thanks!


Hello Fellow Tarnished ones As someone who loves Fromsoft like many, Bloodborne being in my top 5 games of all time now and funny enough was my first FromSoft title. Whats the moment you guys fell in love with these games? For me it had to be when I first played Bloodborne and finally battling my way through Yarnham I got to the bridge and the fight with the Cleric Beast was one of the most exhilarating first boss encounters I've ever experienced in a game and after that the game ate up my entire summer in 2015. Thanks and don't you dare you go Hollow.


Sup my fellow hunters, I gotta ask, why do you think the term "souls-like" is bandied about so freely in the industry? It seems to be a standard term for slower paced, timing heavy combat (preferably with attacks on the triggers) and, of course, losing currency on death. If this franchise is so niche, why does every new game seem have souls like elements in it? That being said salt and sanctuary is the closest game I'd call a 2D souls game, and am ready for salt and sacrifice! Thanks guys and praise the sun!


Does it annoy you that Dark Souls is known as the super difficult game, and not praised as much as it should be for its online aspects. It's online community is what draws me to Dark Souls. I've played hundreds of hours hours of 1 and 3 (ew to 2) and never completed them. Just loved helping other people get through stages and showing them secrets. As well as honourable dueling! In my opinion the online aspect is the difficulty selct option for DS. The more online you play with others, the easier it is

Henry Morgan

Good hunters, As everyone knows, the environmental design is a key ingredient of the FromSoft magic. Which specific areas stand out to you as the most memorable or beautiful? For me, it’s the Fountainhead Palace in Sekiro. Those flute playing witches can go F themselves though


Greetings Ashen Ones. My question is how do you think FromSoftware and their game design skills have matured over the years from Demons’ Souls to Sekiro, and how do you see that being implemented in Elden Ring? Personally, I’ve loved the gradual improvement in combat culminating in the glorious dance of death that is Sekiro and am excited to see some of that fluidity and agility being brought into a more Dark Souls-style game. Thanks, and blessing of the moon upon your journey.


What's up sacred dukes? Just want to address the bluepoint demons souls release with you both. I didn't get to play the original game, so demons souls was my first experience with the game...holy heck, it's obvious how far fromsoft has come in terms of area and system design. I'm glad I got to play it, but I don't think I'll ever touch it again. I think I'd have rather seen them make dark souls 2 look that pretty honestly. Heres hoping for both a Bloodborne remaster, and a sequel from bluepoint. They seem passionate and talented enough to pull it off.


Hey icecube boys, How much of the franchise's appeal do you think has to do with it's horror elements, in a space where horror games nearly disappeared from the AAA market until recently making a bit of a return. While it's obviously not it's selling point to a lot of people, both my brother and I reluctantly played Bloodborne to see the art direction and enemy design and ended up falling in love with gameplay as a result, and soon discovered that Dark Souls is also filled with horror influences, with bosses such as The Gaping Dragon and Oceiros. So how important are these elements to you, and how important do you think they are in general? Have a great "ohhhh Elden Ring" week!

Keith Golfer

Hello best boys, is there something to be said about the series losing some of its magic as it continues on? Including Bloodborne there are five entries using broadly the same design formula. Demon's Souls felt unique because it broke a lot of Action RPG conventions but as the series continues, does an irony seep in as the Souls Games themselves become stale under their own established conventions? Getting ambushed from around a corner and seeing your first big intimidating boss (Tower Knight) in Demon's Souls created both a sense of tension and intimidation within such a fresh experience, but by Dark Souls 3 all the tricks and traits seem obvious. Are the Game's loosing something as they become more familiar over time? If you do feel this way, what's the hope that Elden Ring will truly shake things up?


Hey, gents. I guess it's a common thing to daydream about a game you've been playing, right? But during my Bloodborne playthrough, the thoughts that would randomly but frequently pop up in my head while away from the game had a different feel to them… sort of dejavu-ish. I would think about places as if I had actually been there. I would be reminded of events as if I had actually experienced them in real life. I mean, not literally, but they *felt* real somewhat. I guess Bloodborne instills such powerful feelings in the player that it tricks our brain into associating the game events with real life stuff. And that is such a remarkable demonstration of how great its design is. Have you guys ever felt like that, be it with Soulsborne games or otherwise?


Hey Matty and Dustin, I have a quick and easy question for you both. Which of the souls games are the most approachable and least approachable? Hope you both have a just threw your controller through a wall type of day!

Kyle Clayton

Dear Dustein and Smaughtty, with bloodborne 2 no where in sight and rumours suggesting the sequel may be handed off to another dev, what do you think the pressures of such a task do to a team? With it easily being considered one of the greatest games made, surely the pressure would be enough to break most. Can you think of any other sequel to a legendary game where the ip has changed hands and it has been a success? Thanks and have an “I wiped spicy cheeto dust in my eye” kind of day.

Derek Alcott

Who is the best boss in all the Souls like games? I would have to go with Ludwig from Bloodborne.


Hey Datty, Throughout the souls games, one through-line for me has been a love of humanoid bosses and a general distaste for giant monster bosses. I get they are cinematic, but fighting Lady Butterfly made me feel like a true shinobi while fighting the Guardian Ape just felt like running around poking a monkey in the ass till it dies. Do these two boss types seem as distinctive to you as they do to me? If so, do you have a preference?


Boys, What Souls-like game would you recommend to someone who generally doesn't like the 'genre' but has FOMO and seeks to git gud enough to find joy in playing more of them? Take care.


Hello Sexy Fire Keepers,


Howdy there Dustin and Matty! Finally the Soulsborne podcast! For both of you guys: which style of gameplay did you prefer? The aggressiveness and in-your-face gameplay with more abundant counter mechanics of Bloodborne/Sekiro? Or the slower, and shield-up and watch the enemy’s move carefully gameplay of Dark Souls/Demon’s Souls?

Al Rodriguez

Hey Matty and Dustin, My question isto Dustin, as the de facto Souls expert on LSM, any chance you will be getting into the Souls table top RPG? All the best, Al