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Hey All!  It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 59 of Defining Duke.

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, February 16th at 1p ET to make your submission.


Kenneth Koepnick

Hey dukes! All of the talk of dead IP, GAMEPASS games, remakes, revivals, etc… why does no one talk about Viva Piñata?! Ignored by Xbox for 14 years. Ignored by the Dukes… what does everyone have against family friendly, brightly colored animals from the peak era of X-Box?! Will we ever see it revisited? Maybe just an HD update to test the demand for it?

Captain Bon Clay

Top of the morning defined dudes! I’m sure you’ve heard that the lord of the rings and hobbit movie and game rights are now for sale for an estimated 2 billion dollars, who would you like to see purchase these rights? Unfortunately I think Disney will end up buying them! Also Whoever ends up buying the right do you think that we could see the return of any of the currently unavailable lord of the rings games such as the two towers, conquest or war in the north? Anyway have a conflicting messaging from Microsoft kind of day.

Payton Stone

What’s up Matty looking like the Millennial version of Ryan McCaffrey and Cog looking like an Amateur Paintball Coach…. With Horizon Forbidden West being another critical darling in Sony’s portfolio, it got me wondering if Xbox will ever take a 1st Person studio and create their 3rd person game like Guerilla was able to accomplish. Appreciate ya fellas! Payton Stone


Evening Dukes, Matty's talk of plaid when discussing your games of the year prompted me to do an Arkane playthrough, since my only experience with them was the first few hours of Dishonored back in 2014. I've now played through all three Dishonored games and absolutely adore them, but Prey has yet to capture me. As for my question, how would you boys rank Arkane's library? (at least their 5 more modern games) Thanks for the good times tainting LSM with a little green, hope you have a "Low chaos but you accidentally blow up a room of guards" kinda day.


I read somewhere (can't remember sorry) That this was being revisited fairly recently, and they scrapped it. Idk what the issues are though..


With all the buzz about a Switch Pro, jokingly ongoing since launch as said Sunday on ILP, I was wondering what you guys foresee Xbox doing this generation. Obviously they’ll want compatibility support and continuity through the lifecycle, but I can’t see where the Series S is going to play later gen games comparably to the X. I think it’s an underrepresented consideration for people looking to grab an Xbox now. How will they handle this later on? Will the Series X turn into the Series S in 2025 or so when a pro model launches? Sure it’s a good value as today’s budget Game Pass machine, but what about tomorrow?

Real Radec

Hey Mayo Monkey Matty and Cracker Cog, This one is more so for Matty but I feel like Cog can help him out here in this area too? What's up with the fashion choices as of late? Matty I know you want to put out the "modest" guy persona but we know you. We know deep down inside you want to rock the Gucci or the Balenciaga when you appear on the podcast or your own videos. So why not flex? Instead of wearing these clothes that are a mix of Hot Topic and GAP, maybe you should try wearing brands like Louis Vuitton, Prada, Burberry etc. You deserve to flex on everyone. I'd also like to hear what Cog thinks of Matty's current fashion choices right now, and if he should start wearing more Designer brands to truly stand out from the competition. Btw Matty just busting your balls here....but consider wearing a Rolex at least on one episode. We need to see you with some drip for real. Anyways loving the pod, the Dukes are great. Hope you have a "why are boomers performing at the superbowl" kind of day!


Hey Duke Matty and Lord Cognito, I watched the first episode of the Shenmue anime on your recommendations and I must say I really loved it. The ordering of events, writing and animation were great, and I thought Lan Di was suitably dark, and Tom was a standout. What I can’t say I loved was their changing of Nozomi’s demeanour and her hair colour from black to brown. Kind of a “look how they massacred my girl” moment. Either way I’ll keep watching, maybe they can finish the story this way. Thanks for the supremely entertaining podcast!


kungfoo Cog and Major of Tiitty City Matty, hope you both are well. I may disagree with you guys a lot, but there's no better team I could ask for. If you guys want some schooling in Gears multi-player or just wanna be carried let me know. Hope you guys have a "Your Steam Deck pre-order has been bumped to q1 2022." kinda day.

Frank T

Hey Boys, Do you think Xbox will try to find a way to get the old Activision Spiderman games into game pass? I'm not sure if PlayStation would be willing to allow it, but could you see Xbox going over their head and straight to Sony similar to what happened with MLB? Have a "I could have signed Tom Brady but stuck with Jimmy G instead" kind of day.

Lucius Augustus

Hello Dukes, Last week people were concerned about the issue surrounding the Martha is Dead censorship by Sony. During this situation I noticed that I couldn't pre-order the game on Xbox or my Switch, the developer noted the other versions of the game aren't being changed, so it's very odd to me the only place this game can be pre-ordered is on PlayStation. Then it hit me, this is another Sony strategy to cause another chilling effect on Xbox. Last gen the amount of third party deals cutting Xbox out of the frey caused simultaneous chill on the consumer and the developers. Games would take years to come to Xbox and by that time most people weren't willing to pay full price for a game that came out years ago. Devs stopped developing on the platform because of lack of sales but didn't consider the ramifications of timed exclusive with Sony, and how it would impact players and sales on the other platform. Considering that pre-ordering games has become a huge incentive on the part of publishers and gamers pre-order almost everything nowadays; do you think Sony could continue this tactic successfully to hurt the chances of 3rd party games on Xbox. And how can Xbox respond where Sony is putting anti Game Pass clauses in their contracts and making it so you can only pre-order some games on PlayStation


Hello matty and Cog. Do you think Microsoft want to be the number 1 in gaming with the Xbox brand or just in general. With the cloud, gamepass and their studio its clear to me that in 5 or 10 years they will be number 1. With the recent news about Call of duty and some other game stay on playsation its clear that Microsoft want the deal to buy Activison Blizzard to be done no matter what. But if is done and 5 years later they make a Prototype reboot will this go to playsation? If this kind of game they will make go to playstation I will not be angry but disappointed about Microsoft. They would own the studio, give them creative and economic freedom. I thinks this types of games who would never be made again whithout Microsoft and should be exculsive to xbox and pc. If pepole thinks its not fair in 2018 for the first time I could not play a spider-man game its not about to be fair.

Ryan Guldner

Hello Gentlemen, quick question: How bad are things at Platinum Games? They have all but begged Microsoft as well as public support to go back to Scalebound which you had discussed on prior episodes. They now are openly saying they are open to being acquired. Since prior successes in Nier Automata and Astral Chain, the studio has been plagued by development hell and their soon to be latest product in Babylon’s Fall appears from early indications to be set up as a major failure. These latest 2 incidents appears to be desperate plea for help like Nero calling for Guards from Damocles (thanks for the constant recommendation cog). Do you think Platinum is the next studio to be consumed by this unholy war of acquisitions?

Carter Evenson

Hello Dukes, I wanted to ask you guys how you prefer to consume games. Personally, I like to play a couple games at a time, one being narrative/story based and the other being a roguelike, metroidvania, or platformer. I enjoy doing this because when I want to just turn my brain off and press some buttons, I have those gameplay focused experiences, and when I want to kick my feet back and relax I can as well. For example, I’m about to juggle between doom 2016 and P5R. Thanks for getting me through work everyday, here’s to a great show!


Hey Dukes, An upcoming update to the Xbox OS will allow gamers to pin two games to be always on Quick Resume. I've lost save data on Jedi Fallen Order due to Quick Resume bugging out so hopefully that issue gets eliminated with this update. Quick Resume really is the best new-gen feature, and I'm always disappointed when a game doesn't support it. Are you guys constantly hoping around different games with Quick Resume like me? What games might you pin to Quick Resume? I'm pinning Slay the Spire. https://www.windowscentral.com/huge-xbox-quick-resume-update-will-give-users-more-control


Hey there Double Duke Dudes! Something came to my attention when I was at the gym the other day. I realized, as I was doing chest day, that I might need to focus on legs a tad more. I'm looking like a downward pointed triangle. I need you guys to be honest with me. How often are legs a priority during your routine? Are you guys still defining them dukes? Continue staying fit! Mental Health is just as important as physical health. What do you guys do to de-stress? Eat good, look good, feel good. Have a "finally coming to the realization that Larry the Lobster from Spongebob is the epitome of the male physic" kind of day. #HealthIsWealth


Greetings Dukes, I recently got my friends to switch over to Xbox after being life long PlayStation fans. Some of us aren’t the most financially sound and with games going to $70 in the next generation, gamepass seemed like a good alternative. That combined with the value of the Series S made this generation a no brainer for me and my friends. However, some of them still struggle trying to find that stand out single player experience that PlayStation does so well. We all still have our PS4’s and we’re excited to play Horizon, GOW, and Spider-Man, but what single player games could I recommend to them on the Xbox that could get them more sold on the console. Thanks Dukes, have a -just enough milk to justify a bowl of cereal but not enough to properly soak all the flakes- type of day!


Hey Dukes A small piece of trivia on the onion sandwich saga. Writer Ernest Hemingway was said to be a fan of PB and Os... Peanut butter and onion sandwiches. He referred to it as quote: "One of the highest points in the sandwich-maker’s art. We call it the Mount Everest Special. For Commanders only". Straight from the mouth of one of the USA's finest authors, I say if this episode of Defining Duke gets 1k likes on YouTube both of the dukes chow down on the Mount Everest special live on stream and earn their right to become commanders. (JK) Just got a series X, my first ever Xbox, love the show. Have a peanut butter and onion breath kind of day


Hey boys, Raise your hand if you have a backlog problem 🙋🏻‍♂️!!! Be honest with yourselves...do you ever think you'll finish your backlog one day? I think I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'll never finish mine but it doesn't mean I'm going to stop grinding. Cheers and have a Crossfire X got pulled from gamepass kind of day.


Howdy Dukes, Any thoughts on future studion acquisitions being spread out into the Xbox umbrella? For example, Xbox acquiring Crystal Dynamics and putting them under Bethesda, or Avalanche under Activision. Would there be any benefit to them doing this, and do yall have any guesses on potential matchups that make sense? Have a nice day.


Hey Dukes, What's your opinion on censorship in gaming? Recently, we witnessed the Martha is Dead Developers send a tweet out about having to cut content for the PS4 and PS5 because of Sony censoring. Do you think a platform holder should have the right to do this? And as a consumer, would this make you choose a different platform? And have a "OH SHIT, I HAVE OVER 70,000 MICORSOFT REWARDS POINTS AND SHOULD TALK ABOUT THIS MORE ON DEFINING DUKE! Type of day.

Michael Granger

Hi Dukes, Saw Matty's review on Crossfire X and oh boy! My one question is for you and Cog... Balan Wonderland or Crossfire X? Which is worse 🤣

Operator 408

Hey guys, I was a PC gamer in the 90's and early 2000's until the 360/PS3 made high end gaming clean and simple. So my Steam library is 20 years old. I've been looking for a simple way to get back to PC gaming, so the moment the Steam Deck was announced I pre-ordered it, got mine coming in Q1. The Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games of all time. Simple question, have either or you played Witcher 1 or 2?. They reviewed good at the time but no one talks about them. I purchased them on steam, just wanted to know how they hold up. Keep on keeping on.


Dukes, I don't mean to rehash this Onion Sandwich saga, but I told my younger sister about it just moments before I wrote this. To my surprise she blew my mind telling me of her father in law and how he ritualistically eats... banana sandwiches. {Recipe: 2 white bread slices 1 banana AND Miracle Whip} (Yes, Miracle Whip) I had no idea such atrocities was so close in my circle. What unspeakable crimes people commit between two slices of bread. I hope you have a public restroom with piss puddles in front of ALL the urinals, while wearing NEW shoes kind of day.

Bobby Rigo

Hey Dukes, Long time, second time! Something’s been on my mind lately and it seems to keep getting reinforced: what are you guys’ takes on Xbox’s “eye” for grabbing third party games for Game Pass? With the lukewarm-negative reception of CrossfireX’s campaign, I can’t help but feel like the majority of the quote unquote “bigger” games Xbox brings into Game Pass are duds (Back 4 Blood, The Medium, and Twelve Minutes just to make a few off the top of my head). On the contrary, the indie games they nab like Nobody Saves the World, Dodgeball Academia, and Cyber Shadow are of very high quality. Where do you guys sit with this idea? Look forward to DD and DDU every week, love you guys, love the show.


Hey Duke buds, Last week, my friend and I hopped on Gears 5 after a nearly year-long hiatus. We booted up quick play to get some matches in while catching up, but turns out there was a dearth of real players out there. Each team had one to three bots each match, and one of our matches was filled with no one but bots except us! I love Gears and I thought it still had a healthy player base, but the prevalence of bots is alarming. What do you guys think could be causing this bot-fest? Is it time to get Gears 6 out asap? #organicdevsonly

Frank T

Good sir, banana sandwichs are amazing. Throw some peanut butter and honey or even nutella in there and it is one of the greatest inventions of man kind

Ryan Ginther

Hey Lord COG and Mr.Matty, Long time LSM fan. As a multiplatform gamer, I find myself disappointed with so many of xbox's quote "triple A" experiences. Halo infinite and Forza were fun for a short period but I found myself disappointed in many ways by these games. Lack of impressive content and abundance of micro-transactions make for a mediocre experience. Do you think the long term success of Xbox needs a more quality gaming experiences like God of war, Horizon or any of Nintendos well polished IP ? Also, have a hey COG boo boo kind of day since y'all have not bought king from ILP yet. Ps bribe him with more gamepass.


Hey super dookie bros! Knowing that Fallout 5 is most likely years away it got me thinking. Sure a remake of Fallout 3 or New Vegas would be sweet but the Series X already boost frame rate and they're still very playable. However what do you think of a remake of Fallout 1 and/or 2 in the newer 3d style of Bethesda Fallout games. I feel like this would make the older games much more approachable to newer fallout fans. Also I feel like BGS wouldn't have to do it themselves since the storylines are already written. Is this a good idea and how likely do you think it is this would happen? Thank you and have a I don't have enough room in my inventory for a Fatman and a rocket launcher kind of day


Hey Dapper Dukes, what the hell is going on with Beyond Good and Evil 2? Last week Bloomberg reported that the game is still in pre production at Ubisoft despite being five years in development. Why is this game demanding so much time from Ubisoft? Say what you will about Ubisoft, but they have a pretty reliable development pipeline for games, (skull & bones not withstanding). So what do you all think is the problem here, and is it time to write it off? Thanks for the content dukes, and I hope you have an “I’m hungry and just found a surprise $20 bill in my pocket” kind of day.


Hello good sirs I have noticed on many retailer sites, the only way to buy a series X is to finance the system. It’s around $850 total and comes with 2 years of game pass. Just seems like a very pricey way of selling a system. Thoughts? Love the show

Big titty drinker

Do you think cross fire x being a complete dumpster fire looks bad on Xbox game pass? The optics don’t look good especially in a month where your competition look like they dropped another masterpiece in Horizon. Kinda drives home the idea that Xbox is great value brand gaming , while PlayStation is the Gucci , Luie and Prada of of gaming. Cross fire x is a terrible look for Xboxes reputation in terms of quality whether they made it or not because they featured it.


Hey Dukes hope you guys are good. When you guys were younger how much time did you spend playing games compared to other activities like sports, seeing friends and other hobbies? Myself I always thought I was an avid gamer but looking back it was probably only 10-20% of my leisure time but I guess it's what has stuck with me the most. Thanks and have a "grandma got you the game you wanted but on the wrong console" kind of a day.

Simon C

First apologies to COG, but I need to set Mr Matty off on a classic rant. Last Thursday I was shouting as I listened to the Dukes. Where is the marketing for cross fire x you asked? Because, I shouted back,Big Phil was keeping that marketing bag due to the gaming being  a P.O.S trash bag. Now I can list the many, many problems on this cash grab game from 2001, but that would reduce the incoming rant. Mr Matty due you thing!! I hope you have a, I need to spend time AND money on THIS game type day


Hey Dukes, I enjoyed your chat last week about all your sports teams over in the U.S. I was wondering if you've got any affiliation to real football! (Soccer) Are you interested in the sport at all and do you follow any of the big European teams or the MLS? Many thanks and have a 'Super Sunday kinda day'


Hey Dukes With most open world games, I’ve noticed a glaring flaw of front-loading: the first half of the game entices the player with content while the latter half leaves much to be desired. Furthermore, that same latter half exposes the lack of polish and rise of technical issues previously not found in the game. Two games for me recently fell into this trap: Horizon Zero Dawn and Sunset Overdrive. For Horizon’s case pop-in was frequent after reaching Meridian, character animations were akin to ME: Andromeda, and quests were more/less forgettable. Matty, you praise Sunset Overdrive so I wanted to give it a chance. First half of the game, I enjoyed it; however, the second half of the game was bogged down with technical problems with the most glaring being the final mission where I fell through the world, stared at a white abyss, and then the game decided to beat itself and roll credits. Sunset Overdrive has no saves to redo anything so this was my final taste of this “hidden” critical gem. My experience is subjective, but I pose the question: Has a final stretch of a “critically received” title ever left a sour taste in your mouth that it sways you from the general consensus?


What is missing or should be added to open world games?


The dukes without flutes need a Ute.(Ute is like American pick up truck in case you were wandering) Do you think Microsoft might buy the lord of the rings IP. since they have the studios that can make a great game or would it be a waste because they don’t have a movie company to capitalise on the other major part of the it. So should they expand into the movie making area to broaden their IPS. that is why I think stars wars was one of the biggest things in the day. You had books, games, movies and if you only like one of those pleasures you could at lease talk to someone about something in Star Wars that they didn’t know about since they weren’t into one of those activities. I apologise for any mistakes I think I’m dyslexic as Alexa when reading things. Have a mighty fine for a small crime type of day dukes.

Ember's Arcade

Hey, gentlemen. When are we going to hear about Avowed? Obsidian revealed its upcoming game during a showcase in summer of 2020, so I feel that we’re overdue for some details, wouldn’t you boys agree? Thanks, and I hope you have a “get in your car to drive somewhere only to find that the battery’s dead” kind of day.


Sup boys, Wanted to ask what you guys think of potentially a third voice on the podcast? My favorite episode of Defining Duke was the one with Karak, COG(guest at the time), and Matty. Three different, great personalities that meshed very well together. Someone who reminds me a lot of Karak is KING DAVID.(Killed it on DDU) He's loud and proud like Karak, but unlike Karak he's primarily an Xbox guy through and through. I think it would be awesome to include him on the pod, and it would supply something I think this show is missing: Someone who truly bleeds green and isn't afraid to show it.(Similar to Colin with PlayStation) What do you guys think? P. S. I hope this doesn't come off as me not liking what you guys are doing currently, that's totally not the case. You guys continue to be on fire every week and keep me looking forward to Thursdays! Have a semi- decent day.


Hello Dukes, wanted to first thank you and CoG for the amazing content the past few months. Defining Duke is always a weekly thing I listen to and it always makes my mornings. My question is about the ‘questionable’ quality of Crossfire X. I only put an hour into it and quickly deleted it afterward. Is this a other case of Xbox putting out poor day one releases and could this be why they opt to not put Cyberpunks next gen version on game pass this month? Keep up the great content 👍

Sean Mason

Hey Dukes, Cypherpunk's stealth release of their new update was a nice surprise for those who were looking forward to finally checking it out, but why did they decide to drop it in February? With two other juggernaut, open-world titles in Elden Ring and Horizon releasing soon did CDProjekt Red hinder any chance at some sort of redemption? Best, Sean M.

J Train

Greetings Dukes With the news of Sony's recent censorship strike on the Martha is Dead game this adds another ridiculous censoring to a growing list of games on Sony's platform. This will inevitably bite them in the ass and push people to Xbox, PC and Nintendo if this trend continues. My question is what do you think of this concerning trend coming from Sony and should I be worried as someone who primarily plays on the Xbox platform? I hope you both are having a Carlos Beltran batting against Adam Wainwright in game 7 of the NLCS kind of day. Cheers, Jason

Jeff Caseres

What up Dukes! So the CyberPunk 2077 next gen update is finally out. It fixes a lot of simple issues with the game and overall a much better experience from when it launched. I still see a lot of people saying the game still sucks so my question to you guys and everyone that listens this fine podcast, what else do the people want from the game? I’ve haven’t played Witcher yet but are there things there that aren’t on CyberPunk that people want? Let me know! I’d like to understand what is it that people want from this game. Love y’all keep it up!


What’s up Dukes, What kind of weapons would you like to see added to Halo Infinite? I love the game and playing it with friends but I still miss some of the old classic, my personal pick would be the SMG (imagine the ODST variant being included 👀) Thanks for reading my question and have a My toothpaste fell off the brush and into the sink kind of day!

Shane Geis

I realize this Patron is mainly a PS patron but it is so comical every week reading the faux concern trolling from PS people in the questions that are asked in this thread. Sadly they tend to be read during the show and the loop repeats itself every week. You would think CrossfireX is going to destroy Xbox lol it is basically Xbox’s Godfall... In January Gamepass gave us Extraction, ME trilogy, Hitman trilogy, one down month is allowed lol or simply unsubscribe and stop faux concern trolling

Mike Po

Good day Dukes. I wanted to ask if either of you have heard behind the scenes discussion from game devs criticizing or expressing concern about Game Pass and its impact on the industry? We're all well aware of the public praise many devs have put out there of Game Pass, but Colin has referenced background discussions he's had where devs are much more critical. Have your contacts in the dev scene been sharing similar concerns? Thanks, and have a wonderful day for once!


Dukes, just a fun, simple hypothetical question.. If Xbox suddenly found themselves nearing bankruptcy and you could only choose to save ONE current Xbox Studio to survive... Who would it be, and why?


Hey Dukes, another question. But some time into the new Cyberpunk patch and I’m genuinely shocked how good the game is now. It does make me ask this question though, is it right to give objectively broken products a second chance? Time and time again we get broken releases at launch and it feels like a rarity to get a release day one that isn’t broken or doesn’t need a patch. No Man’s Sky and now seemingly, Cyberpunk are examples of major turnarounds despite horrific launches. Should we reward incomplete or broken games shipping by playing them again when fixed? Or vote with our dollars and never look back?


Hey dukes, just a late question. With the release of the Cyberpunk update, CDPR came out later to announced that they might be working on the possibility of enabling a 60 fps mode for Series S. WIth Dying LIght 2 also mentioning that they are working on possibly making a 60 fps mode for Series S Too, did both of these devs not give the necessary priority to the "little man" it deserves? Considering that the Series S can handle Several games at higher than 60 FPS and sometimes 120 fps as seen here: https://www.windowscentral.com/list-xbox-series-x-and-s-games-120-fps-support. I personally bought an S because I didn't want to get a 4k TV and seeing that CDPR doesn't even give us the option to play at 1080p let me a bit confused. Hope you have a Blade Runner Cyberpunk kind of day!


Howdy there Duke boys. Pick your poison: Tapioca balls on pizza or a cheese burger with whipped cream in between.