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Fulfilling Destiny | Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast Episode 188

When it comes to mergers and acquisitions, it appears Sony is willing to play along: It's $3.6 billion acquisition of Bungie is proof. Thing is, this marriage is a bit different for the brand. Bungie will remain outside of PlayStation Studios' publishing hierarchy and remain both independent and multiplatform. However, Sony isn't done yet. Far from it. It's as ominous as it sounds, and we dedicate plenty of time to get all of our thoughts out. Then: Other news! Sony has released fresh financials indicating a very healthy company, but one severely supply-constrained and unable to meet demand, MLB: The Show 22 has a release date on PS4 and PS5, Ghostwire: Tokyo is coming way sooner than you may have thought, Yacht Club's newest game is a Zelda-inspired romp, and more. Then: Listener inquiries! Will we ever see Destiny 3? Could Fat Princess ever return? Are games becoming too ideological? Where's Dustin getting all of his recent bravado? Follow the hosts on Twitter! Colin: https://twitter.com/notaxation Chris: https://twitter.com/ChrisRGun Dustin: https://twitter.com/DustinCanFly A new episode of Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast launches each Friday morning. To receive instant, ad-free access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia You can also subscribe to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and other podcast providers, or use this link: https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7... #SacredSymbols #LastStandMedia #Bungie 0:00 - Intro 0:07:22 - Sacred Symbols 200 LIVE 0:09:46 - Has Dustin changed? 0:13:35 - What are our thoughts on the Joe Rogan/Spotify situation? 0:32:37 - How did Sacred Symbols start? 0:37:01 - A note on Hassan Kahraman 0:40:36 - The Nintendo Switch has surpassed the PSone in sales. 0:49:51 - Gran Turismo 7 State of Play 0:53:18 - Discord’s PlayStation integration has begun to roll out. 0:59:44 - An It Takes Two film/TV show has been optioned. 1:06:17 - What have we been playing? 1:31:10 - PlayStation has acquired Bungie. 2:37:12 - Sony’s profit forecast is looking up, but due to supply constraints it’s not necessarily due to PlayStation. 2:45:00 - MLB: The Show 2022 will be on Nintendo Switch, Xbox, Game Pass (day one), in addition to PS4 and PS5. 2:54:44 - Ghostwire: Tokyo launches on March 25th. 3:03:38 - Yacht Club Games has announced their next game, entitled Mina the Hollower. 3:14:52 - Battlefield 2042 is in a bad spot. 3:25:06 - Supermassive’s The Dark Picture Anthology looks as though it will finish out the series. 3:31:50 - Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has been delayed. 3:37:35 - News Wrap-Up 3:38:39 - Is Fallen Order a Souls-like game? 3:41:55 - Is it time for Destiny 3? 3:47:32 - Why hasn’t Sony rolled out Fat Princess? 3:54:12 - Actually, Game Pass is profitable. 4:05:51 - Are video games too political?


Hose A Contra Razz

Instead of buying a studio buy the talent, it’s sorta what Sony did keeping the talent 1.5 billion in salaries that what I would of done if I was Xbox buy the talent at insomnia and respawn.

Cameron Lee

Thanks homies!


Here's the thing about the Joe Rogan situation: There is a fundamental misinterpretation that keeps occurring here. This isn't driven by an ideological difference or a difference in values. If Rogan was being cancelled for saying, for example, "Abortion is awesome", I would absolutely defend him. He is allowed to believe that. The key issue with trying to make these two scenarios equivalent is that misinformation is not an opinion. Spreading bad medical information is simply a matter of spreading empirically unsupported information that can have important real world consequences. He isn't being silenced for political reasons, and I'm not entirely sure why people are framing it in such a way. I recognize the we live in a time where everything is hyper-politicized, but the fact is that spreading information that is just straight up unsupported scientifically is not the same as saying abortion is bad/good. He doesn't get to throw his hands up and say he is open-minded and just letting people say their piece. You can't have an IED maker on your podcast explain the details on how to build a bomb and then plead "free speech". You cannot, and have never been able to, say whatever you want. There are limits. Spreading bad medical information during a historic public health disaster qualifies, in my view.


The whole doom and gloom over multiplayer experiences cannibalizing singleplayer games seems so ridiculous, but I see a ton of that talk on the internet. Right now Pokemon Arceus is blowing up. Elden Ring, Starfield and God of War Ragnarok will sell extremely well. Indie devs output tons of super high quality singleplayer games like Hades, Deaths Door, etc. More games than ever before are being made. Metrovanias blew up a few years ago. Even RTS games have been getting a bit a of resurgence recently. We are not only getting more games, but more genres are getting the attention they deserve. Your singleplayer games aren't going anywhere.

RFK Rodgers 2024

Is Chris also being acquired by a mega corporation?

Liam Mcnulty

I don't agree that Rogan has a responsibility to make sure his guests say the "right" thing. He checks sources as much as he can, but he just let's his guests speak, it's up to the audience if you're convinced, or not. Plus, things that were considered "misinformation" a year ago, like the lab leak theory are not yukky most likely theory, plus myocarditis with the jab isn't a conspiracy theory anymore. Let people have free dialogue and let each individual decide what they want to believe or not. We don't need Joe to act like the Ministry of Truth, that's not why I watch him.

Liam Mcnulty

What misinformation? Because what's considered misinformation one day, or a conspiracy theory, has often turned out to be correct (edit: regarding covid). You don't have to listen to him.


Hey guys! Colin always talks about going on JRE twice. I only recall the first time after the kinda funny debacle. When was the second time?

Kenneth Oms

Great episode boys. I want to thank Dustin because he voiced exactly what I wrote in my write in in terms of bungie just perhaps consulting on some of the live service aspects of factions and nothing else.


The level of animosity you see over the rogan stuff recently seems less like a product of any actual harm his show does and more of the typical moralizing crap you see happen all the time these days. Anyone even passingly familiar with his content would be aware that he he isn't some malevolent peddler of misinformation. Whatever that term even means anymore. When something is wrong by all means it should be corrected, but that's how dialogue is supposed to work.


It seems Sony is trying to protect what it does best and buy what it doesn't do elsewhere... and I don't think that's necessarily a good look.


I agree that he doesn't bear that responsibility, anymore than I do when people say something on Sacred Symbols+. People need to be adults, and figure things out.


Whoever names these episodes, needs to get one of those 80s themed high-fives. They are on point. Also Joe Rogan had the game director of Doom Eternal on.

Elias Salcedo

Why not just use Tidal it actually pays the artists unlike Spotify and it's better quality


Rise is indeed the best girl.

Jason Bristol

Just wanted to say Ghostwire is looking really dope after the showcase so I have a feeling that game will be fine. Looking forward to having a open city like Tokyo to explore

Payton Stone

One thing Colin said towards the end really sticks out to me… The Video Game industry is SOFT!!!! I’m so sick and tired of the Covid excuses. In the world of business, justifications and excuses are tolerated by bad companies. The entire industry NEEDS A SHAKE UP. Horrible Mindset.

Andrew Tomassone

I don’t agree at all with roasting people for mistakes but for some reason I laughed so hard when Colin so confidently said “2 factor authentification” rather than “2 factor authentication”


The story about Greg Miller's Dead Island playthrough and the platinum being broken happened to me with Dying Light, on track to have platinumed it within the first 3 weeks of release and there was a trophy for getting all weapon types or something similar, which was broken and I would have had to play through the whole game again post-patch.


Let’s not forget with MLB the show being on Xbox, and Diamond Dynasty being the most popular game mode (micro transactions for packs to earn new players for their team to play online), that’s a lot of extra revenue on top of the PlayStation players who already buy the game AND spend hundreds on micro transactions. SDS is making bank and is poised to introduce a whole lot of new legends to the game cause of it. Very exciting times

Matthew Cooper

The Joe Rogan situation is a freedom of speech issue. It's not a 1st amendment issue, but the value of freedom of speech extends beyond just the government. It is a very important cultural value, not just a political right. It's also incredibly transparent that a lot of the attacks on Joe Rogan are built on jealousy and envy. Mainstream and cable news is dying. You've got talking heads on major news networks who are lucky to get a few hundred thousand viewers going after a guy who gets 10 million views per podcast. And it's because Joe has honest conversations with people of various viewpoints, while the cable news anchors lie, only talk to their friends and allies, and frame everything in their bullshit narratives.

Tony Rivera

Shoutout props to the Cosmo Kramer portrait behind Chris. #SeinfeldFTW

Raul Hernandez

Dustin takes forever to state his statement, be fast cause I dont like it, this is kinda like vocal fry, That is me stating something about the podcast

Tyler Cumerford

Ghostwire looks like an on-rails game you'd play at the arcade next to time crisis and Area 51


I have to say the discussion on Gran Turismo 7 being required to be online was upsetting and missed the point of the discourse on the topic, however Dustin certainly did his best to bring up the salient points. Sure there are logical components of a game (online, ghosts, leaderboards, etc.) that should require a game to be online to access, but to require connectivity to play base content is an affront from my perspective on game preservation and is a terrible trend for the industry in general. It strips away ownership of media, cripples game preservation and de-values the medium of games in general. When Sony inevitably no longer supports the ability for legacy systems like the PS3 or Vita, etc. to connect to the PlayStation Network, those systems will surely be in a better place due to the fact that required-online was not the norm and you’ll still be able to play a majority of the back catalog (with some exceptions of course). As we move forward tent-pole games like GT7 (and others) that will seemingly require online and no longer be accessible is disheartening as a long-time gamer, and it’s sad to see games being treated as disposable.

Niall G

This isn't as big of an issue that people like to think. Why would you play GT7 25 years later? for example

Steve hamilton

Chris check-in. Just want to make sure the first born and favorite son is doing ok. Watching the video, I was noticing some of the same mannerisms from him as during the video he posted having a panic attack. Might be nothing but wanted to ask: is Chris doing ok?


He's staying at someone else's house 3,000 miles away pursuing a project... he's got a lot to think about!


It’s a shame that Sony can’t realistically afford Capcom or Square Enix.

Jared Hines

Scrolling through comments, and no one is bring up what no other podcast has done; lyric analysis of Walking on the Sun by Smash Mouth. I applaud you Colin for doing what others are scared to do. Great work as always <3


Where the audio version? I got housework to do! 😂


I thought the Joe Rogan thing was about all the racist shit he said??


Is there a way to have the video be available directly on YouTube as it releases or do I have to select it from the queue here, then go to my YouTube history and resume? Anyone tech savvy know?

Michael Buell

Love Dustin and his big dick/Bully Maguire energy, also totally stealing that phrase.

Nygile Oliver

I'll be honest, I don't see that huge a difference between minecraft putting BLM in their splash screen and things like Six Days in Fallujah or games that have explicitly pro-(blank) agendas. Theres all kinds of ideologies in all kinds of games, so I personally don't think that one specifically is any bigger a deal than anyone else. As long as you're not calling for violence against anyone, it's all fair. I also dont think when they put BLM in the splash screen, that they were specifically referring to the organizations or people in it, I'm sure it's just a phrase they're supportive of and want to put in their game, possibly moreso to separate themselves from it's original creator, Notch. Just my two cents.

Kbr Sports

Is the Joe Rogan issue currently circulating regarding the COVID comments or previous use of the n-word on the podcast? Censoring freedom of speech definitely is a slippery slope. However, it depends on what is contained within that speech that matters. I recently saw him trending for the n-word so Idk if that what this person's question is about but I don't think the same group censoring him regarding the n-word is the same group concerned about jiggly breasts in Dead or Alive. Curious to know which issue regarding Rogan you believe the question was addressing.

DB Cooper

The Kramer in the background of Chris's screen was fitting at least!


Chris looking like 7 feet tall Master Chief with that camera framing. 😆

Nygile Oliver

That, we don't know, I misspoke. I moreso mean games being the avenue its creator speaks from. There's communist games, there's torture in games, there's a litany of topics we've allowed in this space that offer moral quandaries. There's situations like Devotion getting banned over a single reference to Winnie the Pooh. I'm just fine with expressing viewpoints in your art. Even though it's the equivalent of putting ACAB in your twitter bio, I dont think it's cause for concern

Nygile Oliver

But to add a lighter comment, I hope you guys can get around to Sifu, this game is a blast, even though its putting my entire dick and balls through a blender with its difficulty

Kaz Redclaw

Mina looks great, and Yacht Club is probably going to do a good job with it. I found it amusing that their goal was $1 more than they earned for Shovel Knight on kickstarter. That they crushed it so quickly shows that people recognize how good they are, vs when they were a brand new studio. I consider this kickstarter to be more of a pre-payment for a game, rather than the risk that kickstarter usually is.


Chris is getting on my nervous with his BF takes. Second time this happens. No, riding a hovercraft up a wall is not a giant bug, it's a gimmick like ejecting yourself from a plane, headshoting a pilot of a second plane and entering your plane again. No, there is a scoreboard FOR THE TEAM. This is a great thing for everyone who understands BF and has been playing the series for a long time (i've been playing BF online from the PS2 Modern Combat entry). The term 'play the fu*&$%^ objective (PTFO)' came from Battlefield. This brings focus to the team score and solely to that. It endorses the series difference from CoD and others. Played 55+h on PS5. Visual glitches and rag dolls. Nothing breaking the experience. There is plenty wrong with this game. A LOT. I don't recommend it to be bought to anyone. But those are not issues. Stand down, Mr. FPS-guy lol.


These guys are still fighting the Condole Wars, it’s time to evolve fellas.

Dave Carsley

Honestly, I think it's a bit [uncharacteristically] naive of Colin to assume that all these "online only" single player games will get legacy patches. You really think that if Google or Amazon buys Sony or Playstation in 4 years they'll even think twice about abandoning a bunch of games that no longer make them money instead of spending money and dev time to make legacy patches? I sure don't. I think they wouldn't even think twice about it, and wouldn't care even a little bit. Just my opinion though.


Hm. Perhaps so. But I don't think there's going to be anything to worry about, when push comes to shove. And if enough people complain loudly enough, they will 'fix' it.

Keith Mc Carthy

Holy shit there's a TurboMan doll on the shelf behind Chris and no one is talking about it!!!! You do realise Arnie once punched a reindeer for one of those..

Caleb Smydra

Colin, Congrats on the rooftop solar! Have you considered a Tesla power wall or other home battery storage device instead of a backup generator? A home battery is marginally more expensive (depending on the size and power) and can double as an EV charger if you have one of those. Thanks, CS