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PlayStation's Counterpunch | Defining Duke Ultimate Episode 53

Just a couple of weeks after Xbox surprised this industry, PlayStation reveals they're acquiring Bungie. Yes, Bungie! The studio who was formerly owned by Microsoft, teamed up with Activision, took an investment from NetEase, and is now apart of the PlayStation Studios family. Joining us is Hoeg Law to offer legal insight on the fine print of this deal as well as helping the Duke break down Bungie's firm independence even when being acquired. Is this a template for future deals or merely a one time offer? Was this deal sparked by recent moves by Microsoft? So many questions to ask and perhaps the answer is none other than Project Spartacus: The PlayStation Game Pass competitor.


Michael Buell

Rick Hoeg you take the word out of my head and make sense of them for me haha, and the dukes are always great. Only partly through right now but just an awesome conversation.

Lucius Augustus

Thanks, not sure why this wasn't appearing like normal