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Just a couple of weeks after Xbox surprised this industry, PlayStation reveals they're acquiring Bungie. Yes, Bungie! The studio who was formerly owned by Microsoft, teamed up with Activision, took an investment from NetEase, and is now apart of the PlayStation Studios family. Joining us is Hoeg Law to offer legal insight on the fine print of this deal as well as helping the Duke break down Bungie's firm independence even when being acquired. Is this a template for future deals or merely a one time offer? Was this deal sparked by recent moves by Microsoft? So many questions to ask and perhaps the answer is none other than Project Spartacus: The PlayStation Game Pass competitor.




Hey guys, I am sure this is a great episode... But there was already a Sacred Symbols+ on this. Hoeg is always great, but as a primarily Xbox gamer, and an avid Defining Duke's listenee this isn't really the content I'm looking for. I'm not being negative either. Not every episode is going to be for me, and that's fine, but I just wanted to put one listeners opinion out of there. Maybe I'm alone.

larry Seitz

Definitely don't see this as the "counterpunch" from playstation for the activision deal, rather the "counter" for Bethesda deal.

Michael Welter

Is Chris on this episode? I remember Colin saying he was.

Dan Nolin

This wasn’t a ‘counterpunch’


Is there no video this week?

Matthew Two T's

Hoeg alone is worth the listen but I agree more variety is always appreciated. Hard to juggle with huge news like this though even if it doesn't apply to you in particular.


Good discussion, but a bit of a straw man at the end regarding PlayStation acquisitions being more natural. This was definitely argued before the bungie deal, but I don’t think people arguing that would think the bungie deal itself is natural

Cody Richter

As a long-time Destiny fan, I'm excited to see what other forms of media Bungie can bring this IP to with the help of Sony. Great episode guys!

Monterey Jack

Bungie, if everywhere you go it smells like shit, check your shoes! Hopefully this plan works out for gamers as a whole!

Greg Hommel

Sony is the innovator of hardware. If not for Xbox and it’s simplicity Sony would be making much more exotic hardware. Imagine two iterations past the cell processor. Developers rejected the PS3 because the 360 offered standard programming tools. Without Sony’s innovation, on chip M.2 SSD, 3D sound, haptics, GDDR6, Kraken, etc., and these are the things they have come up with to not force developers to change the way they work. Software only… psh.


So when MSFT buys activision they are saving all these IP and employees and it’s all good news but Sony buys bungie and keeps it on all platforms it’s negative? Lol

Jayce Tamulevich

Great chat guys! I was surprised to hear about the acquisition, and while I’ve said I don’t approve of them generally, I’m hopeful. If Bungie does actually stay multiplatform I’ll be happy that no one loses anything. I love the way Microsoft handled Mojang, I’m hoping Bungie gets the same treatment.


Excellent stuff here Dukes. I feel like Rick was a brilliant addition for this one. He seemed much looser than I've heard previously and it made for a very entertaining podcast.


I don’t think the guys made it sound negative at all. I do have about 20 minutes left to listen so maybe the dramatically change tune though.


Ya, Naughty Dog made Way of the Warrior for 3DO in 1994, then made 4 Crash games that were exclusive to PS BEFORE Sony bought them. Not sure how Cog thinks that's somehow the same as anything Microsoft has done?

Anthony A.

Hoeg is awesome on this episode! He killed it!


While it might be available on other platforms my guess is all DLC and the game itself will be free if you're a playstation Spartacus member. It's the same thing that xbox does with multiple platform games it provides free on game pass but you have to pay for it on other platforms. I also imagine their future games will have Beta testing early access for playstation members