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To NFT or Not NFT | Defining Duke Ultimate Episode 52

The conversation on NFTs accelerated from joke to hot button topic in a matter of weeks as companies across gaming being to embrace a new genre: Play-to-earn. Joining us is Robert, an attorney and compliance specialist in the digital payments industry. Robert is also a gamer, NFT owner, and he considers himself "cautiously optimistic" about the future of NFTs. To pick his brain some more and educate ourselves as well as the masses, we invited him on to discuss the potential and the very bad of these digital assets.



The people with NFT as initials are probably not enjoying this period of history lol

Max - Fifthstring

I just like that OSRS got a mention, it's the little things. GE flipping can teach you a lot about economics, wotj anticipating surges or market fluctuations due upcoming updates and releases for new content, or just simple supply/demand and graph reading (seeing market conditions, anticipating price trajectory, etc). Such a great game


This needs to be free. This was such a good conversation

Josh Couture

I appreciate Roberts nuance. Great talk. The tech is great, but it’s being grossly abused and warped currently imo. I’m excited about ownership in gaming!

John Fiorio

"If I'm going to spend hours playing a game, why not get paid for it?" Because not everything needs to be a hustle.

Reece allen

Exactly. This is what scares me the most about NFT's if the catch to everything is you can make money off it, then nothing will have value based off what it brings to the table alone. Everything just becomes speculative.