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The Possibilities of PlayStation VR2 | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 153

We were all surprised when, mere days ago, Sony decided to talk quite a bit more about its shadowy successor to 2016's PlayStation VR. This powerful machine is looking primed to give players a much higher-end experience than we've previously had in virtual reality, and with that comes many questions regarding manufacture, price, timing, games, and more. To help me walk through it, I invited friend-of-the-show and hardware expert Tom from Moore's Law is Dead and Broken Silicon to talk about what we've learned, what we now know, and what we may expect from PlayStation VR2. A look into the future, if you'll excuse the gratuitous pun.




Ealia Staroverov

The downside to allowing it on PC is money and simplicity. For example, I play on a PC that is stronger than a PS5, I use my PlayStation for exclusives and to play games with friends that don't have crossplay. I own a PSVR, and I'm more than likely to buy a PSVR2, however, I do not own a PC VR headset. If VR2 works on PC, then any 3rd party game I'm buying on Steam Sony gets $0. Assuming they put their first party titles like Horizon on PC, they would get 70% and they're probably fine with that, it's mainly the 3rd parties. Secondly, as far as simplicity. If you buy a VR game on PS5 and plug in a VR2, then you know it's just going to work. But if someone plugs a VR2 into a weak PC and the game runs like shit, then they're probably going to go online and blame it on the VR2, because they're not the person to even look at hardware requirements in the first place. This is the exact reason that Bluetooth headphones don't work on PS5. It's fully capable, but unlike the controller BT stack, they can't control people using crappy, cheap headphones, experiencing lag and dropouts and then blaming the PS5. I think many of these issues could be alleviated by PS having a dedicated launcher on PC, where you sign in with your PSN and games you own like GOW, Horizon, Days Gone, VR titles, etc. are recognized purchases and don't have to be rebought. Yes, I would much rather prefer something like Steam integration over another damn launcher, but even MS doesn't do that, and I imagine it all has to do with bandwidth cost. Why would Valve let you use their servers for free essentially? All of that being said, I really do hope it works on PC because that would make me much more likely to buy it.


Yes, I do agree that the plug-and-play nature of the device makes it most tantalizing (and sensical) on PlayStation 5 itself.

Walker Simmons

I'd get it if it has a bunch of full games not short demo like experiences. A full open world horizon game or horror games would definitely sell me

Craig Mcguire

Gonna listen today. I feel like the ease of access and use of quest 2 is gonna be a major hurdle to climb for PSVR2.

Joseph La Russa

Great episode! The only person I want on here more often than Tom is Hoeg, so bring Tom back again soon! 😁


Is this shirt a tease to new LSM merch, Colin? Would love a “Stand Down” shirt! (Haven’t finished the episode, just in case you mention it later on)


I think to ensure psvr2 success they need to attempt to bridge the gap between VR and standard games. Imagine if some of the top PS5 first party offerings were VR2 compatible so you could play the regular game in a more immersive way. This may well be too much of a technical undertaking.

Matthew Remus (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-23 17:35:05 I generally really enjoy the episodes with Tom and as a PSVR & Quest 2 owner was excited for this episode. I was slightly dissapppinted that Tom didn't provide more insight into what he felt the machine was capable of outside of comparing spec sheets. It is hard to describe VR, so I get it, but maybe having a VR expert on to discuss (someone in the VR industry who has tried all the machines and is passionate about them) would be a nice idea for an episode in the future. Keep up the great work. Always enjoy listening.
2022-01-13 22:43:55 I generally really enjoy the episodes with Tom and as a PSVR & Quest 2 owner was excited for this episode. I was slightly dissapppinted that Tom didn't provide more insight into what he felt the machine was capable of outside of comparing spec sheets. It is hard to describe VR, so I get it, but maybe having a VR expert on to discuss (someone in the VR industry who has tried all the machines and is passionate about them) would be a nice idea for an episode in the future. Keep up the great work. Always enjoy listening.

I generally really enjoy the episodes with Tom and as a PSVR & Quest 2 owner was excited for this episode. I was slightly dissapppinted that Tom didn't provide more insight into what he felt the machine was capable of outside of comparing spec sheets. It is hard to describe VR, so I get it, but maybe having a VR expert on to discuss (someone in the VR industry who has tried all the machines and is passionate about them) would be a nice idea for an episode in the future. Keep up the great work. Always enjoy listening.


More tom. That dude is awesome! I really enjoyed this.