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William Holbert is a 74-year-old retired San Antonio police officer, married for 52 years (!), with a daughter, a couple of grandkids, and even a great grandchild. He's also been playing video games habitually since 1972. Students of the industry will know '72 is significant, and is widely-considered The Beginning of Video Games As We Know Them, as that's the year Pong launched (and it was indeed Pong that caught Billy's attention). Since then, he's seen, owned, and played it all: From the earliest arcade games and crudest consoles to hobbyist computers, IBM-compatible PCs, and consoles galore. The earliest electronics and games shops? He bought things there. The first magazines and newsletters? He subscribed to them. The cassette tapes we'd listen to music on in the '80s? He'd store data on them. Fast-forward all of this time, and these days, he and his 22-year-old grandson still play. He loves Skyrim. He loves the Witcher. He thinks Game Pass is amazing, and marvels at how his back-catalog is made better by Series X. He's currently stuck in Guardians of the Galaxy. He's a treasure, really. So let's pick his brain. He's William Holbert, and I really, really think you're gonna love hearing from him.



Tyler Floyd

William is awesome! Very excited to listen to this one.


This should be good

Austin Clemence

Man, I’ve been in a few Facebook groups with this guy and he was always very nice and respectful

Jorge Aponte

Mr. Holbert, you're the best.

Joey Rawlings

This is the type of guy I wanna be when I grow up.


This was a splendid conversation.


This was great. Flew by. Please have him back on. ❤️

Matthew Mendillo

I’ve seen Mr Holbert around some groups over the years. Great to finally hear his story in full. Always seemed like a nice and positive guy

Jeremy Craves

Beautiful! Can’t wait for the next one.


He really is a great example for the gaming community and just people in general.


I’m convinced he’s younger than Colin.

Joe McPartlin

This conversation made me super happy.


This is the grandpa I want to be

Walker Simmons

This was the most wholesome thing I've seen in a while we should all try to be like him when we are older


I thought this was very nice. I am familiar with William from seeing his various interactions with others in the game space. I do like his positivity and it was good to hear how he fell in love with games. Like you said Colin, wholesome.

Hose A Contra Razz

The title sounds like a David Bowie song title

Johnny Lamotte

This was such an awesome episode. Thanks so much for this Colin. The ending broke my heart as well though Colin “I don’t like those side scrolling games” haha But for reals. Great episode. I just got my dad a Wii again for Christmas because he loved tiger woods golf on it back in the day. My mom told me he played it for three hours straight yesterday. I’m hoping to find him other things he will love as he gets close to retirement. I think he would love red dead redemption because he has always loved westerns. Have a great week last stand team!

FourEyes Malone

Great conversation. Excited to hear more from William on the next go.


Instant favorite, his joy and gratitude are very contagious.

Kendrick Luckenbach

Wow! Major flashback. William used to be a mod in the podcast unlocked Facebook page back in the day and we used to have great correspondence. So glad to see he's doing well, amazing episode

Rob Kvasne

So wholesome, can't wait for more from Mr. Holbert

Ari Levi

What a mensch! Loved hearing William’s story. Keep up the great work, team!

Drew Lee

Fantastic episode. Thanks!

Victor Elmo

Literally one of the best episodes so far!


Easily one of the best podcast episodes I listened to all year. Thanks for sharing; I'm grateful Mr. Holbert agreed to come on the show


Can we get him on the last stand media payroll to do let’s plays?!

Derek Alcott

The reason we subscribe is for stuff like this.

Dylon Tucker

If we don’t get at least 5 podcasts a year with him from now on I will riot. Bring him back as much as possible. Great interview wish it was 90 minutes longer

Andy T

This was the best thing to listen to! What an absolute legend-I could have listened all day. Thanks Colin!

Brandon Soto

Awesome episode. Very much enjoyed it.


This was freaking awesome Colin.

Kenneth Oms

This was an awesome episode Col. The way he feels about 2d side scrollers is how I feel now. I played a bunch of them growing up so they don’t hold me like they used to


Great episode! Thank you for chasing after this unique perspective.

Will Hahn

This was the best episode of SS+ this year by far. Please bring him back!

Michael Granger

Such an awesome conversation. Unbelievable heartwarming. Just gave me such joy to listen to. Made me quite emotional at points. Video games rock and William is so awesome

Alan Hayden

After reading the description I know this will be brilliant. I have wondered what gaming will be like for me in the future as I get older. Is gaming ok for middle-aged or older people? Should I be doing something more conducive to positive 'real' outcomes? Or is it ok to be a family man who games as hard as I do now at 10-20 hours a week? In Irish culture males are stereotyped and deal with alot of peer pressure to conform, and let me say that gamers are not the stereotype lol. So this will be very interesting.......

Andrew McGregor

Great listen. Was interesting to hear he had the same struggles as me trying to program using those magazines with all the game code in it. Spent months trying to get one working on the Commodore 64 before giving up.

Josh Correa

This was such a lovely and wholesome conversation. Definitely would love to hear more from Mr. Holbert in the future!


That was a great interview! This is truly unique content you cannot find anywhere else.


Thank you once again, LSM.


That was amazing! One of my favorite episodes that I’ve hear in a long time. What a great guest, very interesting conversation.


After many years of listening to podcast this one was such a joy to listen to I had show my wife.


'The word is Contentment'. Thanks LSM this is great, lovely interview. I'm nearly 40, playing since I was 5 and am looking forward to being William's age and playing with my grandkids. It'll be interesting to see where games will be in 35 years.


This is one of those episodes that just hits perfectly. William was a delightful, inspiring and wholesome guest that I would love to hear more from. LSM once again injects fresh air into a podcast space thats filled with redundant ideas and guests and fills it with someone who provides and promotes positivity.


Loved this episode. I’m 46 and to hear this retired gentleman still have a passion for the hobby is just incredible.


This is fascinating and sounds like the plot of a movie. Bill is awesome.

Jay Bayles

I absolutely loved this episode. Such a warm and wholesome man. I even teared up a bit when he said "I'm just happy my 22yr old grandson still wants to hang out with me". I think I'm gonna give my grandpa a call today.


This is the weirdest/coolest thing just to hear an elderly person who loves gaming as much as any of us. He almost sounds like a paid actor; that's how separate from reality it seems to me, as if it's a miracle an older person can enjoy gaming. The words "Horizon Forbidden West" coming out of an old person's mouth and knowing full well what that is, it's weird how simple that is but how incredible it is.

Greg Hommel

This is freaking awesome. There aren’t very many people like this gentleman right here. I am aware of the entire history of games, but to actually have actively participated in every generation is really something. I would like the honor of asking him the first question. Even though I could conceivably ask hundreds of questions, I will settle on this one; Since you have been involved in every phase of interactive entertainment, where do you see and want to see gaming in another 50 years? His perspective on this question might just more valid than anyone else on earth.


Loved every minute of this episode.. wish I had a family member like this. I can only hope my girls come visit and game with me when they are older.

Greg Hommel

I have often said that we were going to start seeing generations of elderly people that were more content in assisted living facilities that any before them. In fact the psychology of games episode touched on the subject of games being a healthy task to keep elderly people sharp and motivated. This is fascinating stuff. I love it.

The Chicken Chaser

What a nice guy, hope I’m that cool in 50 years


What an incredible episode! So cool to hear this older gentleman, dropping that he can’t wait for Horizon Forbidden west ha ha so dope.


What an incredible episode, Colin. I never had a grandfather in my life, but it touched my heart that his Grandson is his best friend. Something I wish I had growing up. But none the less I'm glad to hear stories of a such a relationship. It makes me excited for my future, to be a grandfather like this.


There’s a lot of pundits out there but you really found the goat


Wow, what a joy to listen to this one. William, I mean it when I say that I wish to be like you when I get older. I'd be happy to listen to you on the show whenever you want to go on!


Colin, this is in the top interviews I've heard you do. Thank you William for sharing your gaming experiences. I couldn't stop laughing when he called out teabagging in multiplayer games 😆.


Trying to hold back the water works the whole episode.. damn I miss my mom


An absolute joy to listen to. What a sweet man William is.


I cant wait to hear more from William

Matt Wiles

What a beautiful interview, Colin. You are also a real gentleman. 10/10 and credit to you for taking the initiative and risk to interview people like this (not that it’s really a risk!). And William, what a fantastic guy you are! That was a great listen—thank you!

Peter Montaño

What an amazing episode! Way, way too short. I could listen to you and William talk for hours. I’m eagerly waiting for his return!

Samuel Zamora

Cool to see a fellow LEO in the gaming space!


I never knew my dad's dad very well, and my mom's dad died when I was 12. So this made me long for that relationship, too!

Eric Cibak

Terrific episode! William seems like such a great, down to Earth guy... Need more people in this space like him! Enjoyed the conversation!

Matt Wiles

Very sorry for the second comment here; but why don’t you make William part of your regular team? I’m not joking. Imagine him being part of SS+ episodes or a retro thing. It would be a true unique proposition for your company. No other company like yours would do that. The other Mr Nice Guy BS companies are just that; BS. So, imagine the story and PR for making him part of your team. Crucially, he’d be great. He’s sharp. Anyway, sorry for the second post, I’m sure I’m talking nonsense, but I just think it would send a message to everyone, be a great asset, and finally would make his dreams come true.


Thank you, William, for your insights and experiences as a gamer! Thank you, Colin, for highlighting a gentleman in your series! I am looking forward to the next part. -Blessings from Norway


This is awesome, I’m halfway through and this might be one of the most important pieces Colin has done.


What a wonderful episode that was Colin. I genuinely smiled alway the way through your conversation with William. He gave off such a warm and innocent feeling. You could really hear the passion and excitement in his voice when he was describing everything. His family and especially is grandson are very lucky. Can’t wait to hear from him again.

Tim D.

Outstanding episode, Colin! This is exactly the kind of content that puts LSM into a league of their own. Looking forward to a follow up episode. Thanks and Happy New Year!


Man, what an awesome episode! Reminded me of my 60 year old uncle who introduced me to video games and rock music when I was 8, both two very important parts to my life to this day. No other podcast is doing this. Thanks for the great content and Happy Holidays!

Zetsubou Billy

Wow what a find colin! Love seeing folks outside of our typical demographic tell their stories and appreciation for gaming,, nice to see he also shares the same interest in rpg titles as me like as well. I cant agree with him more about multiplayer games scene, good riddance i say lol. So much respect for his police service and knowledge for the industry in general, cant wait to see him on the show again someday if he'd like! :D


This was such an awesome episode 👏


Loved this episode. Great to hear Williams insight. I am a 37 year old gamer. Bill and I have mostly the same opinions and tastes in games. 👌


This was a fantastic episode! Thanks for the great content and looking forward to hearing you and William again in the future!


Great interview! Loved listening to his stories.


Had a smile on my face this entire episode. William is a certified legend.

Kevin Cooper

I love his determination... Putting a game aside to take a break from the challenge but always going back to it to see it through to the end. A respectable quality indeed.


I'm 56, graduated HS in 1983 and have been gaming since before the Atari 2600 came out. My first console was a Lloyds 812 Pong based system, my first PC was a TI 994/A, which I ended up selling a few years later to buy a Commodore 64 (which I still have, and it works fine), so it was great to hear Mr Holbert! Colin and team, this was a fantastic episode, and it would be great if you did more of these sorts of talks with legendary, old-school gamers. Anyone who says you're too old to play video games has their head up their rear-end, lol!


What a lovely gentleman! This episode was such heart warming.

Ian Andrews

Great episode. I would love to play with him and chat about being a detective nowadays compared to the 70’s and 80’s. What a top bloke!

Simon Pusateri

As a Fireside Chats stan, episodes like this make me so happy

Ryan Taylor

This was such a heartwarming and fun episode to listen to. What a great experience this guy’s had with so many great consoles and games over the years. Absolute legend.

Josh Lee

One of the most endearing conversations I’ve ever listened to. Thank you Last Stand for sharing this with us. When he mentioned that his grandson was his best friend it really touched home. Amazing content as ever.


This is one of my favorite podcast episodes ever. We really need more different voices like this is gaming. Love the positivity and respect the passion.

Marco Maluf

Now I want him as a Granfather and Dagan as a older brother, my imaginary family keeps growing 😅

Carlos Moreno

What a wholesome episode!

Angel M Rivera

I'm late but what a fucking episode. I loved this. Can't wait for the Q&A ❤️

Zach Brown

Been meaning to comment on this for a couple weeks now. Fantastic episode. As a patron in his mid-40s, I've always appreciated how LSM has provided knowledgable content about gaming periods that have covered my whole life. This one takes the cake! Looking forward to Mr. Holbert making a return in the future.

Dan Brenic

This is the most wholesome podcast episode I’ve ever heard


Very sweet listen.

Doug, just Doug

Fantastic! Need to get this guy to join a review or spoilercast video for the game of his choice.