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Dustin's Christmas Mailbag | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 149

Merry Christmas to all! I hope this episode finds you well whether you're celebrating with family, friends, or simply taking it easy after the holiday. In this mailbag, Frisk and I dove deep into your questions and had a great time answering them. When will we see Persona 6? How do I rank the Souls games? Is it normal for your balls to get wet when using a bidet? Hit play!



Great episode, Dustin! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the vaccine. As an unvaccinated individual myself, it was refreshing to hear someone discuss the topic as I can relate to many of the points you bring up. I know it’s not the easiest question to answer and I’m sure it was a bit uncomfortable to discuss but it’s really appreciated. Hope the family is having a great holiday and I can’t wait to hear about all the games you’ve been playing when you and the boys return!

Matt Wiles

Dude, course many of us will listen on Xmas day! I’m in bed now, it’s 11pm in the U.K. Everyone went to bed early, knackered. Now’s the perfect time to unwind and listen to this :) Great work guys, getting episodes out over Xmas. Thank you!!


Good show, Dusty.


Wholesome episode. Next time put the Kingdom Hearts stuff at the end so I don't have to listen to it...I'll stand myself down.

Tony Rivera

As I push play.. I literally cannot stop my mouth from saying "This video is gonna be weeb as fuck." LOLOL - you're great Dusty. Let's hear it. Happy New Year man!

Tony Rivera

Also, I have to say this.. damn you for putting a video of Frisk at the end.. I paid no attention to anything you said the whole time.. I'm just talking to my computer screen like a baby and the neighbors think I'm a psycho. "Look at that little face he's so f*cking cute" yeah. Yeah that's me. Thanks jerk.