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Call of Duty’s newest entry in the series, Vanguard, has been out for a few months. To no one’s surprise, the conversation surrounding the title has been less than positive. Can we contribute it to the WWII setting? The situation at Activision? Sledgehammer’s skills as a developer? Micah and Ben dive deep into the shallow campaign as well as discuss our stance on the multiplayer and zombie modes.




Go back and play Infinite Campaign, it is so good.

Timothy Martin

Honestly I thought the campaign was fun enough for a call of duty game. The Australian North Africa portion was cool, the pacific portion was passable. My only beef was that the end was very unclear and made it seem like an expansion or sequel is coming.

Kenneth Oms

This was a great episode. Love Ben and Micah as a duo here. Especially since they scammed us all at the end with their platform choice


Yeah Infinite Warfare is actually my favourite campaign in the series, so good.

Ryan Zimm

I know I am in the minority, but Infinite Warfare was my favorite campaign as far as story and characters go. It may not have had the biggest WOW moments....but it is the ONLY COD campaign where I actually care about the characters. Also, it was just great fun and I loved the Space stuff. Do people only hate it because it should have never been called COD in the first place?

Jack Doheny

I loved it as well, I’ll admit I was against the setting but honest it was a lot of fun.

Alan Hayden

Thanks for reading my question out guys. Really appreciated the thoughtful answer. I think MW2019 was great in gameplay terms but so many missions were inspired by real events (Benghazi, The Highway of Death etc) that it felt a little devoid of originality. I don't mind it once its fun and not a like-for-like recreation and they put their own flavour or twist on it. It basically needs to be justified somehow for me. Have a good Christmas guys Alan


I am disappointed that people feel like WW2 is overdone, because it's not like every year a game in that period is released. Even by different franchises it's not enough to say that it's too much. But I think that people might feel this way because the devs that make WW2 games never expand to different fronts. The players expect it will be the same things, which they're not wrong on. But there's the Danish and the Norwegian Front, the Polish, the invasion of Italy, the Philippines, the Chinese Front (which a lot of companies won't make because of China), the Spanish Revolution, the Finnish victory over the Soviet Union and the Yugoslavia Front. All these stories and set pieces they can choose and they go for the ones that have been done to death.


I am disappointed that people feel like WW2 is overdone, because it's not like every year a game in that period is released. Even by different franchises it's not enough to say that it's too much. But I think that people might feel this way because the devs that make WW2 games never expand to different fronts. The players expect it will be the same things, which they're not wrong on. But there's the Danish and the Norwegian Front, the Polish, the invasion of Italy, the Philippines, the Chinese Front (which a lot of companies won't make because of China), the Spanish Revolution, the Finnish victory over the Soviet Union and the Yugoslavia Front. All these stories and set pieces they can choose and they go for the ones that have been done to death.

Jeffrey Rommel

Great episode! Love to hear the in depth thoughts on the game - spoilercasts are my favorite episodes :) Micah, you have a great voice for radio!


I think the bad blood was because you had to buy a premium version of Infinite that year to get MW Remaster which is what everyone was focused on (myself included). I was also over the future shooter theme. I need to revisit it though

Marco Maluf

Great episode!!!