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Award Shows Are Failing Us | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 143

Subjectivity brings with it a whole host of inherent quarrels. Indeed, fundamental to subjectivity is an understanding of the texture and nuance of things. In other words, there really isn't a right or wrong answer, because video games aren't math. Yet, in this industry, we're endlessly bombarded with scores and awards and this and that, all of which suggest otherwise. In the shadow of this year's Game Awards, it's all a little perplexing, especially with some notable absences on the Game of the Year roster. To discuss how award shows (and all other manner of making subjectivity objective) are hurting the games industry, I (Colin!) grabbed MrMattyPlays (a Duke!) to chat. Is it time games are treated like the ultimate entertainment medium they are? Or should we continue to chase 20th century trends and ideals, no matter the cost?