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Spartacus and Shock | Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast Episode 179

In an ever-increasingly competitive landscape, publisher Electronic Arts wants its Battlefield series to really, truly sing. The recently-released 2042 isn't doing the trick, of course, but that's not going to stop the megacorp from doubling and tripling down: Battlefield will now be a universe, with stories and experiences and expansions across different platforms, game-types, and even monetization options. Worse yet, it will occupy a great deal of their internal development resources, for -- as we always say -- every opportunity taken is infinite opportunities lost. Is EA trying a little too hard to be Activision? Or are they making a wise bet? We discuss. Plus: Confusion surrounds Godfall on PS+, Dying Light 2 has gone gold two months early, and BioShock rumors galore, amongst other topics. Then: Are award shows (and awarded products) becoming too homogenized? What game mechanics truly shined in 2021? Will auteurs come to rule the industry landscape? Will Dustin ever appreciate the complexity and versatility of applesauce? Get some Sacred Symbols merch! https://LastStandMedia.shop Follow the hosts on Twitter! Colin: https://twitter.com/notaxation Chris: https://twitter.com/ChrisRGun Dustin: https://twitter.com/DustinCanFly A new episode of Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast launches each Friday morning. To receive instant, ad-free access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia You can also subscribe to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and other podcast providers, or use this link: https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to Colin's retro and nostalgia podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod #PlayStation #SacredSymbols #LastStandMedia


carter weiss

"Idiot, savage, baby bitch boy." LMAOO

Jesse spivey

Colin is not lying. i picked up far cry 6 during the black friday sale and man o man is this game a blast. i come home after work and look forward to sitting with a beer & doing a few missions in this game. Another reason i come to LSM for my games information and not the metacritics of the world. This community is full of great game Recommendations so thank you all! Around 3:23:25 the Outro just start playing in the background around the 4th closing question not sure if its just the video version.

Ryan Campos

I love how the beginning of this episode turned into Knockback

Stefan Catinella

Pokemon Red was the best birthday present game for me. The best gift overall is the collectors edition of Ocarina of Time, the gold cartridge, I got for Christmas.

Kenneth Oms

Happy to see you getting some credit online for your Bioshock report Colin. Very cool to see the behind the scenes of chasing a story down like some Noire detective level stuff.

Michael Size

The only Battlefield games I played were BF 1942 and BF2. I played a lot of BF 1942 on back back in 2003-2005. Such a great game and great times as LAN parties (are they even still a thing?) lol. I don't have any interest in the newer ones, I don't know why, I should give them a shot. Maybe not this one though. Maybe Battlefield 1? Does anyone still play that one? heh

Sean P

I'm recovering from covid and so far behind on these podcasts. Here we go boys and girls

Brandon Kirzeder

Thanks for the late addition to the podcast! You guys are the best!


Great podcast guys! Hey Colin did you see this Rami thread about PS going into the subscription service? I found it interesting considering his position in the indie scene and game development scene. https://twitter.com/tha_rami/status/1467074809897046025 An additional idea I had is what if the Netflix partnership shows up in the subscription service? Someone on the discord said what if they included the anime streaming services they purchased as well? That would be insane value (if done right)

Michael Miller

Chris’s David Bowie Omikron reference had me rolling.


Yeah, this could be interesting. I think we're gonna see a culmination of some stuff, perhaps.

Liam Mcnulty

Four frakking hours! So say we all.

Derek Alcott

I love me some porkchops and applesauce with mash potatoes.

Liam Mcnulty

Just got to the section where you detail how you get information on a game in development and how you always hear about games behind the scenes. So the question I have for you is... What is Abandoned!? 😂 If you do know anything about this potential Silent Hill game, is there anyway you could tell us, or wouldn't that be possible? And yes, Far Cry 6 is excellent


I've played most far cry games and always enjoy my time with them. I paid full price for Far Cry 6, but gave up after almost six hours. I have many problems with this game. The camera is off, feels like I'm looking through a GoPro on a helmet off my character. The dialog is cheesy and uninspired. The main character is never given a good motive to help the guerilla. But my biggest problem is with the enemy IA, they spawn all over the place, they have become bullet sponges and I can't increase the difficulty. Just wanted to give a perspective from one of the weird people who gave up one far cry 6 :) I tried out wildlands instead and actually found more of what I was looking for, the enemy dies of a shot to the head, my character also dies easily. It makes for a fun stealth experience.


I unfortunately agree. I bought it after hearing the praise on the show, and have really enjoyed each mainline entry since Far Cry 2. The story feels very hollow and unearned, the characters come across as inauthentic, and the gameplay hasn’t grabbed me. The new direction of Ubisoft games away from more immersive damage toward a more RPG-like numbers game has been very disappointing for someone like me. That said, Colin mentioned playing it while listening to a podcast and I prefer to play something that demands more of my attention, especially as of late. Good for him and those that like it, but as someone that has also sunk a notable chunk of time into the series I feel like each entry has slowly moved further away from what I enjoyed about Far Cry and this is the most distant release yet.


Just want to point out, Cuban coffee is not bitter. We pack that shit with a lot of sugar and we have a certain way of mixing in the sugar and coffee where we add the sugar to a separate vessel add a little bit of the coffee to it and mix it aggressively to create a type of foam, then we add the rest. It is delicious.

Dion Collier

Truly appreciate the fastidiousness of Colin's Bioshock reporting. 60s Antarctica would be fascinating! I'm hoping this isn't the last SS journalism we get! I also love these extra long episodes. Makes my long, boring shift at work much more tolerable.

Samuel Zamora

For dude getting married and asking for game music. I recommend playing the 007 Goldeneye N64 pause screen music while folks are eating.

James Guerrero

Shout out to Dustin and his pour over coffee! Just this last week I started experimenting with pour over coffee and doing the coffee grinding and spiral pouring ritual. It makes a huge difference to freshly brew the coffee this way compared to a Keurig or even a drip coffee maker. I love to see that there's a fellow caffeine junkie among the sacred symbols crew


My best friend Ramon is also crazy about coffee like this; there's clearly something to it.

David Kramme

Hey Colin, Persona 4 Golden is great, but I'm just curious, are you still planning on playing SMT 5, I'm making my way through it and it's a time sink, just curious if you were still planning on it.


How are you enjoying it? I just snagged it last night

David Kramme

Loving the challenge, Persona Royal is prolly my GOAT but is making it a tie, combat is really satisfying (on normal) and design wise they took a lot from Royal as well, 70 hours in and still hooked, hope you enjoy.

David Kramme

Oh and 2 things, DLC breaks game and prepare for massive difficult spikes.

Daniel Navarro

I was just listening to this episode and got to the cyber shadow discussion and I am one of those people who noticed the gamerscore on Xbox was uneven. When I did notice it I kept playing to get the first 5 achievements which were 8 points each to get that nice even 40 points from it and proceeded to delete the game and never touched it since. What’s really sad is I loved the game while I played it and this ruined it for me.

Kaz Redclaw

On the "everyone hating on things, then saying they always loved them" IMO, there's usually a loud subset of people hating on some things or loving some things, and they manage to, for some reason, get wider adoption early on with the people who haven't played it, and they talk a bunch of people into not trying it. Eventually, people start going back and enjoying it, and start posting on how they enjoyed it, and eventually manage to turn public opinion around, and that's when you get the people saying "See? I told you it was good and you guys didn't listen to me" that help turn the tide back. I personally loved Death Stranding when it was released, and also quite enjoyed No Man's Sky when it was released despite the bugs and limited features. I didn't play Majora's mask until 2002ish, but I thought it was very interesting and good back then, though a bit frustrating since I burned out on the water temple. (I haven't played that pirate game on Xbox because multiplayer games aren't my thing.)


That's true. However, I feel like the hate towards a lot of these now-beloved games was... let's say... profound and memorable.

Kaz Redclaw

Yeah, it's kind of annoying when a negative message initially sticks in the public's perception, like with the Vita... Now I mostly hear positive things about the Vita, because the negative people have moved on to hating other things. ;)

Matthew Deane

As one of the guys that is playing Far Cry 6 because of Colin, thank you because I’m really enjoying it.