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Choice A or Choice B? We're met with this conundrum over and over again in life, and yet, there are certain choices that are far more consequential than others. This episode of KnockBack is dedicated to such forks in the road, where two or more options are presented, and whichever choice you make will resonate far beyond that point in time, perhaps for the rest of your life. From jobs and living situations to education and the start and stop of relationships, these are 10 moments from the lives of the Brothers Moriarty that -- if a different path was taken -- would have likely meant this very show wouldn't exist at all. How meta.



Alex Bolton

What a great topic! Can't wait to listen. Glad to say yall can now put a fork in this topic.


Oh boy. This one is gonna be deep.

Kenneth Oms

We need to start a petition to get Dagan the rights to Kid Kimono back.

Kendrick Luckenbach

This is a pleasant surprise. Love these deep topic episodes. Thank you for brightening my Monday morning workflow 🤗

FourEyes Malone

Love these episodes. I really want to see Dagan’s skateboard clips.

Jesse spivey

Easily my favorite shows on LSM. Thank you fellas for being here every week. Ps good dad joke this week.

Dimitreus Newell

I loved this episode. It caused me to do a little reflecting myself on different forks I’ve taken. I drastically could have done better in high school, and I think of myself relatively successful. I could have gone down some shifty paths for sure. Thanks brothers!

Timothy Martin

Great show topic. Not sure if fate is discussed at all because I haven’t had a chance to listen yet. I’m always a believer that things happen for a reason. As a new officer in the army many years ago I was supposed to switch assignments with a friend. Almost went through but was cancelled at the last minute. Sadly, the assignment sent him to Iraq where he was killed in May of 2006. Had it not been for a clerical error it very well could have been me.


Amazing show topic, can’t wait to listen.


Love the thumbnail for this one. The snow and gray reflects some of the melancholy and uncertainty associated with major choices.

Timothy Martin

Regardless, he was a good dude that deserved a better outcome in life. I think about him often. I had a sergeant who transferred out of a paladin (artillery cannon) crew to go to a different battery, pretty routine transfer but he opposed it wholeheartedly…. He didn’t want to move units. His original crew got hit by a katyusha rocket fired off a rail a couple months later, lit the powders and incinerated them all. I think 4 killed and 1-2 more critically wounded Life is fucking weird and strange, man


I just wanted to mention how weird it was you all posted this today. Last night I was talking to my cousin about this exact situation. About 4 months ago I left the city I grew up in to live in a small town. I have been sitting here for about a week trying to figure out what I'm going to do in the upcoming year, whether to stay in this small town, or go back home. I'm terrified because I dont know what choice to make and where it will lead me. I've had this uncomfortable feeling that I'm going to pick the wrong one and end up wishing I went the other way. Theres always the chance that this is exactly where I need to be and it may lead me to what I want, which is happiness and financial security, but at the same time I miss my friends and family back home. Is there any advice you or Dagan could give someone like me struggling to make a choice? Making the decision feels harder than anything right now.

John Fazio

This was a hard episode to listen to and I mean that in the best way possible. My parents actually moved me from California to Maine in my teenage years and it changed my life forever. Some parts of this conversation were painful and somewhat heartbreaking to hear. So glad you guys did this and I was really moved by this episode. Thanks again guys.


I wanted to comment because your discussion towards the end of the podcast, about your desire to one day earn a PhD, really resonated with me. I graduated in 2008 with a degree in accountancy. I earned my CPA license a couple years later. In 2013 I joined an accounting firm that had a standing policy wherein it paid for any employee to earn a master's in taxation. I paid up front for each semester of grad school, then if I earned a B or greater in class I could submit an expense report to have my tuition, books, and related expenses reimbursed in full. This meant my only real commitment was the time necessary to complete the program—outside of business hours. The policy also clearly stated no raises or promotions would be offered upon completion of schooling. Perhaps because of this disclaimer I am the only person, from a firm of 175, who has made use of the policy in its ten-year existence. I realize a master's degree is much less intensive than a PhD. I only needed ten classes. I completed those ten classes over nine semesters. Only once did I make the mistake of trying to take two classes at the same time, while continuing to work ~50 hours a week outside of class. It took me 4.5 years to graduate, longer than my undergrad. Taking one class at a time felt slow, but it also never felt like a burden. I enjoyed the material in class so, in a way, school became my biggest hobby for those years. I enjoy taxes, perhaps in the similar way to how you enjoy history. While the journey could have been faster for me, I had no goal in obtaining an additional degree other than for my passion of the subject matter. It may one day enhance my career, who can say? As you mention in the episode, it's impossible to know the end of a journey before you start. I graduated with my master's in taxation in 2018. So far it has done nothing for me, but I'm still glad I did it. For me, my master's is a reflection of my spirit and what speaks to me. Perhaps akin to those tattoos from another time you continue to wear. Thank you for the very personal episode, and for all the varied content you and LSM create. -Stewart

Luke Silletta

Colin you should go get your PHD in 10 years. You can be like Rodney Dangerfield in Back to School. Imagine the shinanigans?


Great episode. Probably doesn't mean much coming from a random Patreon subscriber, but I have to commend both of you for telling your stories. This episode has me quite introspective since listening to it. Anyway keep up the great work gents


I'm glad you did it. I don't think I could do it like you did... if I did go for it, I'd likely try and go full-time. I like having eras of my life, and I couldn't prolong school, I don't think. It's a dream. We'll see.

LastStandMedia (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-23 18:44:11 It actually means a great deal. You're the reason we do the show. <3
2021-12-01 21:16:46 It actually means a great deal. You're the reason we do the show. <3

It actually means a great deal. You're the reason we do the show. <3