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We've arrived at PlayStation's first birthday, and we've obviously much to say. The console is a juggernaut, frankly: It's powerful, sleek, and packs some great games, too. But it's not without its problems and detriments, particularly when faced with competitors doing some different and exciting things in the space. Still -- from the SSD to DualSense, and everything in between -- PS5 is a marvel, and we want to celebrate it, not with eyes closed, but rather with eyes wide open. Let's examine year one of Sony's newest hardware, warts and all.



Josef Barker

I don't know about sleek. It's a big boy 😂


Colin I appreciate you not shaming anyone for not getting the vaccine. I hate how a personal medical decision has become so political.

Joe Perez

Ah yes, that happy feeling of seeing a Patreon notification for new SS content! 😊✌️


A sacred symbols episode that's almost 2 hours long. God has truly blessed us on this day 🙏😇

Robert Graham

I would love to hear why Dustin has refused the covid vaccine. No hate here. Just a healthcare provider in training continually confused by people’s wariness (especially here in the US) regarding the vaccine.

Dustin Furman

I chose not to get it because I’m relatively young, healthy and have no co-morbidities. I encourage anyone who wants one or who is older/at risk to get one. -Dustin

Jeremy Seal

The controller, power, and load times are incredible. It's a big step up from the PS4. Shooting as Chris at the end of RE8 was a truly incredible experience. Also, I think Demon's Souls is one of the great games of all time. So, I disagree with the no must have games mantra.


The media remote is a great fix for your controller problems that you guys were having while using video streaming, because i haven't changed the batteries since i got it last year when the PS5 came out.

James Schubert

Only had my ps5 a little while and keep looking at this these, how is the connection though? I used to find the PS3 one pretty slow/laggy


Hearing the guys talking about PS5 technical issues in the past seemed incredibly foreign to me UNTIL literally yesterday when my PS5 shit the bed after attempting to download GTA: Definitive Edition. I encountered a catastrophic error and none of my games there after could be downloaded. After an hour and a half with Playstation tech support, they decided that they had no explanation for why my system could no longer download games and no solution other than sending it in. 20-30 days turn around AFTER they actually receive it. I will be lucky to have it back in time for Christmas. But I guess I should not have been all that surprised. The only Sony console I have not had to return for repair was my PS1. PS2 died within a WEEK of launch. PS3 fat held in for about 3 years. And my PS4 within 3. These guys are fucking up again.


Dustin, I sincerely hope you didn't spread Covid in the days leading up to your symptoms. The vaccine may be a personal decision but it's one that affects virtually every person around you. You could have been contagious anywhere from 2 to 14 days between your exposure and when your symptoms began. If you had already been fully immunized, changes are that the viral load that infected you could have been neutralized by your body's immune system. Even if you still became infected, whatever side effects you now feel, could have been severely lessened. You may be young but Covid has, and still can, kill people our age. If not, the potential long-term effects far outweigh the short term side effects of the vaccine. For both you and the shows sake, I hope your symptoms continue to be mild and that you don't suffer any long-term damage. Please, as soon as you're better and qualify, get the vaccine.


The unvaccinated both spread COVID and get COVID. What's with the incessant mythologizing that this isn't true? It is.


Remote play is a great way to get your fix when the spouse is using the TV. Most TVs have Netflix and other services built in which solves the doing two things at once problem. I’m inching ever closer to the Hades platinum thanks to it 😄

Brandon Soto

As someone who only had a base PS4, I really love the PS5. Better frame rates and faster load times are crucial. Although, holding down the home button to turn the console off still isn’t there.

Jeff Caseres

Yoooo what up guys! So just wanted to let you guys know that the Explore section only shows games you are following. I too got Fortnite stuff the first day I booted up the PS5 and I quickly unfollowed the game because I was not having that. To unfollow games you just have to go to the top right corner of the Explore tab for “followed games” and then unfollow anything you don’t want to see on that sections. Once you do that you will only see updates and news only on the game you are following and care about. Keep it up! Love y’all!

Braeden Burge

I hope Dustin doesn’t suffer any long term damage for his decision to not get vaccinated.


I respect Dustin for not making excuses over not being vaccinated. It was very matter of fact. I’m vaccinated myself, but it’s entirely a decision that should be made by the individual. I hope all goes well for him and his household.

Max Stahl

On the bright side: Whether one is unwilling or unable to get a PS5, patience is going to be richly rewarded. The prospect of a PS5 Pro (potentially smaller), a more robust game library, backwards compatibility w/PS4 and greater battery life for the controllers excites me. I doubt that most of us will be ultimately disappointed!

Max Stahl

Yup. One doesn't have to justify themselves to others; our society is going down a dark path in where that is becoming seen as more and more acceptable, in various contexts. I got Covid despite being vaccinated, after only 5 1/2 months. Cordiality is necessary.


I do, too. Everyone needs to make their own decisions.

Cristian R

PS5 remote play has been amazing for me. I played a ton of Yakuza Like a Dragon and Disco Elysian off my iPhone using remote play on the PS5 while my wife watched movies or shows that I was only tangentially interested in. Great feature!

Cristian R

Actually on my phone using the Backbone which works exceptionally well.

Carlos Moreno

The tuning fork sensation on the PS5 was a great comparison. As soon as Chris mentioned it I knew exactly what he meant

Greg Hommel

I would like to thank Dustin for speaking up about the PS5 SSD. Chris is so quick to point out that the Xbox has an SSD and it loads fast too. It is pointless and not appreciated for me to bitch about it, but I’m happy that Dustin stepped in to point out that it isn’t the same. The PS5 compression and loading is a whole level above the competition.!

Joshua Fielder

I just wanted to implore the boys and anyone else to try out Sony's 3d audio headset. It's fantastic, add it to all the feedback from the controller and it's extremely immersive and very cool. I would recommend Ratchet, Returnal, and Demon's Souls for starters.

Hugo's Desk

Thanks so for the episode. Regarding next generation only games I would like to add to the list ‘The Medium’ I know it’s not an amazing game but it is a game that only works on PS5 and Xbox Series X. It’s a next-gen only game! The game is only possible because of the new SSDs. The dual rendering system on-screen with 2 completely different environments is only possible in the next generation (and PC) The game is being rendered with Raytracing on both games in 30fps. Just wanted to mention this because that game is a bit underwhelming but very impressive from a tech point of view.


If I'm not mistaken you can hold the PS button for 10 seconds to power off the dualsense and continue watching Netflix

Mark ?️

Just one thing about Ratchet; Colin you repeatedly say that you're convinced what the game does could occur on any other normal console. This is only half true. Rift Apart when transitioning through portals or switching worlds literally loads and unloads data in and out of RAM in a matter of seconds which could not be done on anything else (without the SSD) . Now the same effect can be achieved, but it requires all the necessary data to be in RAM at the same time, which naturally would vastly reduce the fidelity of the game given you'd need to shrink the assets some how to all fit within the RAM pool. Hope this helps somewhat

Brent Mendoza

The studies show that vaccinations actually offer higher protection than getting COVID and building antibodies. So he would have in fact been better off getting vaccinated. And getting vaccinated after having Covid will provide better protection than natural immunity.