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Metal Gear Solid 3 | KnockBack: The Retro and Nostalgia Podcast Episode 196

The third entry in the Metal Gear Solid franchise is the first game to take us backwards in time. While the original two adventures took place slightly ahead of their release window, MGS3 takes place 40 years prior to its 2004 launch, and within is a captivating Cold War-slash-alternate history tale about the Soviet Union, some American (and other foreign) agents, and a vaunted, nuclear-armed super weapon that will change the face of warfare forever. Infused with memorable characters and dialogue, revamped combat, and a deeply geopolitical tale, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is considered by many fans of the series to be its best entry. Do the Moriarty Brothers agree? As usual, there's only one way to find out: Hit play. Check out our merch store at http://LastStandMedia.Shop A new episode of KnockBack launches each Monday morning. To receive instant access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia #KnockBack #LastStandMedia #MetalGearSolid3


Frank G.

Kept a mutherfucker waiting. 😎 🐍🐆(godamnit why is there no Ocelot emojis)


https://www.theverge.com/2021/11/8/22769724/metal-gear-solid-2-3-sons-of-liberty-snake-eater-licensing-issues-digital-storefronts-removal “Although the removals are temporary, Konami’s statement doesn’t give a timeline for when the games might return to affected storefronts.” - Jon Porter All in the timing, guys…


I was never really bothered by the survival mechanics in this game, I felt that they added to the immersion and at least in my playthrough, never got in the way too much. The comparison to San Andreas is also a bit strange because in that game exercising was just there to boost your stats and you ate food to regain health which are pretty standard mechanics in other games and they don't really get in the way of you playing the game like normal. Other than that I feel MGS3 plays just like the other two except with a 3D camera so I disagree with it not feeling like Metal Gear.

Avery Illies

Thank you for reading my question, I really appreaciate it.

Gon Freecs

Hey Colin, just wanted to bring up why Liquid looked different than Solid. Its been a while since you played it but In MGS1 we were informed that Liquid was led to believe that he had been created in order to express Big Boss's recessive genetic traits, and as such, was "inferior" to Solid who supposedly had received Big Boss's dominant genes. This was one of the reasons why Liquid despised him. In the end of the game, it was revealed to us that Liquid was the superior clone the entire time. This fit thematically with the story of the game being about how your fate is not bound by your genes.

Peter Pham

I completely missed the part liquid was the superior one... and I played MGS 4 twice 🤦

Liam Mcnulty

Solid Snake and Big Boss pretty much are the same person, Solid is just a clone of Big Boss. Regarding Liquid I assumed he only sounds different because he was raised in the UK? But the guy above me suggests there's a more in depth reason that I missed. And when Snake gets older he sounds like Solidus. That's how Big Boss sounds at the end of MGS4. MGSV threw a wrench into that by having Kiefer voice Big Boss. Before the game came out I thought they cast Kiefer because they were going to have a surprise where David Haytor turns up in the game as a young Snake on his first mission to kill Big Boss, and they didn't want the same guy to voice two characters. I was kinda off lol

Your Boi Nicky V

In Twin Snakes, Solid and Liquid have the exact same face. Just different haircuts.

Liam Mcnulty

I think in the original MGS as well, many characters Solid comes across comments on the fact he looks like Liquid

Andrew Johnson

At the end of MGS5 It kinda explains why he’s voiced by Kiefer in that, if I’m remembering it correctly

Liam Mcnulty

I don't think it does, tbh mate. I know he's not exactly Big Boss, he's a "phantom", he's the medic, brainwashed into thinking he's Boss but the real Boss still sounds like Kiefer

Andrew Johnson

Yeah I feel you on that, only reason I can think why he voiced both was to not give away the twist, but I’m a mgs fanboy so I’m probably trying to justify it in my own head lol


I've never played MGS and I guess I'm not anytime soon either. Thanks Konami.

Michael Miller

Great episode, fellas. While I disagree with almost all of your complaints, it was cool hearing your thoughts about my personal favorite game of all time and I’m glad you enjoyed it. Regarding the Russian language thing, it sounds cool on paper, but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say David Hayter can’t speak Russian. :P (Unless I misunderstood what you were trying to say)

Kenneth Oms

I wrote in about the wounds and eating mechanics, and I liked that you and Dagan pretty much answered it in depth throughout the conversation. I think my favorite part is when you explained how the mechanic could have been expanded to have more of a natural feel to the game with real consequences that would have made you enjoy it more.

Zachary Douglas

I understand your meaning about not speaking Russian. I get it. But I just assumed it’s a Hunt for Red October situation where they are speaking Russian but because of the medium it’s just more appropriate for the audience (especially back then when MGS3 came out) to have it in English. That said, it would be quite epic if in the remake they do that


Right, but it's clear who's speaking what in Hunt by where you are; there are differentiated settings and language expectations.

Liam Mcnulty

Fair one 😂basically it's Multiplicity, but with Nanomachines lol.

Blake Wall

You right it is confusing but they do have answers to your questions like the reason Liquid looks different from Solid Snake and Big Boss is because they tampered with the cloning process and Liquid got the Recessive genes and Solid Snake got the dominate genes

Blake Wall

I am not sure if it's really obvious but I believe Liquid mentions he has the recessive genes at some point in mgs1 but I might be wrong about that but I totally agree with your opinions on the game even though I still enjoy the game your right about none of it making sense it's all ridiculous and a lot of isn't explained properly in game so I definitely agree with your arguments


Yeah, I mean, I'm not gonna remember something Liquid Snake said in MGS1. That's just how it goes! LOL.


Honestly I never would've thought that MGS3 was a simulation, BUT I do see how Colin could think it was. Especially with Hayter playing both Snake and Big Boss, but Keifer Sutherland playing him later on in V.

Big Boss Games

Just listened to the show. Another great episode. I can understand the confusion of Colin about you playing with Big Boss. I mean, he didn't know anything about mgs 3 before he played it. I know, at the time mgs 3 was released, you could read in previews and reviews that this time you would play ass the legendary Big Boss. Kojima even mentioned this in interviews. So most people just knew they where playing a prequel. And damn I love Big Boss as a character. I find him more compelling then Solid Snake. Even though I love solid snake too. And my goodness, Boss is such an epic character. The song snake eater is just so perfect for this game, because it has the story in it. Boss gives her life not for honor but for Big Boss. Man, I cried when Boss died, when I knew the truth. First game that hit me emotionally...