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Battle of the Bastards Part II - Lockmort's Edit

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These are comedy gold.


What I notice developing in the Last Stand Media podcast family is "the battle of the poop stories. Sacred was the reigning champ for awhile but Defining Duke is climbing up the "sharts". 💩🏆


Is there a way to find all of these easily? They’re great

Dustin Furman

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpcQ4Ffwc2Q5xvcwnh-vBAiiBzdbhHOFg :)

Jake H.

Dustin’s facial expressions kill me in these, omg. Lockmort does a great job picking the right moments to do a cutaway reaction shot.

Jason Bolla

Ah yes, Lock's Empire.

Wayne Moss

😂😂😂😂 these edits crack me up

Chuck Rude

Poor Dusty lol

Andrew Morgan

“I don’t care”… Absolutely hysterical.


Which episode is this from!? I love the idea of having Matty join sacred symbols for an episode! Hope cross overs become more regular!

Nathan Favreau

Why was this so dang funny

The Eclectic Gamer

I still don’t get the appeal of this whatsoever…and I can’t help but get the feeling that Dustin is coaxed into some somber expressions and bodily gestures to make the video have more gusto…pointless stuff right here.

Dan Nolin

‘Well, we’ll see how that goes’ 😂 Priceless


I'd even go one step further and say I've got a feeling none of the things they said in this video truly happened and it was somehow rearranged in a way to evoke some kind of emotion out of people. Quite manipulative. I'll be reporting the next one.

BettyAnn Moriarty

These just make me laugh. We’ll done, Lockmort ! 😉