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After countless teasers, State of Play presentations, trailers, and previews, Deathloop is finally here. While the marketing was arguably a bit oversaturated by the time it was released, Deathloop still had many players in anticipation due to the studio behind it. Since 2012 with the release of Dishonored, Arkane has risen to become a fan favorite studio, with to its dedication to immersive sim gameplay. Despite titles like Dishonored 2 and Prey releasing to critical and fan acclaim, both unfortunately suffered from poor sales, leaving fans wondering if Arkane would take a more commercial route with their next title. Now that we've finally played Deathloop, does it take a more casual approach, or does it stick to what fans love about Arkane games?




I swear if you guys dont answer the chocolate beer question… 😒

Anthony Palerino

This was the first Arkane game I actually got into and completed. Stealth games really bore me, while Deathloop just let me do whatever I want. Just went as fast as possible and had fun ducking and diving in between cover. Got it on sale and had a blast for 11 hours.

Jack Doheny

I’m in the same boat as matty, I think it’s a decent game it’s just not for me. I finished it and moved on without think about it since honestly

Kenneth Oms

The story to this game is really interesting, but unfortunately you have to be a Lore Hunter to be able to put it all together. I really think that the vague story telling approach can be good, it’s just not done clear enough in this game. it’s unfortunate because people don’t have the kind of time to read through all the notes, and to hope that Colt and Juliana say the right things during each level load-in. For anyone interested in what’s going on and how there can possibly be a sequel, video game sophistry put together a YouTube video explaining it all. It kind of reminds me of how Colin and Chris were the only ones to really put together the story of Control.

James McGivern

In defense of the story, I found two aspects of its delivery refreshing First, the reveal that Julianna is Colts daughter is unceremoniously revealed was great. I had put the pieces together before finding the documents which reveal Colt had a daughter, and I was dreading the idea of another dramatic daddy-daughter reveal. Pleasantly undercut. Second, I think the most satisfying ending is the one where you do NOT break the loop. It ends with a reconciliation between Colt and Julianna and it is darkly funny and a little bit touching, as they decide to treat the loop as a playground. HOWEVER, that ending is spiritually deficient, as it deprives Julianna of a true life experience. So the "mature" ending is to break the loop into an uncertain world. But to do so, Colt must sacrifice his relationship with Julianna, and face the new -- perhaps apocalyptic -- world, an unknown number of years later. It's not clear to me which ending is actually the intended "better" ending. If either is. I like that, and I think it took guts, and confidence in the core game, to try something like that narratively

James McGivern

This is very true, such as the story of Pick Rexley, which is really intriguing but also super obscure. I wish they had incentivized wider exploration a little better, but that's easier said than done. Also, thanks for recommending those Video Game Sophistry videos 👍

Kenneth Oms

Very well put. I also think the story could have been better served by not having the multiplayer elements that way they can focus on adding more cutscenes and fleshing out the characters available. There is too much Lore and Conversations that can be missed because all of the sudden you hear “Coooooooolt” from a Julianna invading. It’s unfortunate because it’s clear that this game ties into other Arkane games and It’s unfortunate that such a cool universe that they’ve built just doesn’t seem to do well. Also, I love the 60s/70s psychedelic Art Pop style world that they’ve built. A Utopia with an orgasm room lol.


The Prey 2/Dishonored 3 wanters have logged on

Phil Walker

Just wanted to say, you did a great job hosting Dustin!

Your Boi Nicky V

Good job boys, you convinced me not to get the game 😂 great listen anyway.

Raymond Stuart

Man, I loved Deathloop. It was so enjoyable to play. Easily one of my top games for this year. Prey was a better immersive sim, absolutely. But after listening to this spoilercast, now I feel like only an idiot would enjoy this game. I’ll go sit in my corner and cry now.


Great Job to Dustin and Matty for the excellent conversation. But I must say, Hoeg stole the show! Please have him on more episodes!

Matt Wiles

Deathloop is a disgusting game. Literally, it has a sickly feel to it. The menus, the music, the visual art style and character heads. Urgh. The gameplay is far too light and bouncy. It’s disgusting. My opinion is that nerds will love it because it’s so detailed and requires serious concentration, like From Software games. Disgusting game.


Shoutout to the bastard son Dustin! He was a great host! 👏🏼

Jeffrey Rommel

Great episode! I love your spoilercasts - the highlight of my week :)

The Eclectic Gamer

The whole pod is a bitch session…this content should have been highlighted in the main show sometime in September, not as a “spoilercast” in November. I have to say the Sacred Symbols+ shows that are led by individuals other than Colin give the impression like the hosts are operating on billable hours… Why on earth are you trying to rush the end of the podcast… An absolute joke for how the actual game discussion is treated on this channel… Hoeg started getting into some of the lore but it didn’t really go anywhere.


Hi just got round to the spoiler cast bit of a downer that no one on wasn’t a big fan but these things happen .my main gripe if your doing a spoilercast can we actually spoil it as some who got into the lore you hardly talked about it, Rick started to and then stopped when I listen to spoilercast usually like to hear a deep dive into the story. You just seemed a bit rushed still love you all you guys.

Raymond Stuart

I was surprised by them having a spoilercast for a game that none of them really loved. And how beloved it is by other reviewers and media seems to make them dig their feet in more.

Captain Bon Clay

What if deathloop 2 is where the anomaly leaks and causes the whole world to leak and colt and Juliana are hunted by a colt who never broke the loop but whose wife was killed by a colt who was trying to break the loop, and so you have to kill him

The Eclectic Gamer

Dustin was saying at the 35 minute mark that we wrapping up soon…they hadn’t talked about the game in any great depth-just about Dishonored and Prey and the value proposition lol.

Jeremy Sagun

I’m glad this game exists. Could it have been better? Sure. Is it better than 95% of the shovel ware out there? You bet. I’ll have another round Arkane.


I agree the whole podcast seemed very rushed what I love about spoilercasts normally is what did the story mean to you a what did you take from it and the narrative what really brushed aside.

The Eclectic Gamer

A good spoilercast recounts the story, beat by beat ,and contains discussion after critical aspects/moments (residuum acquisition, Juliana invasions [though this was highlighted], killing each visionary and the circumstances where each was initially killed , the visions of other coles, the father/daughter reveal, etc etc). They didn’t mention the hilarity of the banter either. The downside of no early access is you get review impressions alongside a spoilercast. Plus, there is a hesistance to talk about the game on SS proper cuz no one plays the games consistently. For example Chris will play a game Thursday morning @ 2am so he has something to talk about during the recording and then not touch a game for a week…rare exceptions to this. Colin even will sink 80% of the games length over a stretch of weekend as well. So rushing does occur, it’s like a deadline mentality even though they claim there isn’t one.

The Eclectic Gamer

Why are there next to no comments on a PlayStation exclusive spoilercast for a PlayStation centric patreon…c’mon people, step your engagement up.

Jack Sibert

Great episode! One of the best spoiler casts IMO

Aaron Barnes

I'm an idiot then because I loved this game and gave it a solid 9/10.

Aaron Barnes

Don't be put off by this spoilercast, go listen to or read some others and get a balanced view. This is all too one sided. I personally loved Deathloop and have it as a 9/10