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In this episode of Defining Duke we are joined by Jeff Grubb to go over the latest in gaming! Before we get into anything, someone should call Tostitos because there are a ton of scoops this week. The biggest headline circling the Xbox camps is what is happening with Crystal Dynamics? Recently, they were brought into the fold to work on Perfect Dark, but now that partnership has expanded to a Game Pass deal for Avengers that seemed long overdue. Excellent timing or something brewing? We scoop! Beyond that, Netflix has joined what is a big time for spending across game companies. Welcoming in Night School Studio to their game development program, we are left asking one question. Is there a particular reason for these studios getting gobbled up? Diving into the nature of the industry plus the economy is required! That plus behind-the-scenes on scoops, why Matty likes Quantum Break, and much more decorate a very fun episode Defining Duke.

Follow Jeff Grub on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeffGrubb


0:00:00 - Intro

0:05:04 - Do we expect any big announcements out of TGS?

0:10:32 - Will Microsoft do any more work with Backwards Compatibility?

0:15:54 - Should Microsoft start a new studio to work on family friendly titles?

0:22:45 - How do insider scoops work?

0:32:22 - What do we think about Halo: Infinite’s multiplayer?

0:41:30 - Marvel’s Avengers is coming to Game Pass.

1:00:01 - Netflix has acquired Night School Studio.

1:09:54 - Game Pass may have reached 30 million subscribers.

1:21:39 - DICE has revealed the dates for the Battlefield 2042 open beta.

1:25:23 - New World is out and taking the charts by storm.

1:31:39 - Dolby Vision is now available on the Xbox Series consoles.

1:38:38 - Games with Gold is getting some decent games for a change.

1:39:54 - Playground Games is continuing to hire new talent.

1:40:31 - Game Pass pick of the week.
1:45:10 - Why did Xbox let Remedy go?

1:51:00 - Should we insist that new games and sequels reinvent the wheel?

2:01:45 - Is Sea of Thieves as important to Xbox as Halo or Gears?

2:08:13 - Matty is WRONG about trophies.

2:13:33 - How will Sony handle being out of the conversation for a bit?



Brian Comstock

Not a fan of grubb. Disappointing to see him on a last stand media product

Tyler Floyd

Shocked to see this after how Grub and Colin feel about each other. Jeff was liking tweets about how I should be ashamed of my dead police officer father because he was a cop and no doubt corrupt and a piece of shit, so I won’t be listening. Looking forward to next week though! Keep up the good work guys.


Thanks for reading my question today I can die happy. I also appreciated Jeff’s response. It was a good response

Russell Garrett

Big respect to you, Matty and Cog. Love you guys. But I’m sitting this one out. I don’t care for Grubb. Nothing to do with listening to people I dislike, I can handle that. I just don’t think LSM’s large platform should be used to provide a platform to someone as toxic as Grubb is on social media. Again, nothing but respect to you both. And respect to Colin for “allowing it”. Love. X

Julian Zhu

Really not a fan of Grubb. I'm definitely a more leftish leaning person myself, but Grubb is someone who has engaged in the radicalism and sensationalism in present games media. Look no further than his track record with Colin. I'm all for a different perspectives and coming together for conversations, however that is something Jeff and a lot of his peers never do. I will be listening to support you guys and I applaud you doing what you want, just personally dislike his track record.

Christian Longo

It is what it is, I shall be giving this a listen

Alan Ortega-Lopez

I personally didn't know about the beef with grub until the Twitter events a couple days ago but I'm surprised this still happened. I would love to see a SS+ with Colin and Jeff to squash the beef.

Brandon Soto

Not listening if Grubb is on here. He can honestly kick rocks.


Really interesting episode, thanks guys. Really liked Jeff as a guest, hope he returns.

Andy T

Hey guys- love your work, but I won’t be listening to this one, for no other reason than I just can’t support Jeff’s shitty behavior- I’ve never not listened to something or someone I’ve not liked because of politics. This has nothing to do with that. It has everything to do with Jeff treating people poorly and then being rewarded for it. Peace.

Matt Matlock

I get that the community generally doesn’t like Jeff Grubb. Colin doesn’t like him either, for good reason. But this is Matty and Cog’s show, and he’s their friend. He also did an incredibly good job on the show, and that’s all that matters to me. So good job to all involved for being professional.

Nick Brandau

Broadly agree, I enjoyed the show but imagine it's a bit of a relationship balancing act. Ultimately I came away with more respect for Cog and Matty for creating the show they want to, for Colin for respecting their autonomy and trusting their talent, and in general for the relationships inside LSM being strong enough to foster awkward but interesting opportunities and content.


Not a huge Grubb fan as I imagine lots of people on the patreon are but it was a good episode and he clearly knows his stuff

Will Hahn

It’s cool that you guys have Jeff Grub on here, but I think I’m gonna sit this one out. Not a fan of his attitude towards people on social media, especially with what went on with him going after David Jaffe. Just doesn’t really sit right with me. That being said, you guys have the right to have whoever you want on your show, so I respect that!

Piston Pants

It's ironic hearing all the people saying Grubb shouldn't be on the show or that LSM shouldn't platform someone like him. You sound oddly similar to the people you claim to hate that say and do the same. Funny how that typically works out that way.

Brian Comstock

I disagree, I see many people saying they don’t care for him. But are willing to hear him out. Sounds a lot different on the other side


Grubb’s a prick, but good episode boys.

Marc Cairney

If this thread was a .GIF it would be the one from community with the fire and the pizzas and a shocked Donald Glover.

George Hall

This was a fantastic episode, shocked to see so many comments made in bad taste when the LSM I know is supposed to be welcoming. Put politics aside for what we love, games, or we’re just as bad as those who exclude.

Lord Cognito

Thank you. Overall we respect all opinions here on DD even when they disagree with guest choice. Based on the history between Colin/Jeff we are very thankful this episode still took place. 1) For Colin practicing what he preaches regarding hearing different perspectives on his LSM platform, plus allowing Matty& I to run our show as we choose. 2) For Jeff to still be willing to come on DD despite everything that took place on Twitter recently & having some ownership of his role w/Colin in the past. Things may never be perfect but we know Gaming is the common bond here. -Cog


Loved the show this week it’s so great to hear three different opinions you all killed it . keep up the amazing work .


Great episode fellas!


Respect! Keep having whoever you guys fucking want on the show it's the LSM way ✊

Anton Kaye

Great episode and Grubb even brings up the issue at the end and harbors no ill will toward Colin. I think this is what LSM is all about and boycotting is self inflicting damage in this case. How do this affect Grubb in any way. I want more ppl on the shows, from Schrier, to any one who's willing to come on and voice their opinion. This community shouldn't be about silencing anyone in the games media.

Matt Matlock

I finally finished the episode… I’ve actually never heard Grubb speak before and he was an oddly great third chair. I know it’s not going to be a thing, but the three of them legit had amazing chemistry together.


Never become what you hate, and never assume malevolence where ignorance will suffice (as may be the case with Grubb). Anyone willing to have a free and open discussion should be welcome, and We should always support that.

Jeremy Craves

I get why people wouldn’t like Grubb. A lot of criticism towards games media is a result of it being such an echo chamber. I don’t get people acting like that saying “Not going to listen!”. Grubbs willingness to come on a LSM podcast was a welcome surprise.

Douglas Morreale

Allow me to join the chorus- Not a Jeff Grubb fan. That said, him being a guest on Defining Duke (a product of LSM) is a small step in the right direction in terms of people reaching "across the aisle" in terms of games coverage and all the dumb drama around it.


Change starts with communication. I'm really happy to see all sorts of different guests on LSM. Hope it continues always.

The Eclectic Gamer

And to follow up with the reader who said does Sony need a quality FPS well in some respects yes by not for the multiplier side of things… You can certainly be hyped and excited and look forward to playing halo multiplayer or whatever other MP de jour there is but it’s like—give me a 10 out of 10 halo infinite campaign or GTFO. Stop with the multiplayer news unless we talking about coop campaigns or things of that nature. People who spend a majority of their time playing those titles are just wasting their time… so if you’re just playing games to socialize and shoot the shit with friends I can understand it on some level but you’re missing out on the best of what gaming has to offer. I just don’t get the fascination with just going on a map and just shooting people as many times and keeping yourself from being shot and then just repeating that ad infinitum For full disclosure if anyone consults my top 20 games post in the community thread I have dabbled in multiplayer for Mario golf but the single player or local co-op stuff far out strips me just cueing up matches and playing over again though I will say to my credit and the prospect in general that sports games you could interpret them in a slightly different way because what really is a Sports game you play matches following the same general rule in the same general surface trying to win in a very similar way so not gonna say fully that Mario sports games are exempt from my original critique but I think they’re less egregious than someone loading up halo multiplayer or Warzone nine out of 10 times they go to play a video game.

Zack Fair

Sorry guys but I won't be listening to this one, when you have Grubb on who slates someone..ie meaning jaffe on twitter then blocks him before he can respond that isn't someone I wanna be listening to


Appreciate Grubb coming on the show, and I think it made for an interesting episode! Great podcast as always 🙂


Good job, full show complete 👏🏼