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Old Flames Die Hard | Defining Duke Ultimate Episode 34

Bungie and musical composer Marty O'Donnell go way back to the original Halo which debuted some of the most iconic music in video games to this day. Since the start of Bungie's newest and insanely successful IP Destiny, the relationship has gone sour. One so sour that it entered the courtroom in what has become a quiet, multi-year battle going back and forth between the two. With that, we tap legal expert Hoeg Law on the shoulder to give us an important angle on all that has transpired between the two.


Frank G.

Say whaaaaaat Rick Hoeg on the DUKES! Talking destiny 2 let's fucking go! LSM is becoming the Swiss army knife of quality. In my humble ass opinion ofcourse.

Julian Zhu

Great topic and show, with high quality insight from Rick. I have founded 2 startups with friends, 4 in the first and 3 in the second. Only 1 of those relationships has survived unscathed across both (my primary business partner). Rick's (not legal) advice is 100% true. Never let your guard down and always protect your rights no matter how safe you feel in a venture. Anything, like a new vertical, investor, or even a difference in opinion on culture, can change everything overnight. Things are cutthroat. Anyone who you go into business with who is against you exercising and protecting your rights, you probably shouldn't go into business with them to begin with because you are at a high risk of being fucked over. I'm 100% sure Colin can expertly speak on this topic as well given his past.

Jeff Pollard

What a great episode!! Matty and Cog are doing such an awesome job with these shows! Also, a HUGE shoutout to Rick Hoeg!! He may not be permanent, but I think he's definitely a valued member of the LSM family!!

Slobber Demon

Rickhard out here with the fax like usual 🔥


More Hoag and Defining Duke Please 🔥👌🏽